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such as to enable the labourer to purchase a quantity of corn

sufficient to maintain him and his family either in the liberal;

moderate; or scanty manner in which the advancing; stationary; or

declining circumstances of the society oblige his employers to

maintain him。

     It regulates the money price of all the other parts of the

rude produce of land; which; in every period of improvement; must

bear a certain proportion to that of corn; though this proportion

is different in different periods。 It regulates; for example; the

money price of grass and hay; of butcher's meat; of horses; and

the maintenance of horses; of land carriage consequently; or of

the greater part of the inland commerce of the country。

     By regulating the money price of all the other parts of the

rude produce of land; it regulates that of the materials of

almost all manufactures。 By regulating the money price of labour;

it regulates that of manufacturing art and industry。 And by

regulating both; it regulates that of the complete manufacture。

The money price of labour; and of everything that is the produce

either of land or labour; must necessarily either rise or fall in

proportion to the money price of corn。

     Though in consequence of the bounty; therefore; the farmer

should be enabled to sell his corn for four shillings a bushel

instead of three…and…sixpence; and to pay his landlord a money

rent proportionable to this rise in the money price of his

produce; yet if; in consequence of this rise in the price of

corn; four shillings will purchase no more homemade goods of any

other kind than three…and…sixpence would have done before;

neither the circumstances of the farmer nor those of the landlord

will be much mended by this change。 The farmer will not be able

to cultivate much better: the landlord will not be able to live

much better。 In the purchase of foreign commodities this

enhancement in the price of corn may give them some little

advantage。 In that of home…made commodities it can give them none

at all。 And almost the whole expense of the farmer; and the far

greater part even of that of the landlord; is in homemade


     That degradation in the value of silver which is the effect

of the fertility of the mines; and which operates equally; or

very near equally; through the greater part of the commercial

world; is a matter of very little consequence to any particular

country。 The consequent rise of all money prices; though it does

not make those who receive them really richer; does make them

really poorer。 A service of plate becomes really cheaper; and

everything else remains precisely of the same real value as


     But that degradation in the value of silver which; being the

effect either of the peculiar situation or of the political

institutions of a particular country; takes place only in that

country; is a matter of very great consequence; which; far from

tending to make anybody really richer; tends to make everybody

really poorer。 The rise in the money price of all commodities;

which is in this case peculiar to that country; tends to

discourage more or less every sort of industry which is carried

on within it; and to enable foreign nations; by furnishing almost

all sorts of goods for a smaller quantity of silver than its own

workmen can afford to do; to undersell them; not only in the

foreign; but even in the home market。

     It is the peculiar situation of Spain and Portugal as

proprietors of the mines to be the distributors of gold and

silver to all the other countries of Europe。 Those metals ought

naturally; therefore; to be somewhat cheaper in Spain and

Portugal than in any other part of Europe。 The difference;

however; should be no more than the amount of the freight and

insurance; and; on account of the great value and small bulk of

those metals; their freight is no great matter; and their

insurance is the same as that of any other goods of equal value。

Spain and Portugal; therefore; could suffer very little from

their peculiar situation; if they did not aggravate its

disadvantages by their political institutions。

     Spain by taxing; and Portugal by prohibiting the exportation

of gold and silver; load that exportation with the expense of

smuggling; and raise the value of those metals in other countries

so much more above what it is in their own by the whole amount of

this expense。 When you dam up a stream of water; as soon as the

dam is full as much water must run over the dam…head as if there

was no dam at all。 The prohibition of exportation cannot detain a

greater quantity of gold and silver in Spain and Portugal than

what they can afford to employ; than what the annual produce of

their land and labour will allow them to employ; in coin; plate;

gilding; and other ornaments of gold and silver。 When they have

got this quantity the dam is full; and the whole stream which

flows in afterwards must run over。 The annual exportation of gold

and silver from Spain and Portugal accordingly is; by all

accounts; notwithstanding these restraints; very near equal to

the whole annual importation。 As the water; however; must always

be deeper behind the dam…head than before it; so the quantity of

gold and silver which these restraints detain in Spain and

Portugal must; in proportion to the annual produce of their land

and labour; be greater than what is to be found in other

countries。 The higher and stronger the dam…head; the greater must

be the difference in the depth of water behind and before it。 The

higher the tax; the higher the penalties with which the

prohibition is guarded; the more vigilant and severe the police

which looks after the execution of the law; the greater must be

the difference in the proportion of gold and silver to the annual

produce of the land and labour of Spain and Portugal; and to that

of other countries。 It is said accordingly to be very

considerable; and that you frequently find there a profusion of

plate in houses where there is nothing else which would; in other

countries; be thought suitable or correspondent to this sort of

magnificence。 The cheapness of gold and silver; or what is the

same thing; the dearness of all commodities; which is the

necessary effect of this redundancy of the precious metals;

discourages both the agriculture and manufactures of Spain and

Portugal; and enables foreign nations to supply them with many

sorts of rude; and with almost all sorts of manufactured produce;

for a smaller quantity of gold and silver than what they

themselves can either raise or make them for at home。 The tax and

prohibition operate in two different ways。 They not only lower

very much the value of the precious metals in Spain and Portugal;

but by detaining there a certain quantity of those metals which

would otherwise flow over other countries; they keep up their

value in those other countries somewhat above what it otherwise

would be; and thereby give those countries a double advantage in

their commerce with Spain and Portugal。 Open the flood…gates; and

there will presently be le
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