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eminent victorians-第35章

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desperate and bloody engagements implied。 Great detachments of

wounded were already beginning to pour in。 The men; after

receiving such summary treatment as could be given them at the

smaller hospitals in the Crimea itself; were forthwith shipped in

batches of 200 across the Black Sea to Scutari。 This voyage was

in normal times one of four days and a half; but the times were

no longer normal; and now the transit often lasted for a

fortnight or three weeks。 It received; not without reason; the

name of the 'middle passage'。 Between; and sometimes on the

decks; the wounded; the sick; and the dying were crowded men

who had just undergone the amputation of limbs; men in the

clutches of fever or of frostbite; men in the last stages of

dysentry and cholera without beds; sometimes without blankets;

often hardly clothed。 The one or two surgeons on board did what

they could; but medical stores were lacking; and the only form of

nursing available was that provided by a handful of invalid

soldiers who were usually themselves prostrate by the end of the

voyage。 There was no other food beside the ordinary salt rations

of ship diet; and even the water was sometimes so stored that it

was out of reach of the weak。 For many months; the average of

deaths during these voyages was seventy…four in 1;000; the

corpses were shot out into the waters; and who shall say that

they were the most unfortunate? At Scutari; the landing…stage;

constructed with all the perverseness of Oriental ingenuity;

could only be approached with great difficulty; and; in rough

weather; not at all。 When it was reached; what remained of the

men in the ships had first to be disembarked; and then conveyed

up a steep slope of a quarter of a mile to the nearest of the

hospitals。 The most serious cases might be put upon stretchers

for there were far too few for all; the rest were carried or

dragged up the hill by such convalescent soldiers as could be got

together; who were not too obviously infirm for the work。 At last

the journey was accomplished; slowly; one by one; living or

dying; the wounded were carried up into the hospital。 And in the

hospital what did they find?

Lasciate ogni speranza; voi ch'entrate: the delusive doors bore

no such inscription; and yet behind them Hell yawned。 Want;

neglect; confusion; misery in every shape and in every degree

of intensity filled the endless corridors and the vast

apartments of the gigantic barrack…house; which; without

forethought or preparation; had been hurriedly set aside as the

chief shelter for the victims of the war。 The very building

itself was radically defective。 Huge sewers underlay it; and

cesspools loaded with filth wafted their poison into the upper

rooms。 The floors were in so rotten a condition that many of them

could not be scrubbed; the walls were thick with dirt; incredible

multitudes of vermin swarmed everywhere。 And; enormous as the

building was; it was yet too small。 It contained four miles of

beds; crushed together so close that there was but just room to

pass between them。 Under such conditions; the most elaborate

system of ventilation might well have been at fault; but here

there was no ventilation。 The stench was indescribable。 'I have

been well acquainted;' said Miss Nightingale; 'with the dwellings

of the worst parts of most of the great cities in Europe; but

have never been in any atmosphere which I could compare with that

of the Barrack Hospital at night。' The structural defects were

equalled by the deficiencies in the commonest objects of hospital

use。 There were not enough bedsteads; the sheets were of canvas;

and so coarse that the wounded men recoiled from them; begging to

be left in their blankets; there was no bedroom furniture of any

kind; and empty beer bottles were used for candlesticks。 There

were no basins; no towels; no soap; no brooms; no mops; no trays;

no plates; there were neither slippers nor scissors; neither

shoe…brushes nor blacking; there were no knives or forks or

spoons。 The supply of fuel was constantly deficient。 The cooking

arrangements were preposterously inadequate; and the laundry was

a farce。 As for purely medical materials; the tale was no better。

Stretchers; splints; bandagesall were lacking; and so were the

most ordinary drugs。

To replace such wants; to struggle against such difficulties;

there was a handful of men overburdened by the strain of

ceaseless work; bound down by the traditions of official routine;

and enfeebled either by old age or inexperience or sheer

incompetence。 They had proved utterly unequal to their task。 The

principal doctor was lost in the imbecilities of a senile

optimism。 The wretched official whose business it was to provide

for the wants of the hospital was tied fast hand and foot by red

tape。 A few of the younger doctors struggled valiantly; but what

could they do? Unprepared; disorganised; with such help only as

they could find among the miserable band of convalescent soldiers

drafted off to tend their sick comrades; they were faced with

disease; mutilation; and death in all their most appalling forms;

crowded multitudinously about them in an ever…increasing mass。

They were like men in a shipwreck; fighting; not for safety; but

for the next moment's bare existence to gain; by yet another

frenzied effort; some brief respite from the waters of


In these surroundings; those who had been long inured to scenes

of human suffering surgeons with a world…wide knowledge of

agonies; soldiers familiar with fields of carnage; missionaries

with remembrances of famine and of plague yet found a depth of

horror which they had never known before。 There were moments;

there were places; in the Barrack Hospital at Scutari; where the

strongest hand was struck with trembling; and the boldest eye

would turn away its gaze。

Miss Nightingale came; and she; at any rate; in that inferno; did

not abandon hope。 For one thing; she brought material succour。

Before she left London she had consulted Dr。 Andrew Smith; the

head of the Army Medical Board; as to whether it would be useful

to take out stores of any kind to Scutari; and Dr。 Andrew Smith

had told her that 'nothing was needed'。 Even Sidney Herbert had

given her similar assurances; possibly; owing to an oversight;

there might have been some delay in the delivery of the medical

stores; which; he said; had been sent out from England 'in

profusion'; but 'four days would have remedied this'。 She

preferred to trust her own instincts; and at Marseilles purchased

a large quantity of miscellaneous provisions; which were of the

utmost use at Scutari。 She came; too; amply provided with money

in all; during her stay in the East; about £7;000 reached her

from private sources; and; in addition; she was able to avail

herself of another valuable means of help。

At the same time as herself; Mr。 Macdonald; of The Times; had

arrived at Scutari; charged with the duty of administering 
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