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a sappho of green springs-第43章

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continuously。  It would seem that Rushbrook's habit of 〃camping

out〃 in different parts of his mansion obtained here as at Los

Osos; and with the exception of a small closet which contained his

Spartan bed; the rooms were used separately or in suites; as

occasion or his friends required。  It is recorded that an Eastern

guest; newly arrived with letters to Rushbrook; after a tedious

journey; expressed himself pleased with this same blue room; in

which he had sumptuously dined with his host; and subsequently fell

asleep in his chair。  Without disturbing his guest; Rushbrook had

the table removed; a bed; washstand; and bureau brought in; the

sleeping man delicately laid upon the former; and left to awaken to

an Arabian night's realization of his wish。


James had barely disposed of his master and Mr。 Leyton; and left

them to the ministrations of two of his underlings; before he was

confronted with one of those difficult problems that it was part of

his functions to solve。  The porter informed him that a young lady

had just driven up in a carriage ostensibly to see Mr。 Rushbrook;

and James; descending to the outer vestibule; found himself face to

face with Miss Grace Nevil。  Happily; that young lady; with her

usual tact; spared him some embarrassment。

〃Oh! James;〃 she said sweetly; 〃do you think that I could see Mr。

Rushbrook for a few moments IF I WAITED FOR THE OPPORTUNITY?  You

understand; I don't wish to disturb him or his company by being

regularly announced。〃

The young girl's practical intelligence appeared to increase the

usual respect which James had always shown her。  〃I understand;

miss。〃  He thought for a moment; and said: 〃Would you mind; then;

following me where you could wait quietly and alone?〃  As she

quickly assented; he preceded her up the staircase; past the study

and drawing…room; which he did not enter; and stopped before a

small door at the end of the passage。  Then; handing her a key

which he took from his pocket; he said: 〃This is the only room in

the house that is strictly reserved for Mr。 Rushbrook; and even he

rarely uses it。  You can wait here without anybody knowing it until

I can communicate with him and bring you to his study unobserved。

And;〃 he hesitated; 〃if you wouldn't mind locking the door when you

are in; miss; you would be more secure; and I will knock when I

come for you。〃

Grace Nevil smiled at the man's prudence; and entered the room。

But to her great surprise; she had scarcely shut the door when she

was instantly struck with a singular memory which the apartment

recalled。  It was exactly like the room she had altered in

Rushbrook's villa at Los Osos!  More than that; on close

examination it proved to be the very same furniture; arranged as

she remembered to have arranged it; even to the flowers and

grasses; now; alas! faded and withered on the walls。  There could

be no mistake。  There was the open ebony escritoire with the satin

blotter open; and its leaves still bearing the marks of her own

handwriting。  So complete to her mind was the idea of her own

tenancy in this bachelor's mansion; that she looked around with a

half indignant alarm for the photograph or portrait of herself that

might further indicate it。  But there was no other exposition。  The

only thing that had been added was a gilt legend on the satin case

of the blotter;〃Los Osos; August 20; 186…;〃 the day she had

occupied the room。

She was pleased; astonished; but more than all; disturbed。  The

only man who might claim a right to this figurative possession

of her tastes and habits was the one whom she had quietly;

reflectively; and understandingly half accepted as her lover; and

on whose account she had come to consult Rushbrook。  But Somers was

not a sentimentalist; in fact; as a young girl; forced by her

independent position to somewhat critically scrutinize masculine

weaknesses; this had always been a point in his favor; yet even if

he had joined with his friend Rushbrook to perpetuate the memory of

their first acquaintanceship; his taste merely would not have

selected a chambre de garcon in Mr。 Rushbrook's home for its

exhibition。  Her conception of the opposite characters of the two

men was singularly distinct and real; and this momentary confusion

of them was disagreeable to her woman's sense。  But at this moment

James came to release her and conduct her to Rushbrook's study;

where he would join her at once。  Everything had been arranged as

she had wished。

Even a more practical man than Rushbrook might have lingered over

the picture of the tall; graceful figure of Miss Nevil; quietly

enthroned in a large armchair by the fire; her scarlet; satin…lined

cloak thrown over its back; and her chin resting on her hand。  But

the millionaire walked directly towards her with his usual

frankness of conscious but restrained power; and she felt; as she

always did; perfectly at her ease in his presence。  Even as she

took his outstretched hand; its straightforward grasp seemed to

endow her with its own confidence。

〃You'll excuse my coming here so abruptly;〃 she smiled; 〃but I

wanted to get before Mr。 Leyton; who; I believe; wishes to see you

on the same business as myself。〃

〃He is here already; and dining with me;〃 said Rushbrook。

〃Ah! does he know I am here?〃 asked the girl; quietly。

〃No; as he said you had thought of coming with him and didn't; I

presumed you didn't care to have him know you had come alone。〃

〃Not exactly that; Mr。 Rushbrook;〃 she said; fixing her beautiful

eyes on him in bright and trustful confidence; 〃but I happen to

have a fuller knowledge of this business than he has; and yet; as

it is not altogether my own secret; I was not permitted to divulge

it to him。  Nor would I tell it to you; only I cannot bear that you

should think that I had anything to do with this wretched

inquisition into Mr。 Somers's prospects。  Knowing as well as you do

how perfectly independent I am; you would think it strange;

wouldn't you?  But you would think it still more surprising when

you found out that I and my uncle already know how liberally and

generously you had provided for Mr。 Somers in the future。〃

〃How I had provided for Mr。 Somers in the future?〃 repeated Mr。

Rushbrook; looking at the fire; 〃eh?〃

〃Yes;〃 said the young girl; indifferently; 〃how you were to put him

in to succeed you in the Water Front Trust; and all that。  He told

it to me and my uncle at the outset of our acquaintance;

confidentially; of course; and I dare say with an honorable

delicacy that was like him; butI suppose now you will think me

foolishall the while I'd rather he had not。〃

〃You'd rather he had not;〃 repeated Mr。 Rushbrook; slowly。

〃Yes;〃 continued Grace; leaning forward with her rounded elbows on

her knees; and her slim; arched feet on the fender。  〃Now you are

going to laugh at me; Mr。 Rushbrook; but all this seemed to me to

spoil any spontaneous f
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