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the commonwealth of oceana-第86章

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        Sum total                        ?;514;400

    Arms and ammunition are not reckoned; as those which are furnished out of the store or arsenal of Emporium: nor wastage; as that which goes upon the account of the fleet; maintained by the customs; which customs; through the care of the Council for Trade and growth of traffic; were long since improved to about ?;000;000 revenue。 The house being thus informed of a state of war; the commissioners brought in 


Received from the one…and…twentieth of the commonwealth:

    By ?00;000 a year in bank; with the product of the sum         rising。。。。。。。。。。。。。。                           ?6;000;000

Expended from the one…and…twentieth of this commonwealth:

 Imprimis; for the addition of arms for 100;000 men to     the arsenal; or tower of Emporium。。。。。。。。。          ?;000;000  For the storing of the same with artillery。。。             300;000  For the storing of the same with ammunition。。。            200;000  For beautifying the cities; parks; gardens; public walks;     and places for recreation of Emporium and Hiera; with     public buildings; aqueducts; statues;     and fountains; etc。。。。。。                             1;500;000  Extraordinary embassies。。。                                150;000

    Sum。。。。。。。。                                         ?;150;000

 Remaining in the Treasury; the salaries of the     Exchequer being defalked。。。。。。。                    ?2;000;000

    By comparison of which accounts if a war with an army of 80;000 men were to be made by the penny; yet was the commonwealth able to maintain such a one above three years without levying a tax。 But it is against all experience; sense; and reason that such an army should not be soon broken; or make a great progress; in either of which cases; the charge ceases; or rather if a right course be taken in the latter; profit comes in: for the Romans had no other considerable way but victory whereby to fill their treasury; which nevertheless was seldom empty。 Alexander did not consult his purse upon his design for Persia: it is observed by Machiavel; that Livy; arguing what the event in reason must have been had that King invaded Rome; and diligently measuring what on each side was necessary to such a war; never speaks a word of money。 No man imagines that the Gauls; Goths; Vandals; Huns; Lombards; Saxons; Normans; made their inroads or conquests by the strength of the purse; and if it be thought enough; according to the dialect of our age; to say in answer to these things that those times are past and gone: what money did the late Gustavus; the most victorious of modern princes; bring out of Sweden with him into Germany? An army that goes upon a golden leg will be as lame as if it were a wooden one; but proper forces have nerves and muscles in them; such for which; having ?;000;000 or ?;000;000; a sum easy enough; with a revenue like this of Oceana; to be had at any time in readiness; you need never; or very rarely; charge the people with taxes。 What influence the commonwealth by such arms has had upon the world; I leave to historians; whose custom it has been of old to be as diligent observers of foreign actions as careless of those domestic revolutions which (less pleasant it may be; as not partaking so much of the romance) are to statesmen of far greater profit; and this fault; if it be not mine; is so much more frequent with modern writers; as has caused me to undertake this work; on which to give my own judgment; it is performed as much above the time I have been about it; as below the dignity of the matter。     But I cannot depart out of this country till I have taken leave of my Lord Archon; a prince of immense felicity who having built as high with his counsels as he digged deep with his sword; had now seen fifty years measured with his own unerring orbs。     Timoleon (such a hater of tyrants that; not able to persuade his brother Timophanes to relinquish the tyranny of Corinth; he slew him) was afterward elected by the people (the Sicilians groaning to them from under the like burden) to be sent to their relief: whereupon Teleclides; the man at that time of most authority in the Commonwealth of Corinth; stood up; and giving an exhortation to Timoleon; how he should behave himself in this expedition; told him that if he restored the Sicilians to liberty; it would be acknowledged that he destroyed a tyrant; if otherwise; he must expect to hear he had murdered a king。 Timoleon; taking his leave with a very small provision for so great a design; pursued it with a courage not inferior to; and a felicity beyond; any that had been known to that day in mortal flesh; having in the space of eight years utterly rooted out of all Sicily those weeds of tyranny; through the detestation whereof men fled in such abundance from their native country that whole cities were left desolate; and brought it to such a pass that others; through the fame of his virtues and the excellency of the soil; flocked as fast from all quarters to it as to the garden of the world: while he; being presented by the people of Syracuse with his town…house and his country retreat; the sweetest places in either; lived with his wife and children a most quiet; happy; and holy life; for he attributed no part of his success to himself; but all to the blessing and providence of the gods。 As he passed his time in this manner; admired and honored by mankind; Laphistius; an envious demagogue; going to summon him upon some pretence or other to answer for himself before the assembly; the people fell into such a mutiny as could not be appeased but by Timoleon; who; understanding the matter; reproved them; by repeating the pains and travel which he had gone through; to no other end than that every man might have the free use of the laws。 Wherefore when Daemenetus; another demagogue; had brought the same design about again; and blamed him impertinently to the people for things which he did when he was general; Timoleon answered nothing; but raising up his hands; gave the gods thanks for their return to his frequent prayers; that he might but live to see the Syracusans so free; that they could question whom they pleased。     Not long after; being old; through some natural imperfection; he fell blind; but the Syracusans by their perpetual visits held him; though he could not see; their greatest object: if there arrived strangers; they brought him to see this sight。 Whatever came in debate at the assembly; if it were of small consequence; they determined it themselves; but if of importance; they always sent for Timoleon; who; being brought by his servants in a chair; and set in the middle of the theatre; there ever followed a great shout; after which some time was allowed for the benedictions of the people; and then the matter proposed; when Timoleon had spoken to it; was put to the suffrage; which given; his servants

bore him back in his chair; accompanied by the people clapping their hands; and making all expressions of joy and applause; till; leaving him at his house; they returned to the despatch of their business。 And this was the life of Timoleon; ti
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