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rebellious nature some of his own peculiar suavity。 'I sometimes
think;' he told her; 'that you ought seriously to consider how
your work may be carried on; not with less energy; but in a
calmer spirit。 I am not blaming the past。。。 But I want the peace
of God to settle on the future。' He recommended her to spend her
time no longer in 'conflicts with Government offices'; and to
take up some literary work。 He urged her to 'work out her notion
of Divine Perfection'; in a series of essays for Frazer's
Magazine。 She did so; and the result was submitted to Mr。 Froude;
who pronounced the second essay to be 'even more pregnant than
the first。 I cannot tell;' he said; 'how sanitary; with
disordered intellects; the effects of such papers will be。'
Mr。 Carlyle; indeed; used different language; and some remarks of
his about a lost lamb bleating on the mountains; having been
unfortunately repeated to Miss Nightingale; required all Mr。
Jowett's suavity to keep the peace。 In a letter of fourteen
sheets; he turned her attention from this painful topic towards a
discussion of Quietism。 'I don't see why;' said the Master of
Balliol; 'active life might not become a sort of passive life
too。' And then; he added; 'I sometimes fancy there are
possibilities of human character much greater than have been
realised。' She found such sentiments helpful; underlining them in
blue pencil; and; in return; she assisted her friend with a long
series of elaborate comments upon the Dialogues of Plato; most of
which he embodied in the second edition of his translation。
Gradually her interest became more personal; she told him never
to work again after midnight; and he obeyed her。 Then she helped
him to draw up a special form of daily service for the College
Chapel; with selections from the Psalms under the heads of 'God
the Lord; God the judge; God the Father; and God the Friend'
though; indeed; this project was never realised; for the Bishop
of Oxford disallowed the alterations; exercising his legal
powers; on the advice of Sir Travers Twiss。
Their relations became intimate。 'The spirit of the Twenty…third
Psalm and the spirit of the Nineteenth Psalm should be united in
our lives;' Mr。 Jowett said。 Eventually; she asked him to do her
a singular favour。 Would he; knowing what he did of her religious
views; come to London and administer to her the Holy Sacrament?
He did not hesitate; and afterwards declared that he would always
regard the occasion as a solemn event in his life。 He was devoted
to her though the precise nature of his feelings towards her
never quite transpired。 Her feelings towards him were more mixed。
At first; he was 'that great and good man''that true saint; Mr。
Jowett'; but; as time went on; some gall was mingled with the
balm; the acrimony of her nature asserted itself。 She felt that
she gave more sympathy than she received; she was exhausted; and
she was annoyed by his conversation。 Her tongue; one day; could
not refrain from shooting out at him: 'He comes to me; and he
talks to me;' she said; 'as if I were someone else。'
AT one time she had almost decided to end her life in retirement
as a patient at St。 Thomas's Hospital。 But partly owing to the
persuasions of Mr。 Jowett; she changed her mind; for forty…five
years she remained in South Street; and in South Street she died。
As old age approached; though her influence with the official
world gradually diminished; her activities seemed to remain as
intense and widespread as before。 When hospitals were to be
built; when schemes of sanitary reform were in agitation; when
wars broke out; she was still the adviser of all Europe。 Still;
with a characteristic self…assurance; she watched from her
Mayfair bedroom over the welfare of India。 Still; with an
indefatigable enthusiasm; she pushed forward the work; which;
perhaps; was nearer to her heart; more completely her own; than
all the rest the training of nurses。 In her moments of deepest
depression; when her greatest achievements seemed to lose their
lustre; she thought of her nurses; and was comforted。 The ways of
God; she found; were strange indeed。 'How inefficient I was in
the Crimea;' she noted。 'Yet He has raised up from it trained
At other times; she was better satisfied。 Looking back; she was
amazed by the enormous change which; since her early days; had
come over the whole treatment of illness; the whole conception of
public and domestic healtha change in which; she knew; she had
played her part。 One of her Indian admirers; the Aga Khan; came
to visit her。 She expatiated on the marvellous advances she had
lived to see in the management of hospitals in drainage; in
ventilation; in sanitary work of every kind。 There was a pause;
and then; 'Do you think you are improving?' asked the Aga Khan。
She was a little taken aback; and said; 'What do you mean by
〃improving〃?' He replied; 'Believing more in God。' She saw that
he had a view of God which was different from hers。 'A most
interesting man;' she noted after the interview; 'but you could
never teach him sanitation。'
When old age actually came; something curious happened。 Destiny;
having waited very patiently; played a queer trick on Miss
Nightingale。 The benevolence and public spirit of that long life
had only been equalled by its acerbity。 Her virtue had dwelt in
hardness; and she had poured forth her unstinted usefulness with
a bitter smile upon her lips。 And now the sarcastic years brought
the proud woman her punishment。 She was not to die as she had
lived。 The sting was to be taken out of her; she was to be made
soft; she was to be reduced to compliance and complacency。 The
change came gradually; but at last it was unmistakable。 The
terrible commander who had driven Sidney Herbert to his death; to
whom Mr。 Jowett had applied the words of Homer; amoton memaniia
raging insatiably now accepted small compliments with
gratitude; and indulged in sentimental friendships with young
girls。 The author of 〃Notes on Nursing〃that classical
compendium of the besetting sins of the sisterhood; drawn up with
the detailed acrimony; the vindictive relish; of a Swiftnow
spent long hours in composing sympathetic Addresses to
Probationers; whom she petted and wept over in turn。 And; at the
same time; there appeared a corresponding alteration in her
physical mood。 The thin; angular woman; with her haughty eye and
her acrid mouth; had vanished; and in her place was the rounded;
bulky form of a fat old lady; smiling all day long。 Then
something else became visible。 The brain which had been steeled
at Scutari was indeed; literally; growing soft。 Senilityan ever
more and more amiable senilitydescended。 Towards the end;
consciousness itself grew lost in a roseate haze; and melted into
It was just then; three years before her death; when she was
eighty…seven years old (1907); that those in authority bethought
them that the opportune m