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eminent victorians-第8章

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turned his eyes。 First he tried to exorcise the spectre with the

rolling periods of the Caroline divines; but it only strutted the

more truculently。 Then in despair he plunged into the writings of

the early Fathers; and sought to discover some way out of his

difficulties in the complicated labyrinth of ecclesiastical

history。 After months spent in the study of the Monophysite

heresy; the alarming conclusion began to force itself upon him

that the Church of England was perhaps in schism。 Eventually he

read an article by a Roman Catholic on St。 Augustine and the

Donatists; which seemed to put the matter beyond doubt。 St。

Augustine; in the fifth century; had pointed out that the

Donatists were heretics because the Bishop of Rome had said so。

The argument was crushing; it rang in Newman's ears for days and

nights; and; though he continued to linger on in agony for six

years more; he never could discover any reply to it。 All he could

hope to do was to persuade himself and anyone else who liked to

listen to him that the holding of Anglican orders was not

inconsistent with a belief in the whole cycle of Roman doctrine

as laid down at the Council of Trent。 In this way he supposed

that he could at once avoid the deadly sin of heresy and

conscientiously remain a clergyman in the Church of England; and

with this end in view; he composed Tract No。 90。

The object of the Tract was to prove that there was nothing in

the Thirty…nine Articles incompatible with the creed of the Roman

Church。 Newman pointed out; for instance; that it was generally

supposed that the Articles condemned the doctrine of Purgatory;

but they did not; they merely condemned the Romish doctrine of

Purgatory and Romish; clearly; was not the same thing as Roman。

Hence it followed that believers in the Roman doctrine of

Purgatory might subscribe the Articles with a good conscience。

Similarly; the Articles condemned 'the sacrifices of masses'; but

they did not condemn 'the sacrifice of the Mass'。 Thus; the Mass

might be lawfully celebrated in English Churches。 Newman took the

trouble to examine the Articles in detail from this point of

view; and the conclusion he came to in every case supported his

contention in a singular manner。

The Tract produced an immense sensation; for it seemed to be a

deadly and treacherous blow aimed at the very heart of the Church

of England。 Deadly it certainly was; but it was not so

treacherous as it appeared at first sight。 The members of the

English Church had ingenuously imagined up to that moment that it

was possible to contain; in a frame of words; the subtle essence

of their complicated doctrinal system; involving the mysteries of

the Eternal and the Infinite on the one hand; and the elaborate

adjustments of temporal government on the other。 They did not

understand that verbal definitions in such a case will only

perform their functions so long as there is no dispute about the

matters which they are intended to define: that is to say; so

long as there is no need for them。 For generations this had been

the case with the Thirty…nine Articles。 Their drift was clear

enough; and nobody bothered over their exact meaning。 But

directly someone found it important to give them a new and

untraditional interpretation; it appeared that they were a mass

of ambiguity; and might be twisted into meaning very nearly

anything that anybody liked。 Steady…going churchmen were appalled

and outraged when they saw Newman; in Tract No。 90; performing

this operation。 But; after all; he was only taking the Church of

England at its word。 And indeed; since Newman showed the way; the

operation has become so exceedingly common that the most steady…

going churchman hardly raises an eyebrow at it now。

At the time; however; Newman's treatment of the Articles seemed

to display not only a perverted supersubtlety of intellect; but a

temper of mind that was fundamentally dishonest。 It was then that

he first began to be assailed by those charges of untruthfulness

which reached their culmination more than twenty years later in

the celebrated controversy with Charles Kingsley; which led to

the writing of the Apologia。 The controversy was not a very

fruitful one; chiefly because Kingsley could no more understand

the nature of Newman's intelligence than a subaltern in a line

regiment can understand a Brahmin of Benares。 Kingsley was a

stout Protestant; whose hatred of Popery was; at bottom; simply

ethicalan honest; instinctive horror of the practices of

priestcraft and the habits of superstition; and it was only

natural that he should see in those innumerable delicate

distinctions which Newman was perpetually drawing; and which he

himself had not only never thought of; but could not even grasp;

simply another manifestation of the inherent falsehood of Rome。

But; in reality; no one; in one sense of the word; was more

truthful than Newman。 The idea of deceit would have been

abhorrent to him; and indeed it was owing to his very desire to

explain what he had in his mind exactly and completely; with all

the refinements of which his subtle brain was capable; that

persons such as Kingsley were puzzled into thinking him

dishonest。 Unfortunately; however; the possibilities of truth and

falsehood depend upon other things besides sincerity。 A man may

be of a scrupulous and impeccable honesty; and yet his respect

for the truth it cannot be denied may be insufficient。 He may

be; like the lunatic; the lover; and the poet; 'of imagination

all compact'; he may be blessed; or cursed; with one of those

'seething brains'; one of those 'shaping fanatasies' that

'apprehend more than cool reason ever comprehends'; he may be by

nature incapable of sifting evidence; or by predilection simply

indisposed to do so。 'When we were there;' wrote Newman in a

letter to a friend after his conversion; describing a visit to

Naples; and the miraculous circumstances connected with the

liquefaction of St。 Januarius's blood; 'the feast of St。 Gennaro

was coming on; and the Jesuits were eager for us to stopthey

have the utmost confidence in the miracleand were the more

eager because many Catholics; till they have seen it; doubt it。

Our father director here tells us that before he went to Naples

he did not believe it。 That is; they have vague ideas of natural

means; exaggeration; etc。; not of course imputing fraud。 They say

conversions often take place in consequence。 It is exposed for

the Octave; and the miracle continuesit is not simple

liquefaction; but sometimes it swells; sometimes boils; sometimes

meltsno one can tell what is going to take place。 They say it

is quite overcoming … and people cannot help crying to see it。 I

understand that Sir H。 Davy attended everyday; and it was this

extreme variety of the phenomenon which convinced him that

nothing physical would account for it。 Yet there is this

remarkable fact that liquefactions of blood are common at Naples…

…and; unless it is 
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