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st. ives-第48章

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and with singularly unpleasant details; the presence of the man 

Clausel; who (according to your account of it) is actuated by 

sentiments of real malignity; and prepared to swear black white; 

all the other witnesses scattered and perhaps drowned at sea; the 

natural prejudice against a Frenchman and a runaway prisoner: this 

makes a serious total for your lawyer to consider; and is by no 

means lessened by the incurable folly and levity of your own 


'I beg your pardon!' said I。

'Oh; my expressions have been selected with scrupulous accuracy;' 

he replied。  'How did I find you; sir; when I came to announce this 

catastrophe?  You were sitting on the hearthrug playing; like a 

silly baby; with a servant; were you not; and the floor all 

scattered with gold and bank paper?  There was a tableau for you!  

It was I who came; and you were lucky in that。  It might have been 

any one … your cousin as well as another。'

'You have me there; sir;' I admitted。  'I had neglected all 

precautions; and you do right to be angry。  APROPOS; Mr。 Romaine; 

how did you come yourself; and how long have you been in the 

house?' I added; surprised; on the retrospect; not to have heard 

him arrive。

'I drove up in a chaise and pair;' he returned。  'Any one might 

have heard me。  But you were not listening; I suppose? being so 

extremely at your ease in the very house of your enemy; and under a 

capital charge!  And I have been long enough here to do your 

business for you。  Ah; yes; I did it; God forgive me! … did it 

before I so much as asked you the explanation of the paragraph。  

For some time back the will has been prepared; now it is signed; 

and your uncle has heard nothing of your recent piece of activity。  

Why?  Well; I had no fancy to bother him on his death…bed: you 

might be innocent; and at bottom I preferred the murderer to the 


No doubt of it but the man played a friendly part; no doubt also 

that; in his ill…temper and anxiety; he expressed himself 


'You will perhaps find me over delicate;' said I。  'There is a word 

you employed … '

'I employ the words of my brief; sir;' he cried; striking with his 

hand on the newspaper。  'It is there in six letters。  And do not be 

so certain … you have not stood your trial yet。  It is an ugly 

affair; a fishy business。  It is highly disagreeable。  I would give 

my hand off … I mean I would give a hundred pound down; to have 

nothing to do with it。  And; situated as we are; we must at once 

take action。  There is here no choice。  You must at once quit this 

country; and get to France; or Holland; or; indeed; to Madagascar。'

'There may be two words to that;' said I。

'Not so much as one syllable!' he retorted。  'Here is no room for 

argument。  The case is nakedly plain。  In the disgusting position 

in which you have found means to place yourself; all that is to be 

hoped for is delay。  A time may come when we shall be able to do 

better。  It cannot be now: now it would be the gibbet。'

'You labour under a false impression; Mr。 Romaine;' said I。  'I 

have no impatience to figure in the dock。  I am even as anxious as 

yourself to postpone my first appearance there。  On the other hand; 

I have not the slightest intention of leaving this country; where I 

please myself extremely。  I have a good address; a ready tongue; an 

English accent that passes; and; thanks to the generosity of my 

uncle; as much money as I want。  It would be hard indeed if; with 

all these advantages; Mr。 St。 Ives should not be able to live 

quietly in a private lodging; while the authorities amuse 

themselves by looking for Champdivers。  You forget; there is no 

connection between these two personages。'

'And you forget your cousin;' retorted Romaine。  'There is the 

link。  There is the tongue of the buckle。  He knows you are 

Champdivers。'  He put up his hand as if to listen。  'And; for a 

wager; here he is himself!' he exclaimed。

As when a tailor takes a piece of goods upon his counter; and rends 

it across; there came to our ears from the avenue the long tearing 

sound of a chaise and four approaching at the top speed of the 

horses。  And; looking out between the curtains; we beheld the lamps 

skimming on the smooth ascent。

'Ay;' said Romaine; wiping the window…pane that he might see more 

clearly。  'Ay; that is he by the driving!  So he squanders money 

along the king's highway; the triple idiot! gorging every man he 

meets with gold for the pleasure of arriving … where?  Ah; yes; 

where but a debtor's jail; if not a criminal prison!'

'Is he that kind of a man?' I said; staring on these lamps as 

though I could decipher in them the secret of my cousin's 


'You will find him a dangerous kind;' answered the lawyer。  'For 

you; these are the lights on a lee shore!  I find I fall in a muse 

when I consider of him; what a formidable being he once was; and 

what a personable! and how near he draws to the moment that must 

break him utterly! we none of us like him here; we hate him; 

rather; and yet I have a sense … I don't think at my time of life 

it can be pity … but a reluctance rather; to break anything so big 

and figurative; as though he were a big porcelain pot or a big 

picture of high price。  Ay; there is what I was waiting for!' he 

cried; as the lights of a second chaise swam in sight。  'It is he 

beyond a doubt。  The first was the signature and the next the 

flourish。  Two chaises; the second following with the baggage; 

which is always copious and ponderous; and one of his valets: he 

cannot go a step without a valet。'

'I hear you repeat the word big;' said I。  'But it cannot be that 

he is anything out of the way in stature。'

'No;' said the attorney。  'About your height; as I guessed for the 

tailors; and I see nothing wrong with the result。  But; somehow; he 

commands an atmosphere; he has a spacious manner; and he has kept 

up; all through life; such a volume of racket about his 

personality; with his chaises and his racers and his dicings; and I 

know not what … that somehow he imposes!  It seems; when the farce 

is done; and he locked in Fleet prison … and nobody left but 

Buonaparte and Lord Wellington and the Hetman Platoff to make a 

work about … the world will be in a comparison quite tranquil。  But 

this is beside the mark;' he added; with an effort; turning again 

from the window。  'We are now under fire; Mr。 Anne; as you soldiers 

would say; and it is high time we should prepare to go into action。  

He must not see you; that would be fatal。  All that he knows at 

present is that you resemble him; and that is much more than 

enough。  If it were possible; it would be well he should not know 

you were in the house。'

'Quite impossible; depend upon it;' said I。  'Some of the servants 

are directly in his interests; perhaps in his pay: Dawson; for an 


'My o
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