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marie antoinette and her son-第96章

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〃God forbid it! Would that I alone could be the offering!〃

〃Another minute;〃 urged Roderer; 〃perhaps another second; and it is
impossible to guarantee your life; and perhaps that of your husband
and children。〃

〃My children!〃 cried the queen; throwing her arms around them; and
drawing them to her breast。 〃No; oh no; I will not give them over to
the knife!〃

One sigh; one last sob; burst from her lips; and then she released
herself from the children; and approached the king and his

〃This is the last sacrifice;〃 she said; heavily; 〃that I can offer。
I submit myself; M。 Roderer;〃 and then with louder tones; as if she
wanted to call all present to be witnesses; she continued; 〃will you
pledge yourself for the person of the king; and for that of my son?〃

〃Madame;〃 answered Roderer; solemnly; 〃I pledge myself for this;
that we are all ready to die at your side。 That is all that I can

And now the noblemen and the grenadiers pressed up to take the king
and queen in their escort。

〃For God's sake;〃 cried Roderer; 〃no demonstration; or the king is

〃Remain; my friends;〃 said the king; stolidly; 〃await our return

〃We shall soon return;〃 said Marie Antoinette; and leading her two
children; she followed the king; who walked slowly through the hall。
Princess Lamballe and Madame Tourzel brought up the rear。

It was done。 The dying monarchy left the royal palace to put itself
under the protection of the revolution; which was soon to give birth
to the republic。

It was six o'clock in the morning when the royal family crossed the
threshold of the Tuileriesin front the king; conducting Princess
Elizabeth on his arm; behind him the queen with the two children。

Before leaving the palace; the king received tidings that a part of
the National Guard had withdrawn; in order to protect their families
and their property from an attack of the populace; and that another
part had declared; itself against the king and in favor of the

Louis made his way through the seething crowd that scarcely opened
to allow a free passage for the royal family; and overwhelmed them
with curses; insults; and abuse。

Some members of the National Assembly went in advance; and could
themselves scarcely control the raging waves of popular fury。

On the Terrace des Feuillants the people shouted; 〃Down with the
tyrants! To death; to death with them!〃

The dauphin cried aloud with fright; for the bloody hands of two
yelling women were extended after him。 A grenadier sprang forward;
seized the boy with his strong arm; and raised him upon his

〃My son; give me back my son!〃 cried the queen; wildly。 The
grenadier bowed to her。 〃Do not be afraid; do you not recognize me?〃

Marie Antoinette looked at him; and the hint of a smile passed over
her face。 She did indeed recognize him who; like a good angel; was
always present when danger and death threatened her。 It was Toulan;
the faithful one; by her side in the uniform of a National

〃Courage; courage; good queen; the demons are loose; but good angels
are near thee too; and where those curse and howl; these bring
blessing and reconciliation。〃

〃Down with the tyrants!〃 roared the savage women。

〃Do not be afraid; my prince;〃 said the grenadier; to the dauphin
whom he carried upon his shoulder; in order to protect him from the
thronging of the crowd。 〃Nobody will hurt you。〃

〃Not me; but my dear papa;〃 sobbed the child; while the tears rolled
over his pale cheeks。

The poor child trembled and was afraid; and how could he help it?
Even the king was terrified for a moment; and felt as if the tears
were coming into his eyes。 The queen too wept; dried her tears; and
then wept again。 The sad march consumed more than an hour; in order
to traverse the bit of way to the Manege; where the National
Assembly met。 Before the doors of this building the cries were
doubled; the attorney…general harangued the mob; and sought to quiet
it; and pushed the royal family into the narrow corridor; in which;
hemmed in by abusive crowds; they made their way forward slowly。 At
last the hall doors opened; and as Marie Antoinette passed in behind
the king; Toulan gave the little dauphin to her; who flung both his
arms around the neck of his mother。

A death…like silence reigned in the hall。 The deputies looked with
dark faces at the new…comers。 No one rose to salute the king; no
word of welcome was spoken。

The king took his place by the side of the president; the queen and
her ladies took the chairs of the ministers。 Then came an angry cry
from the tribune: 〃The dauphin must sit with the king; he belongs to
the nation。 The Austrian has no claim to the confidence of the

An officer came down to take the child away; but Louis Charles clung
to his mother; fear was expressed on his features; tears stood in
his eyes; and won a word of sympathy; so that the officer did not
venture to remove the prince forcibly。

A deep silence sat in again; till the king raised his voice。 〃I have
come hither;〃 he said; 〃to prevent a great crime; and because I
believe that I am safest surrounded by the representatives of the

〃Sire;〃 replied President Vergniaud; 〃you can reckon upon the
devotion of the National Assembly。 It knows its duties; its members
have sworn to live and to die in defence of the rights of the people
and of the constitutional authorities。〃

Voices were heard at this point from all sides of the hall;
declaring that the constitution forbids the Assembly holding its
deliberations in the presence of the king and the queen。

They then took the royal family into the little low box scarcely ten
feet long; in which the reporters of the 〃Logograph〃 used to write
their accounts of the doings of the Assembly。 Into this narrow space
were a king; a queen; with her sister and her children; their
ministers and faithful servants; crowded; to listen to the
discussions concerning the deposition of the king。

From without there came into the hall the wild cry of the populace
that the Swiss guards had been killed; and shouts accompanied the
heads as they were carried about on the points of pikes。 The crack
of muskets was heard; and the roar of cannon。 The last faithful
regiments were contending against the army of the revolutionists;
while within the hall the election by the French people of a General
Convention was discussed。

This scene lasted the whole day; the whole day the queen sat in the
glowing heat; her son asleep in her lap; motionless; and like a
marble statue。 She appeared to be alive only when once in a while a
sigh or a faint moan escaped her。 A glass of water mixed with
currant…juice was the only nourishment she took through the day。

At about five in the afternoon; while the Assembly was still
deliberating about the disposal of the king; Louis turned composedly
around to the valet who was standing back of him。

〃I am hungry;〃 he said; 〃bring me something to eat!〃 Hue hastened to
bring; from a restaurant near by; a piece of roast chicken; some
fruit and stewed plums; a small table was procured; and carried into
the reporters' box of
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