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themselves at the rendezvous of Oceana to the strategus; it is in his power to take on such and so many of them as shall be agreed by the polemarchs; and to send back an equal number of the stratiots。 〃And for the better managing of the proper forces of this nation; the lord strategus; by appointment of the Council of War; and out of such levies as they shall have made in either or both of the provinces to that end; shall receive auxiliaries by sea or elsewhere at some certain place; not exceeding his proper arms in number。 〃And whosoever shall refuse any one of his three essays; except upon cause shown; he be dispensed withal by the phylarch; or; if the phylarch be not assembled; by the censors of his tribe; shall be deemed a helot or public servant; shall pay a fifth part of his yearly revenue; besides all other taxes; to the commonwealth for his protection; and be incapable of bearing any magistracy except such as is proper to the law。 Nevertheless if a man has but two sons; the lord lieutenant shall not suffer above one of them to come to the Urn at one election of the second essay; and though he has above two sons; there shall not come above half the brothers at one election; and if a man has but one son; he shall not come to the urn at all without the consent of his parents; or his guardians; nor shall it be any reproach to him or impediment to his bearing of magistracy〃 This order; with relation to foreign expeditions; will be proved and explained together with The twenty…seventh order; 〃Providing; in case of invasion apprehended; that the lords high sheriffs of the tribes; upon commands received from the Parliament or the Dictator; distribute the bands of the elders into divisions; after the nature of the essays of the youth; and that the second division or essay of the elders; being made and consisting of 30;000 foot and 10;000 horse; be ready to march with the second essay of the youth; and be brought also by the conductors to the strategus。 〃The second essay of the elders and youth being marched out of their tribes; the lords high sheriffs and lieutenants shall have the remaining part of the annual bands both of elders and youth in readiness; which; if the beacons be fired; shall march to the rendezvous to be in that case appointed by the Parliament or the Dictator: And the beacons being fired; the curiata comitia; or parochial congregations; shall elect a fourth both of elders and youth to be immediately upon the guard of the tribes; and dividing themselves as aforesaid; to march also in their divisions according to orders; which method in case of extremity shall proceed to the election of a third; or the levy of a second; or of the last man in the nation; by the power of the lords high sheriffs; to the end that the commonwealth in her utmost pressure may show her trust that God in his justice will remember mercy; by humbling herself; and yet preserving her courage; discipline; and constancy; even to the last drop of her blood and the utmost farthing。 〃The services performed by the youth; or by the elders; in case of invasion; and according to this order; shall be at their proper cost and charges that are any ways able to endure it; but if there be such as are known in their parishes to be so indigent that they cannot march out of their tribes; nor undergo the burden in this case incumbent; then the congregations of their parishes shall furnish them with sufficient sums of money to be repaid upon the certificate of the same by the Parliament when the action shall be over。 And of that which is respectively enjoined by this order; any tribe; parish; magistrate; or person that shall fail; is to answer for it; at the Council of War; as a deserter of his country。〃
The Archon; being the greatest captain of his own; if not of any age; added much to the glory of this commonwealth; by interweaving the militia with more art and lustre than any legislator from or before the time of Servius Tullius; who constituted the Roman militia。 But as the bones or skeleton of a man; though the greatest part of his beauty be contained in their proportion or symmetry; yet shown without flesh are a spectacle that is rather horrid than entertaining; so without discourses are the orders of a commonwealth; which; if she goes forth in that manner; may complain of her friends that they stand mute and staring upon her。 Wherefore this order was thus fleshed by the Lord Archon:
〃MY LORDS: 〃Diogenes seeing a young fellow drunk; told him that his father was drunk when he begot him。 For this; in natural generation; I must confess I see no reason; but in the political it is right。 The vices of the people are from their governors; those of their governors from their laws or orders; and those of their laws or orders from their legislators。 Whatever was in the womb imperfect; as to her proper work; comes very rarely or never at all to perfection afterward; and the formation of a citizen in the womb of the commonwealth is his education。 〃Education by the first of the foregoing orders is of six kinds: at the school; in the mechanics; at the universities; at the inns of court or chancery; in travels; and in military discipline; some of which I shall but touch; and some I shall handle more at large。 〃That which is proposed for the erecting and endowing of schools throughout the tribes; capable of all the children of the same; and able to give to the poor the education of theirs gratis; is only matter of direction in case of very great charity; as easing the needy of the charge of their children from the ninth to the fifteenth year of their age; during which time their work cannot be profitable; and restoring them when they may be of use; furnished with tools whereof there are advantages to be made in every work; seeing he that can read and use his pen has some convenience by it in the meanest vocation。 And it cannot be conceived but that which comes; though in small parcels; to the advantage of every man in his vocation; must amount to the advantage of every vocation; and so to that of the whole commonwealth。 Wherefore this is commended to the charity of every wise…hearted and well…minded man; to be done in time; and as God shall stir him up or enable him; there being such provision already in the case as may give us leave to proceed without obstruction。 〃Parents; under animadversion of the censors; are to dispose of their children at the fifteenth year of their age to something; but what; is left; according to their abilities or inclination; at their own choice。 This; with the multitude; must be to the mechanics; that is to say to agriculture or husbandry; to manufactures; or to merchandise。 〃Agriculture is the bread of the nation; we are hung upon it by the teeth; it is a mighty nursery of strength; the best army; and the most assured knapsack; it is managed with the least turbulent or ambitious; and the most innocent hands of all other arts。 Wherefore I am of Aristotle's opinion; that a commonwealth of husbandmen and such is ours must be the best of all others。 Certainly my lords; you have no measure of what ought to be; but what can be; done for the encouragement of this profession。 I could wish I were