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indeed! There was but one thing to do; and I did it; and burned my
last cartridge in the doing of it。 I stunned him。 And it gave us
three hours; by which we should make haste to profit; for if there
is one thing sure; it is that he will be up to time again to…morrow
in the morning。'
'Well;' said I; 'I own myself an idiot。 Well do they say; AN OLD
SOLDIER; AN OLD INNOCENT! For I guessed nothing of all this。'
'And; guessing it; have you the same objections to leave England?'
he inquired。
'The same;' said I。
'It is indispensable;' he objected。
'And it cannot be;' I replied。 'Reason has nothing to say in the
matter; and I must not let you squander any of yours。 It will be
enough to tell you this is an affair of the heart。'
'Is it even so?' quoth Romaine; nodding his head。 'And I might
have been sure of it。 Place them in a hospital; put them in a jail
in yellow overalls; do what you will; young Jessamy finds young
Jenny。 O; have it your own way; I am too old a hand to argue with
young gentlemen who choose to fancy themselves in love; I have too
much experience; thank you。 Only; be sure that you appreciate what
you risk: the prison; the dock; the gallows; and the halter …
terribly vulgar circumstances; my young friend; grim; sordid;
earnest; no poetry in that!'
'And there I am warned;' I returned gaily。 'No man could be warned
more finely or with a greater eloquence。 And I am of the same
opinion still。 Until I have again seen that lady; nothing shall
induce me to quit Great Britain。 I have besides … '
And here I came to a full stop。 It was upon my tongue to have told
him the story of the drovers; but at the first word of it my voice
died in my throat。 There might be a limit to the lawyer's
toleration; I reflected。 I had not been so long in Britain
altogether; for the most part of that time I had been by the heels
in limbo in Edinburgh Castle; and already I had confessed to
killing one man with a pair of scissors; and now I was to go on and
plead guilty to having settled another with a holly stick! A wave
of discretion went over me as cold and as deep as the sea。
'In short; sir; this is a matter of feeling;' I concluded; 'and
nothing will prevent my going to Edinburgh。'
If I had fired a pistol in his ear he could not have been more
'To Edinburgh?' he repeated。 'Edinburgh? where the very paving…
stones know you!'
'Then is the murder out!' said I。 'But; Mr。 Romaine; is there not
sometimes safety in boldness? Is it not a common…place of strategy
to get where the enemy least expects you? And where would he
expect me less?'
'Faith; there is something in that; too!' cried the lawyer。 'Ay;
certainly; a great deal in that。 All the witnesses drowned but
one; and he safe in prison; you yourself changed beyond recognition
… let us hope … and walking the streets of the very town you have
illustrated by your … well; your eccentricity! It is not badly
combined; indeed!'
'You approve it; then?' said I。
'O; approve!' said he; 'there is no question of approval。 There is
only one course which I could approve; and that were to escape to
France instanter。'
'You do not wholly disapprove; at least?' I substituted。
'Not wholly; and it would not matter if I did;' he replied。 'Go
your own way; you are beyond argument。 And I am not sure that you
will run more danger by that course than by any other。 Give the
servants time to get to bed and fall asleep; then take a country
cross…road and walk; as the rhyme has it; like blazes all night。
In the morning take a chaise or take the mail at pleasure; and
continue your journey with all the decorum and reserve of which you
shall be found capable。'
'I am taking the picture in;' I said。 'Give me time。 'Tis the
TOUT ENSEMBLE I must see: the whole as opposed to the details。'
'Mountebank!' he murmured。
'Yes; I have it now; and I see myself with a servant; and that
servant is Rowley;' said I。
'So as to have one more link with your uncle?' suggested the
lawyer。 'Very judicious!'
'And; pardon me; but that is what it is;' I exclaimed。 'Judicious
is the word。 I am not making a deception fit to last for thirty
years; I do not found a palace in the living granite for the night。
This is a shelter tent … a flying picture … seen; admired; and gone
again in the wink of an eye。 What is wanted; in short; is a
TROMPE…L'OEIL that shall be good enough for twelve hours at an inn:
is it not so?'
'It is; and the objection holds。 Rowley is but another danger;'
said Romaine。
'Rowley;' said I; 'will pass as a servant from a distance … as a
creature seen poised on the dicky of a bowling chaise。 He will
pass at hand as a smart; civil fellow one meets in the inn
corridor; and looks back at; and asks; and is told; 〃Gentleman's
servant in Number 4。〃 He will pass; in fact; all round; except
with his personal friends! My dear sir; pray what do you expect?
Of course if we meet my cousin; or if we meet anybody who took part
in the judicious exhibition of this evening; we are lost; and who's
denying it? To every disguise; however good and safe; there is
always the weak point; you must always take (let us say … and to
take a simile from your own waistcoat pocket) a snuff box…full of
risk。 You'll get it just as small with Rowley as with anybody
else。 And the long and short of it is; the lad's honest; he likes
me; I trust him; he is my servant; or nobody。'
'He might not accept;' said Romaine。
'I bet you a thousand pounds he does!' cried I。 'But no matter;
all you have to do is to send him out to…night on this cross…
country business; and leave the thing to me。 I tell you; he will
be my servant; and I tell you; he will do well。'
I had crossed the room; and was already overhauling my wardrobe as
I spoke。
'Well;' concluded the lawyer; with a shrug; 'one risk with another:
A GUERRE COMME A LA GUERRE; as you would say。 Let the brat come
and be useful; at least。' And he was about to ring the bell; when
his eye was caught by my researches in the wardrobe。 'Do not fall
in love with these coats; waistcoats; cravats; and other panoply
and accoutrements by which you are now surrounded。 You must not
run the post as a dandy。 It is not the fashion; even。'
'You are pleased to be facetious; sir;' said I; 'and not according
to knowledge。 These clothes are my life; they are my disguise; and
since I can take but few of them; I were a fool indeed if I
selected hastily! Will you understand; once and for all; what I am
seeking? To be invisible; is the first point; the second; to be
invisible in a post…chaise and with a servant。 Can you not
perceive the delicacy of the quest? Nothing must be too coarse;
nothing too fine; RIEN DE VOYANT; RIEN QUI DELONNE; so that I may