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eminent victorians-第22章

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perhaps than any other incident in his career; the stuff that

Manning was made of。 Power had come to him at last; and he seized

it with all the avidity of a born autocrat; whose appetite for

supreme dominion had been whetted by long years of enforced

abstinence and the hated simulations of submission。 He was the

ruler of Roman Catholic England; and he would rule。 The nature of

Newman's influence it was impossible for him to understand; but

he saw that it existed; for twenty years he had been unable to

escape the unwelcome itterations of that singular; that alien;

that rival renown; and now it stood in his path; alone and

inexplicable; like a defiant ghost。 'It is remarkably

interesting;' he observed coldly; when somebody asked him what he

thought of the Apologia: 'it is like listening to the voice of

one from the dead。' And such voices; with their sepulchral

echoes; are apt to be more dangerous than living ones; they

attract too much attention; they must be silenced at all costs。

It was the meeting of the eagle and the dove; there was a

hovering; a swoop; and then the quick beak and the relentless

talons did their work。

Even before his accession to the Archbishopric; Manning had

scented a peculiar peril in Newman's Oxford scheme; and so soon

as he came into power; he privately determined that the author of

the Apologia should never be allowed to return to his old

University。 Nor was there any lack of excellent reasons for such

a decision。 Oxford was by this time a nest of liberalism; it was

no fit place for Catholic youths; and they would inevitably be

attracted there by the presence of Father Newman。 And then; had

not Father Newman's orthodoxy been impugned? Had he not been

heard to express opinions of most doubtful propriety upon the

question of the Temporal Power? Was it not known that he might

almost be said to have an independent mind? An influence? Yes; he

had an influence no doubt; but what a fatal kind of influence to

which to subject the rising generation of Catholic Englishmen!

Such were the reflections which Manning was careful to pour into

the receptive car of Monsignor Talbot。 That useful priest; at his

post of vantage in the Vatican; was more than ever the devoted

servant of the new Archbishop。 A league; offensive and defensive;

had been established between the two friends。 'I daresay I shall

have many opportunities to serve you in Rome;' wrote Monsignor

Talbot modestly; 'and I do not think any support will be useless

to you; especially on account of the peculiar character of the

Pope; and the spirit which pervades Propaganda; therefore; I wish

you to understand that a compact exists between us; if you help

me; I shall help you。' And a little later he added; 'I am glad

you accept the league。 As I have already done for years; I shall

support you; and I have a hundred ways of doing so。 A word

dropped at the proper occasion works wonders。' Perhaps it was

hardly necessary to remind his correspondent of that。

So far as Newman was concerned; it so fell out that Monsignor

Talbot needed no prompting。 During the sensation caused by the

appearance of the Apologia; it had occurred to him that it would

be an excellent plan to secure Newman as a preacher during Lent

for the fashionable congregation which attended his church in the

Piazza del Popolo; and; he had accordingly written to invite him

to Rome。 His letter was unfortunately not a tactful one。 He

assured Newman that he would find in the Piazza del Popolo 'an

audience of Protestants more educated than could ever be the case

in England'; and 'I think myself;' he had added by way of extra

inducement; 'that you will derive great benefit from visiting

Rome; and showing yourself to the Ecclesiastical Authorities。'

Newman smiled grimly at this; he declared to a friend that the

letter was 'insolent'; and he could not resist the temptation of

using his sharp pen。

'Dear Monsignor Talbot;' he wrote in reply; 'I have received your

letter; inviting me to preach in your Church at Rome to an

audience of Protestants more educated than could ever be the case

in England。

'However; Birmingham people have souls; and I have neither taste

nor talent for the sort of work which you cut out for me。 And I

beg to decline your offer。

I am; yours truly;


Such words were not the words of wisdom。 It is easy to imagine

the feelings of Monsignor Talbot。 'Newman's work none here can

understand;' he burst out to his friend。 'Poor man; by living

almost ever since he has been a Catholic; surrounded by a set of

inferior men who idolise him; I do not think he has ever acquired

the Catholic instincts。' As for his views on the Temporal Power

'well; people said that he had actually sent a subscription to

Garibaldi。 Yes; the man was incomprehensible; heretical;

dangerous; he was 〃uncatholic and unchristian。〃' Monsignor Talbot

even trembled for the position of Manning in England。 'I am

afraid that the old school of Catholics will rally round Newman

in opposition to you and Rome。 Stand firm; do not yield a bit in

the line you have taken。 As I have promised; I shall stand by

you。 You will have battles to fight because every Englishman is

naturally anti…Roman。 To be Roman is and effort to an Englishman。

Dr。 Newman is more English than the English。 His spirit must be


His spirit must be crushed! Certainly there could be no doubt of

that。 'What you write about Dr Newman;' Manning replied; 'is

true。 Whether he knows it or not; he has become the centre of

those who hold low views about the Holy See; are anti…Roman; cold

and silent; to say no more; about the Temporal Power; national;

English; critical of Catholic devotions; and always on the lower

side。 。。。 You will take care;' he concluded; 'that things are

correctly known and understood where you are。'

The confederates matured their plans。 While Newman was making his

arrangements for the Oxford Oratory; Cardinal Reisach visited

London。 'Cardinal Reisach has just left;' wrote Manning to

Monsignor Talbot: 'he has seen and understands all that is going

on in England。' But Newman had no suspicions。 It was true that

persistent rumours of his unorthodoxy and his anti…Roman leanings

had begun to float about; and these rumours had been traced to

Rome。 But what were rumours? Then; too; Newman found out that

Cardinal Reisach had been to Oxford without his knowledge; and

had inspected the land for the Oratory。 That seemed odd; but all

doubts were set at rest by the arrival from Propaganda of an

official ratification of his scheme。 There would be nothing but

plain sailing now。 Newman was almost happy; radiant visions came

into his mind of a wonderful future in Oxford; the gradual growth

of Catholic principles; the decay of liberalism; the inauguration

of a second Oxford Movement; the conversionwho knows?of Mark

Pattison; the triumph of the Church。。。。 'Earlier failures do not

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