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Eminent Victorians
by Lytton Strachey
THE history of the Victorian Age will never be written; we know
too much about it。 For ignorance is the first requisite of the
historianignorance; which simplifies and clarifies; which
selects and omits; with a placid perfection unattainable by the
highest art。 Concerning the Age which has just passed; our
fathers and our grandfathers have poured forth and accumulated so
vast a quantity of information that the industry of a Ranke would
be submerged by it; and the perspicacity of a Gibbon would quail
before it。 It is not by the direct method of a scrupulous
narration that the explorer of the past can hope to depict that
singular epoch。 If he is wise; he will adopt a subtler strategy。
He will attack his subject in unexpected places; he will fall
upon the flank; or the rear; he will shoot a sudden; revealing
searchlight into obscure recesses; hitherto undivined。 He will
row out over that great ocean of material; and lower down into
it; here and there; a little bucket; which will bring up to the
light of day some characteristic specimen; from those far depths;
to be examined with a careful curiosity。 Guided by these
considerations; I have written the ensuing studies。 I have
attempted; through the medium of biography; to present some
Victorian visions to the modern eye。 They are; in one sense;
haphazard visions that is to say; my choice of subjects has
determined by no desire to construct a system or to prove a
theory; but by simple motives of convenience and of art。 It has
been my purpose to illustrate rather than to explain。 It would
have been futile to hope to tell even a precis of the truth about
the Victorian age; for the shortest precis must fill innumerable
volumes。 But; in the lives of an ecclesiastic; an educational
authority; a woman of action; and a man of adventure; I have
sought to examine and elucidate certain fragments of the truth
which took my fancy and lay to my hand。
I hope; however; that the following pages may prove to be of
interest from the strictly biographical; no less than from the
historical point of view。 Human beings are too important to be
treated as mere symptoms of the past。 They have a value which is
independent of any temporal processes which is eternal; and
be felt for its own sake。 The art of biography seems to have
fallen on evil times in England。 We have had; it is true; a few
masterpieces; but we have never had; like the French; a great
biographical tradition; we have had no Fontenelles and
Condorcets; with their incomparable eloges; compressing into a
few shining pages the manifold existences of men。 With us; the
most delicate and humane of all the branches of the art of
writing has been relegated to the journeymen of letters; we do
not reflect that it is perhaps as difficult to write a good life
as to live one。 Those two fat volumes; with which it is our
custom to commemorate the deadwho does not know them; with
their ill…digested masses of material; their slipshod style;
their tone of tedious panegyric; their lamentable lack of
selection; of detachment; of design? They are as familiar as the
cortege of the undertaker; and wear the same air of slow;
funereal barbarism。 One is tempted to suppose; of some of them;
that they were composed by that functionary as the final item of
his job。 The studies in this book are indebted; in more ways than
one; to such works works which certainly deserve the name of
Standard Biographies。 For they have provided me not only with
much indispensable information; but with something even more
precious an example。 How many lessons are to be learned from
them! But it is hardly necessary to particularise。 To preserve;
for instance; a becoming brevity a brevity which excludes
everything that is redundant and nothing that is significant
that; surely; is the first duty of the biographer。 The second; no
less surely; is to maintain his own freedom of spirit。 It is not
his business to be complimentary; it is his business to lay bare
the facts of the case; as he understands them。 That is what I
have aimed at in this book to lay bare the facts of some cases;
as I understand them; dispassionately; impartially; and without
ulterior intentions。 To quote the words of a Master'Je n'impose
rien; je ne propose rien: j'expose。'
A list of the principal sources from which I have drawn is
appended to each Biography。 I would indicate; as an honourable
exception to the current commodity; Sir Edward Cook's excellent
Life of Florence Nightingale; without which my own study; though
composed on a very different scale and from a decidedly different
angle; could not have been written。
Cardinal Manning
HENRY EDWARD MANNING was born in 1807 and died in 1892。 His life
was extraordinary in many ways; but its interest for the modern
inquirer depends mainly upon two considerationsthe light which
his career throws upon the spirit of his age; and the
psychological problems suggested by his inner history。 He
belonged to that class of eminent ecclesiastics and it is by
no means a small class who have been distinguished less for
saintliness and learning than for practical ability。 Had he lived
in the Middle Ages he would certainly have been neither a Francis
nor an Aquinas; but he might have been an Innocent。 As it was;
born in the England of the nineteenth century; growing up in the
very seed…time of modern progress; coming to maturity with the
first onrush of Liberalism; and living long enough to witness the
victories of Science and Democracy; he yet; by a strange
concatenation of circumstances; seemed almost to revive in his
own person that long line of diplomatic and administrative
clerics which; one would have thought; had come to an end for
ever with Cardinal Wolsey。
In Manning; so it appeared; the Middle Ages lived again。 The tall
gaunt figure; with the face of smiling asceticism; the robes; and
the biretta; as it passed in triumph from High Mass at the
Oratory to philanthropic gatherings at Exeter Hall; from Strike
Committees at the Docks to Mayfair drawing…rooms where
fashionable ladies knelt to the Prince of the Church; certainly
bore witness to a singular condition of affairs。 What had
happened? Had a dominating character imposed itself upon a
hostile environment? Or was the nineteenth century; after all;
not so hostile? Was there something in it; scientific and
progressive as it was; which went out to welcome the
representative of ancient tradition and uncompromising faith? Had
it; perhaps; a place in its heart for such as Manninga soft
place; one might almost say? Or; on the other hand; was it he who
had been supple and yielding? He who had won by art what he would
never have won by force; and who had managed; so to speak; to be
one of the leaders of the procession less through merit than
through a superior faculty for gliding adroitly