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Mahdi's guns began an intermittent bombardment of the palace。 By
December 10th it was calculated that there was not fifteen days'
food in the town; 'truly I am worn to a shadow with the food
question'; Gordon wrote; 'it is one continuous demand'。 At the
same time he received the ominous news that five of his soldiers
had deserted to the Mahdi。 His predicament was terrible; but he
calculated; from a few dubious messages that had reached him;
that the relieving force could not be very far away。 Accordingly;
on the 14th; he decided to send down one of his four remaining
steamers; the Bordeen; to meet it at Metemmah; in order to
deliver to the officer in command the latest information as to
the condition of the town。 The Bordeen carried down the last
portion of the Journals; and Gordon's final messages to his
friends。 Owing to a misunderstanding; he believed that Sir Evelyn
Baring was accompanying the expedition from Egypt; and some of
his latest and most successful satirical fancies played around
the vision of the distressed Consul…General perched for days upon
the painful eminence of a camel's hump。 'There was a slight laugh
when Khartoum heard Baring was bumping his way up here a
regular Nemesis。' But; when Sir Evelyn Baring actually arrived
in whatever condition what would happen? Gordon lost himself in
the multitude of his speculations。 His own object; he declared;
was; 'of course; to make tracks'。 Then in one of his strange
premonitory rhapsodies; he threw out; half in jest and half in
earnest; that the best solution of all the difficulties of the
future would be the appointment of Major Kitchener as Governor…
General of the Sudan。 The Journal ended upon a note of menace and
disdain: 'Now MARK THIS; if the Expeditionary Force; and I ask
for no more than 200 men; does not come in ten days; the town may
fall; and I have done my best for the honour of our country。
Good…bye。C。 G。 G0RD0N。
'You send me no information; though you have lots of money。 C。 G。
To his sister Augusta he was more explicit。 'I decline to agree;'
he told her; 'that the expedition comes for my relief; it comes
for the relief of the garrisons; which I failed to accomplish。 I
expect Her Majesty's Government are in a precious rage with me
for holding out and forcing their hand。' The admission is
significant。 And then came the final adieux。 'This may be the
last letter you will receive from me; for we are on our last
legs; owing to the delay of the expedition。 However; God rules
all; and; as He will rule to His glory and our welfare; His will
be done。 I fear; owing to circumstances; that my affairs are
pecuniarily not over bright 。。。 your affectionate brother; C。 G。
'P。S。 I am quite happy; thank God; and; like Lawrence; I have
TRIED to do my duty。'
The delay of the expedition was even more serious than Gordon had
supposed。 Lord Wolseley had made the most elaborate preparations。
He had collected together a picked army of 10;000 of the finest
British troops; he had arranged a system of river transports with
infinite care。 For it was his intention to take no risks; he
would advance in force up the Nile; he had determined that the
fate of Gordon should not depend upon the dangerous hazards of a
small and hasty exploit。 There is no doubtin view of the
opposition which the relieving force actually met withthat his
decision was a wise one; but unfortunately; he had miscalculated
some of the essential elements in the situation。 When his
preparations were at last complete; it was found that the Nile
had sunk so low that the flotillas; over which so much care had
been lavished; and upon which depended the whole success of the
campaign; would be unable to surmount the cataracts。 At the same
timeit was by then the middle of Novembera message arrived
from Gordon indicating that Khartoum was in serious straits。 It
was clear that an immediate advance was necessary; the river
route was out of the question; a swift dash across the desert was
the only possible expedient after all。 But no preparations for
land transport had been made; weeks elapsed before a sufficient
number of camels could be collected; and more weeks before those
collected were trained for military march。 It was not until
December 30thmore than a fortnight after the last entry in
Gordon's Journalthat Sir Herbert Stewart; at the head of 1;100
British troops; was able to leave Korti on his march towards
Metemmah; 170 miles across the desert。 His advance was slow; and
it was tenaciously disputed by; the Mahdi's forces。 There was a
desperate engagement on January 17th at the wells of Abu Klea;
the British square was broken; for a moment victory hung in the
balance; but the Arabs were repulsed。 On the 19th there was
another furiously contested fight; in which Sir Herbert Stewart
was killed。 On the 21st; the force; now diminished by over 250
casualties; reached Metemmah。 Three days elapsed in
reconnoitering the country; and strengthening the position of the
camp。 0n the 24th; Sir Charles Wilson; who had succeeded to the
command; embarked on the Bordeen; and started up the river for
Khartoum。 On the following evening; the vessel struck on a rock;
causing a further delay of twenty…four hours。 It was not until
January 28th that Sir Charles Wilson; arriving under a heavy fire
within sight of Khartoum; saw that the Egyptian flag was not
flying from the roof of the palace。 The signs of ruin and
destruction on every hand showed clearly enough that the town had
fallen。 The relief expedition was two days late。
The details of what passed within Khartoum during the last weeks
of the siege are unknown to us。 In the diary of Bordeini Bey; a
Levantine merchant; we catch a few glimpses of the final stages
of the catastropheof the starving populace; the exhausted
garrison; the fluctuations of despair and hope; the dauntless
energy of the Governor…General。 Still he worked on;
indefatigably; apportioning provisions; collecting ammunition;
consulting with the townspeople; encouraging the soldiers。 His
hair had suddenly turned quite white。 Late one evening; Bordeini
Bey went to visit him in the palace; which was being bombarded by
the Mahdi's cannon。 The high building; brilliantly lighted up;
afforded an excellent mark。 As the shot came whistling around the
windows; the merchant suggested that it would be advisable to
stop them up with boxes full of sand。 Upon this; Gordon Pasha
became enraged。 'He called up the guard; and gave them orders to
shoot me if I moved; he then brought a very large lantern which
would hold twenty…four candles。 He and I then put the candles
into the sockets; placed the lantern on the table in front of the
window; lit the candles; and then we sat down at the table。 The
Pasha then said; 〃When God was portioning out fear to all the
people in the world; at last it came to my turn; and there was no
fear left to give me。 Go; tell all the people in Khartoum th