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hallucination of a mind possessed by a fixed idea; Djalma had often seen;
or fancied he saw; the adored semblance of Adrienne appear to him through
this sheet of crystal。 The illusion had been so complete; that; with his
eyes ardently fixed on the vision he invoked; he had been able; with the
aid of a pencil dipped in carmine; to trace with astonishing exactness;
the profile of the ideal countenance which the delirium of his
imagination had presented to his view。'42' It was before these delicate
lines of bright carmine that Djalma now stood in deep contemplation;
after perusing and reperusing; and raising twenty times to his lips; the
letter he had received the night before from the hands of Dupont。 Djalma
was not alone。 Faringhea watched all the movements of the prince; with a
subtle; attentive; and gloomy aspect。 Standing respectfully in a corner
of the saloon; the half…caste appeared to be occupied in unfolding and
spreading out Djalma's sash; light; silky Indian web; the brown ground of
which was almost entirely concealed by the exquisite gold and silver
embroidery with which it was overlaid。
The countenance of the half…caste wore a dark and gloomy expression。 He
could not deceive himself。 The letter from Mdlle。 de Cardoville;
delivered by Dupont to Djalma; must have been the cause of the delight he
now experienced; for; without doubt; he knew himself beloved。 In that
event; his obstinate silence towards Faringhea; ever since the latter had
entered the saloon; greatly alarmed the half…caste; who could not tell
what interpretation to put upon it。 The night before; after parting with
Dupont; he had hastened; in a state of anxiety easily understood; to look
for the prince; in the hope of ascertaining the effect produced by Mdlle。
de Cardoville's letter。 But he found the parlor door closed; and when he
knocked; he received no answer from within。 Then; though the night was
far advanced; he had dispatched a note to Rodin; in which he informed him
of Dupont's visit and its probable intention。 Djalma had indeed passed
the night in a tumult of happiness and hope; and a fever of impatience
quite impossible to describe。 Repairing to his bed…chamber only towards
the morning; he had taken a few moments of repose; and had then dressed
himself without assistance。
Many times; but in vain; the half…caste had discreetly knocked at the
door of Djalma's apartment。 It was only in the early part of the
afternoon that the prince had rung the bell to order his carriage to be
ready by half…past two。 Faringhea having presented himself; the prince
had given him the order without looking at him; as he might have done to
any other of his servants。 Was this suspicion; aversion; or mere absence
of mind on the part of Djalma? Such were the questions which the half…
caste put to himself with growing anguish; for the designs of which he
was the most active and immediate instrument might all be ruined by the
least suspicion in the prince。
〃Oh! the hoursthe hourshow slow they are!〃 cried the young Indian;
suddenly; in a low and trembling voice。
〃The day before yesterday; my lord; you said the hours were very long;〃
observed Faringhea; as he drew near Djalma in order to attract his
attention。 Seeing that he did not succeed in this he advanced a few
steps nearer; and resumed: 〃Your joy seems very great; my lord; tell the
cause of it to your poor and faithful servant; that he also may rejoice
with you。〃
If he heard the words; Djalma did not pay any attention to them。 He made
no answer; and his large black eyes gazed upon vacancy。 He seemed to
smile admiringly upon some enchanting vision; and he folded his two hands
upon his bosom; in the attitude which his countrymen assume at the hour
of prayer。 After some instants of contemplation; he said: 〃What o'clock
is it?〃but he asked this question of himself; rather than of any third
〃It will soon be two o'clock; my lord;〃 said Faringhea。
Having heard this answer; Djalma seated himself; and hid his face in his
hands; as if completely absorbed in some ineffable meditation。 Urged on
by his growing anxiety; and wishing at any cost to attract the attention
of Djalma; Faringhea approached still nearer to him; and; almost certain
of the effect of the words he was about to utter; said to him in a slow
and emphatic voice: 〃My lord; I am sure that you owe the happiness which
now transports you to Mdlle。 de Cardoville。〃
Hardly had this name been pronounced; than Djalma started from his chair;
looked the half…breed full in the face; and exclaimed; as if only just
aware of his presence; 〃Faringhea! you here!what is the matter?〃
〃Your faithful servant shares in your joy; my lord。〃
〃What joy?〃
〃That which the letter of Mdlle。 de Cardoville has occasioned; my lord。〃
Djalma returned no answer; but his eye shone with so much serene
happiness; that the half…caste recovered from his apprehensions。 No
cloud of doubt or suspicion obscured the radiant features of the prince。
After a few moments of silence; Djalma fixed upon the half…caste a look
half…veiled with a tear of joy; and said to him; with the expression of
one whose heart overflows with love and happiness: 〃Oh! such delight is
goodgreatlike heaven!for it is heaven which〃
〃You deserve this happiness; my lord; after so many sufferings。〃
〃What sufferings?Oh! yes。 I formerly suffered at Java; but that was
years ago。〃
〃My lord; this great good fortune does not astonish me。 What have I
always told you? Do not despair; feign a violent passion for some other
woman; and then this proud young lady〃
At these words Djalma looked at the half…caste with so piercing a glance;
that the latter stopped short; but the prince said to him with
affectionate goodness; 〃Go on! I listen。〃
Then; leaning his chin upon his hand; and his elbow on his knee; he gazed
so intently on Faringhea; and yet with such unutterable mildness; that
even that iron soul was touched for a moment with a slight feeling of
〃I was saying; my lord;〃 he resumed; 〃that by following the counsels of
your faithful slave; who persuaded you to feign a passionate love for
another woman; you have brought the proud Mdlle。 de Cardoville to come to
you。 Did I not tell you it would be so?〃
〃Yes; you did tell me so;〃 answered Djalma; still maintaining the same
position; and examining the half…caste with the same fixed and mild
The surprise of Faringhea increased; generally; the prince; without
treating him with the least harshness; preserved the somewhat distant and
imperious manners of their common country; and he had never before spoken
to him with such extreme mildness。 Knowing all the evil he had done the
prince; and suspicious as the wicked must ever be; the half…caste thought
for a moment; that his master's apparent kindness might conceal a snare。
He continued; therefore; with less assurance; 〃Believe me; my lord; this
day; if you do but know how to profit by your advantages; will console
you for all your troubles; which have indeed been greatfor only
yesterday; though you were generous enough to forget it; only yesterday
you suffered cruell