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north american species of cactus(北美仙人掌)-第14章

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frequently specimens of C。 echinus occur in which some of the tubercles 

do not develop central spines; and then the spine characters resemble those 


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                              North American Species of Cactus 

of   C。   radians。In   C。   radians;   also;   an   occasional   porrect   central   spine   is 

found。These intergrading forms I have only seen in Mexican material。For 

discussion of relationships see under C。 scolymoides。 

     ** Flowers red。+ Central spine solitary or sometimes wanting。 

         51。 Cactus dasyacanthus(Engelm。) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 259 


     Mamillaria dasyacanthaEngelm。 Syn。 Cact。 268 (1856)。 

     Subglobose; 3。5 to 6。5 cm。 high; simple: tubercles slender and terete; 

spreading;   lightly   grooved   even   to   the   base;   8   to   10   mm;   long:   radial 

spines 30 to 50; mostly in two series; straight and loosely spreading; the 

exterior ones (25 to 35) capillary and white; 6 to 18 mm。 long; the interior 

ones (7 to 13) stiffer (setaceous); longer and darker and black…tipped; the 

central   spine   straight   and   porrect;   12   to  20  mm。   long;   often   wanting: 

flowers small; red: fruit ovate; small (8 to 10 mm。 long?): seeds globose… 

angled; almost black; pitted; 0。8 to 1。2 mm。 long(Ill。 Cact。 Mex。 Bound。 t。 

12。 figs。 17…22)Type; Wright 110 in Herb。 Mo。 Bot Gard。 

     From     Eagle   Pass;   Texas;   westward      to  El  Paso   and   southern    New 

Mexico; and southward into Chihuahua。 

     Specimens       examined:     Texas    (Wright    110   of   1852):   New     Mexico 

(Vasey  of   1881;   Mearns of   1892;  in   Big   Hatchet   Mountains)   Chihuahua 

(Pringle 251 of 1885; in part)。 

     Pringle 251 as distributed to Nat。 Herb。 is C。 tuberculosus。 

                            52。 Cactus maculatus; sp。 nov。 

     Obovate…cylindrical; 6 by 8 cm。; somewhat cespitose: tubercles ovate; 

terete; 10 mm。 long; grooved to the base; with naked axils: radial spines 10 

or   11;   straight   and   spreading;   rigid;   blackish   (becoming   ashy   with   age); 

black…tipped; 12 mm。 long; central spine large; more or less spotted; erect; 

25 to 35 mm。 long: flower 13 mm。 long; pinkish: fruit unknown。Type in 

Herb。 Coulter。 

     San Luis Potosi。 

     Specimens examined: San Luis Potosi (Eschanzier of 1891)。 

     Somewhat resembles C。 tuberculosus in general appearance; but very 

different in spine characters。 

                             53。 Cactus brunneus; sp。 nov。 


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                              North American Species of Cactus 

     Obovate…cylindrical;  3   by  6   cm。;   simple:   tubercles   ovate;   grooved   to 

the   base;   5   to   6   mm。   long;   with   woolly   axils:   radial   spines   11   to   15; 

spreading; rather rigid and brownish (lighter with age); 8 to 10 mm。 long; 

central    spine    much     larger;  20    mm;    long;   hooked:     flower    and   fruit 

unknown。Type in Herb。 Coulter。 

     San Luis Potosi。 

     Specimens examined: San Luis Potosi (Eschanzier of 1891)。 

     ++ Central spines 3 to 12。 

         54。 Cactus conoideus(DC。) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 260 (1891)。 

     Mamillaria       conoideaDC。         Rev。    Cact。     112    (1829)。     Mamillaria 

strobiliformisEngelm。 Wisliz。 Rep。 113 (1848); not Scheer (1850)。 

     Ovate…conical; 3。5 to 10 cm。 high; 4 to 7 cm。 in diameter below; with 

densely   woolly      vertex;   simple:    tubercles   conical;   about    12  mm;     long; 

closely     appressed…imbricate        (〃giving    the   plant   the   appearance      of  a 

pineapple   or   cone〃):   radial   spines   10   to   16;   ashy   to   white;   straight   and 

stout; 6 to 10 mm。 long; the upper longer (10 to 15 mm。); central spines 3 

to 5; stouter; brownish…black; 10 to 16 mm。 long; the two or three smaller 

ones erect…spreading; the single lower one more rigid; porrect or deflexed; 

15 to 20 mm。 long: flowers 2 to 3 cm long and wide; deep purple: fruit 

unknown。(Ill。 DC。 Mem。 Cact。 t。 2)Type unknown。 

     On rocks; Coahuila and Nuevo Leon to San Luis Potosi and southern 


     Specimens examined: Coahuila (Palmer 378 of 1882; Pringle 3117 of 

1890):   Nuevo   Leon   (Wislizenus   of   1847):   San   Luis   Potosi   (Poselger   of 

1851; Eschanzier of 1891)。 

          55。 Cactus potsii(Scheer) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 261 (1891)。 

     Mamillaria potsiiScheer in Salm Cact。 Hort。 Dyck。 104 (1850)。 

     Cylindrical;   30   to   35   cm。   high;   2。5   to   3   cm。   in   diameter;   somewhat 

branching:   tubercles   ovate;   obtuse;   very   lightly   sulcate;   with   somewhat 

woolly   axils:   radial   spines   very   numerous   (entirely   covering   the   whole 

plant); slender and white; central spines 6 to 12; stouter from a broad base: 

flowers large; green; or reddish: fruit red。Type unknown。 

     From the Rio Grande region; near Laredo; Texas; to Chihuahua。 

     Specimens        examined:       Texas     (Poselger      of   1851):      Chihuahua 


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                              North American Species of Cactus 

(specimens from Coll。 Salm…Dyck。)。 

         56。 Cactus tuberculosus(Engelm。) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 261 


     Mamillaria strobiliformisScheer in Salm Cact。 Hort。 Dyck。 104 (1850); 

not Muhlenpf。 (1848); nor Engelm。 (1848)。 Mamillaria tuberculosaEngelm。 

Syn。 Cact。 268 (1856)。 

     Ovate to cylindrical; 5 to 15 cm。 high; 2。5 to 5 cm。 in diameter; simple 

or branching at base: tubercles short…ovate from a broad base; 5 to 6 mm。 

long; deeply grooved; crowded and imbricate; at length covering the older 

parts   as   naked   and   gray   corky   protuberances:      radial   spines   20   to  30; 

slender but stiff; white; radiant and interwoven with adjacent clusters; 4 to 

8 mm。 long (uppermost rarely 10 to 12 mm。); central spines 5 to 9; stouter; 

purplish     above;    the   upper    ones    longer;   erect;   10   to  14   mm。     long 

(sometimes even 16 to 18 mm。); the lower one shorter (6 to 8 mm。); stout; 

porrect or deflexed: flowers about 2。5 cm。 in diameter; pale purple: fruit 

oval;   elongated   (sometimes   almost   cylindric);   red;   about   18   mm。   long: 

seeds subglobose; brown and pitted; very small (0。8 to 1。2 mm。 long)。(Ill。 

Cact。   Mex。   Bound。   t。   12。   figs。   1…16)Type   of   Scheer's   strobiliformis      is 

unknown; but the specimens of Prince Salm…Dyck in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。 

are   marked   〃authentic〃   by   Dr。   Engelmann。The   Wright   specimens   in   the 

same Herb; represent the type of M tuberculosa Engelm。 

     From the mountains of extreme southwestern Texas (common west of 

Devil's River); southward into Chihuahua and Coahuila。Fl。 May…June
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