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people in the world; at last it came to my turn; and there was no
fear left to give me。 Go; tell all the people in Khartoum that
Gordon fears nothing; for God has created him without fear。〃 '
On January 5th; Omdurman; a village on the opposite bank of the
Nile; which had hitherto been occupied by the besieged; was taken
by the Arabs。 The town was now closely surrounded; and every
chance of obtaining fresh supplies was cut off。 The famine became
terrible; dogs; donkeys; skins; gum; palm fibre; were devoured by
the desperate inhabitants。 The soldiers stood on the
fortifications like pieces of wood。 Hundreds died of hunger
daily: their corpses filled the streets; and the survivors had
not the strength to bury the dead。 On the 20th; the news of the
battle of Abu Klea reached Khartoum。 The English were coming at
last。 Hope rose; every morning the Governor…General assured the
townspeople that one day more would see the end of their
sufferings; and night after night his words were proved untrue。
On the 23rd; a rumour spread that a spy had arrived with letters;
and that the English army was at hand。 A merchant found a piece
of newspaper lying in the road; in which it was stated that the
strength of the relieving forces was 15;000 men。 For a moment;
hope flickered up again; only to relapse once more。 The rumour;
the letters; the printed paper; all had been contrivances of
Gordon to inspire the garrison with the courage to hold out。 On
the 25th; it was obvious that the Arabs were preparing an attack;
and a deputation of the principal inhabitants waited upon the
Governor…General。 But he refused to see them; Bordeini Bey was
alone admitted to his presence。 He was sitting on a divan; and;
as Bordeini Bey came into the room; he snatched the fez from his
head and flung it from him。 'What more can I say?' he exclaimed;
in a voice such as the merchant had never heard before。 'The
people will no longer believe me。 I have told them over and over
again that help would be here; but it has never come; and now
they must see I tell them lies。 I can do nothing more。 Go; and
collect all the people you can on the lines; and make a good
stand。 Now leave me to smoke these cigarettes。' Bordeini Bey knew
then; he tells us; that Gordon Pasha was in despair。 He left the
room; having looked upon the Governor…General for the last time。
When the English force reached Metemmah; the Mahdi; who had
originally intended to reduce Khartoum to surrender through
starvation; decided to attempt its capture by assault。 The
receding Nile had left one portion of the town's circumference
undefended; as the river withdrew; the rampart had crumbled; a
broad expanse of mud was left between the wall and the water; and
the soldiers; overcome by hunger and the lassitude of
hopelessness; had trusted to the morass to protect them; and
neglected to repair the breach。 Early on the morning of the 26th;
the Arabs crossed the river at this point。 The mud; partially
dried up; presented no obstacle; nor did the ruined
fortification; feebly manned by some half…dying troops。
Resistance was futile; and it was scarcely offered: the Mahdi's
army swarmed into Khartoum。 Gordon had long debated with himself
what his action should be at the supreme moment。 'I shall never
(D。V。);' he had told Sir Evelyn Baring; 'be taken alive。' He had
had gunpowder put into the cellars of the palace; so that the
whole building might; at a moment's notice; be blown into the
air。 But then misgivings had come upon him; was it not his duty
'to maintain the faith; and; if necessary; to suffer for it'?to
remain a tortured and humiliated witness of his Lord in the
Mahdi's chains? The blowing up of the palace would have; he
thought; 'more or less the taint of suicide'; would be; in a way;
taking things out of God's hands'。 He remained undecided; and
meanwhile; to be ready for every contingency; he kept one of his
little armoured vessels close at hand on the river; with steam
up; day and night; to transport him; if so he should decide;
southward; through the enemy; to the recesses of Equatoria。 The
sudden appearance of the Arabs; the complete collapse of the
defence; saved him the necessity of making up his mind。 He had
been on the roof; in his dressing…gown; when the attack began;
and he had only time to hurry to his bedroom; to slip on a white
uniform; and to seize up a sword and a revolver; before the
foremost of the assailants were in the palace。 The crowd was led
by four of the fiercest of the Mahdi's followerstall and
swarthy Dervishes; splendid in their many…coloured jibbehs; their
great swords drawn from their scabbards of brass and velvet;
their spears flourishing above their heads。 Gordon met them at
the top of the staircase。 For a moment; there was a deathly
pause; while he stood in silence; surveying his antagonists。 Then
it is said that Taha Shahin; the Dongolawi; cried in a loud
voice; 'Mala' oun el yom yomek!' (O cursed one; your time is
come); and plunged his spear into the Englishman's body。 His only
reply was a gesture of contempt。 Another spear transfixed him; he
fell; and the swords of the three other Dervishes instantly
hacked him to death。 Thus; if we are to believe the official
chroniclers; in the dignity of unresisting disdain; General
Gordon met his end。 But it is only fitting that the last moments
of one whose whole life was passed in contradiction should be
involved in mystery and doubt。 Other witnesses told a very
different story。 The man whom they saw die was not a saint but a
warrior。 With intrepidity; with skill; with desperation; he flew
at his enemies。 When his pistol was exhausted; he fought on with
his sword; he forced his way almost to the bottom of the
staircase; and; among; a heap of corpses; only succumbed at
length to the sheer weight of the multitudes against him。
That morning; while Slatin Pasha was sitting in his chains in the
camp at Omdurman; he saw a group of Arabs approaching; one of
whom was carrying something wrapped up in a cloth。 As the group
passed him; they stopped for a moment; and railed at him in
savage mockery。 Then the cloth was lifted; and he saw before him
Gordon's head。 The trophy was taken to the Mahdi: at last the two
fanatics had indeed met face to face。 The Mahdi ordered the head
to be fixed between the branches of a tree in the public highway;
and all who passed threw stones at it。 The hawks of the desert
swept and circled about itthose very hawks which the blue eyes
had so often watched。
The news of the catastrophe reached England; and a great outcry
arose。 The public grief vied with the public indignation。 The
Queen; in a letter to Miss Gordon; immediately gave vent both to
her own sentiments and those of the nation。 'HOW shall I write to
you;' she exclaimed; 'or how shall I attempt to express WHAT I
FEEL! To THINK of your dear; noble; heroic Brother; who served
his Country and his Queen so truly; so heroically; wit