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eminent victorians-第40章

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affected; she suffered constantly from fainting…fits and terrible

attacks of utter physical prostration。 The doctors declared that

one thing alone would save her a complete and prolonged rest。

But that was also the one thing with which she would have nothing

to do。 She had never been in the habit of resting; why should she

begin now? Now; when her opportunity had come at last; now; when

the iron was hot; and it was time to strike? No; she had work to

do; and; come what might; she would do it。 The doctors protested

in vain; in vain her family lamented and entreated; in vain her

friends pointed out to her the madness of such a course。 Madness?

Madpossessedperhaps she was。 A demoniac frenzy had seized

upon her。 As she lay upon her sofa; gasping; she devoured blue…

books; dictated letters; and; in the intervals of her

palpitations; cracked her febrile jokes。 For months at a stretch

she never left her bed。 For years she was in daily expectation of

death。 But she would not rest。 At this rate; the doctors assured

her; even if she did not die; she would; become an invalid for

life。 She could not help that; there was the work to be done;

and; as for rest; very likely she might rest 。。。 when she had

done it。

Wherever she went; in London or in the country; in the hills of

Derbyshire; or among the rhododendrons at Embley; she was haunted

by a ghost。 It was the spectre of Scutari the hideous vision of

the organisation of a military hospital。 She would lay that

phantom; or she would perish。 The whole system of the Army

Medical Department; the education of the Medical Officer; the

regulations of hospital procedure 。。。 REST? How could she rest

while these things were as they were; while; if the like

necessity were to arise again; the like results would follow?

And; even in peace and at home; what was the sanitary condition

of the Army? The mortality in the barracks was; she found; nearly

double the mortality in civil life。 'You might as well take 1;100

men every year out upon Salisbury Plain and shoot them;' she

said。 After inspecting the hospitals at Chatham; she smiled

grimly。 'Yes; this is one more symptom of the system which; in

the Crimea; put to death 16;000 men。' Scutari had given her

knowledge; and it had given her power too: her enormous

reputation was at her back an incalculable force。 Other work;

other duties; might lie before her; but the most urgent; the most

obvious of all; was to look to the health of the Army。

One of her very first steps was to take advantage of the

invitation which Queen Victoria had sent her to the Crimea;

together with the commemorative brooch。 Within a few weeks of her

return she visited Balmoral; and had several interviews with both

the Queen and the Prince; Consort。 'She put before us;' wrote the

Prince in his diary; 'all the defects of our present military

hospital system; and the reforms that are needed。' She related

'the whole story' of her experiences in the East; and; in

addition; she managed to have some long and confidential talks

with His Royal Highness on metaphysics and religion。 The

impression which she created was excellent。 'Sie gefallt uns

sehr;' noted the Prince; 'ist sehr bescheiden。' Her Majesty's

comment was different'Such a HEAD! I wish we had her at the War


But Miss Nightingale was not at the War Office; and for a very

simple reason: she was a woman。 Lord Panmure; however; was

(though indeed the reason for that was not quite so simple); and

it was upon Lord Panmure that the issue of Miss Nightingale's

efforts for reform must primarily depend。 That burly Scottish

nobleman had not; in spite of his most earnest endeavours; had a

very easy time of it as Secretary of State for War。 He had come

into office in the middle of the SebastopolCampaign; and had felt

himself very well fitted for the position; since he had acquired

in former days an inside knowledge of the Armyas a Captain of

Hussars。 It was this inside knowledge which had enabled him to

inform Miss Nightingale with such authority that 'the British

soldier is not a remitting animal'。 And perhaps it was this same

consciousness of a command of his subject which had impelled him

to write a dispatch to Lord Raglan; blandly informing the

Commander…in…Chief in the Field just how he was neglecting his

duties; and pointing out to him that if he would only try he

really might do a little better next time。

Lord Raglan's reply; calculated as it was to make its recipient

sink into the earth; did not quite have that effect upon Lord

Panmure; who; whatever might have been his faults; had never been

accused of being supersensitive。 However; he allowed the matter

to drop; and a little later Lord Raglan diedworn out; some

people said; by work and anxiety。 He was succeeded by an

excellent red…nosed old gentleman; General Simpson; whom nobody

has ever heard of; and who took Sebastopol。 But Lord Panmure's

relations with him were hardly more satisfactory than his

relations with Lord Raglan; for; while Lord Raglan had been too

independent; poor General Simpson erred in the opposite

direction; perpetually asked advice; suffered from lumbago;

doubted (his nose growingredder and redder daily) whether he was

fit for his post; and; by alternate mails; sent in and withdrew

his resignation。 Then; too; both the General and the Minister

suffered acutely from that distressingly useful new invention;

the electric telegraph。 On one occasion General Simpson felt

obliged actually to expostulate。 'I think; my Lord;' he wrote;

'that some telegraphic messages reach us that cannot be sent

under due authority; and are perhaps unknown to you; although

under the protection of your Lordship's name。

For instance; I was called up last night; a dragoon having come

express with a telegraphic message in these words; 〃Lord Panmure

to General SimpsonCaptain Jarvis has been bitten by a

centipede。 How is he now?〃' General Simpson might have put up

with this; though to be sure it did seem 'rather too trifling an

affair to call for a dragoon to ride a couple of miles in the

dark that he may knock up the Commander of the Army out of the

very small allowance of sleep permitted; but what was really more

than he could bear was to find 'upon sending in the morning

another mounted dragoon to inquire after Captain Jarvis; four

miles off; that he never has been bitten at all; but has had a

boil; from which he is fast recovering'。 But Lord Panmure had

troubles of his own。 His favourite nephew; Captain Dowbiggin; was

at the front; and to one of his telegrams to the Commander…in…

Chief the Minister had taken occasion to append the following

carefully qualified sentence'I recommend Dowbiggin to your

notice; should you have a vacancy; and if he is fit'。

Unfortunately; in those early days; it was left to the discretion

of the telegraphist to compress the messages which passed through

his hands; so that the result was that Lord Panmure's delicat
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