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marie antoinette and her son-第76章

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parties; the Gluckists and Lullyists; waging a bloodless war against
each other。 Happy Paris! At that time the interests of art alone
busied all spirits; and the battle of opinions was conducted only
with the pen。 Gluck owed it to the mighty influence of the queen
that his opera 〃Alcestes〃 was brought upon the stage; but at its
first representation the Lullyists gained the victory; and condemned
it。 In despair; Gluck left the opera…house; driven by hisses into
the dark street。 A friend followed him and detained him; as he was
hurrying away; and spoke in the gentlest tones。 But Gluck
interrupted him with wild violence: 〃Oh; my friend!〃 cried he;
falling on the neck of him who was expressing his kindly sympathy;
〃'Alcestes' has fallen!〃 But his friend pressed his hand; and said;
〃Fallen? Yes; 'Alcestes' has fallen! It has fallen from heaven!〃

The queen thought of this as she sat before the spinetthought how
moved Gluck was when he related this answer of his friend; and that
he; who had been so kind; was the Duke d'Adhemar。

She had thanked him for this gracious word by giving him her hand to
kiss; and Adhemar; kneeling; had pressed his lips to her hand。 And
that was the same Baron Adhemar who was now at Coblentz assisting
the prince to forge libels against herself; and who was himself the
author of that shameless lampoon which ridiculed the musical studies
of the queen; and even the duet which she had sung with Garat!

Softly glided her fingers over the keys; softly flowed over her
pale; sunken cheeks two great tearstears which she shed as she
thought of the pasttears full of bitterness and pain! But no; no;
she would not weep; she shook the tears from her eyes; and struck
the keys with a more vigorous touch。 Away; away; those recollections
of ingratitude and faithlessness! Art shall engage her thoughts in
the music…room; and to Gluck and 〃Alcestes〃 the hour belongs!

The queen struck the keys more firmly; and began to play the noble
〃Love's Complaint;〃 of Gluck's opera。 Unconsciously her lips opened;
and with loud voice and intense passionate expression; she sang the
words; 〃Oh; crudel; non posso in vere; tu lo sui; senza dite!〃

At the first notes of this fine voice the door in the rear of the
room had lightly openedthe one leading to the gardenand the
curly head of the dauphin was thrust in。 Behind him were Madame de
Tourzel and Madame Elizabeth; who; like the prince; were listening
in breathless silence to the singing of the queen。

As she ended; and when the voice of Marie Antoinette was choked in a
sigh; the dauphin flew with; extended arms across the hall to his
mother; 〃Mamma queen;〃 cried he; beaming with joy; 〃are you singing
again? I thought my dear mamma had forgotten how to sing。 But she
has begun to sing again; and we are all happy once more。〃

Marie Antoinette folded the little fellow in her arms; and did not
contradict him; and nodded smilingly to the two ladies; who now
approached and begged the queen's pardon for yielding to the
pressing desires of the dauphin; and entering without permission。

〃Oh; mamma; my dear mamma queen;〃 said the prince; in the most
caressing way; 〃I have been very industrious to…day; the abbe was
satisfied with me; and praised me; because I wrote well and learned
my arithmetic well。 Won't you give me a reward for that; mamma

〃What sort of a reward do you want; my child?〃 asked the queen;

〃Say; first; that you will give it。〃

〃Well; yes; I will give it; my little Louis; now tell me what it

〃Mamma queen; I want you to sing your little Louis a song; and;〃 he
added; nodding at the two ladies; 〃that you allow these friends of
mine to hear it。〃

〃Well; my child; I will sing for you;〃 answered Marie Antoinette;
〃and our good friends shall hear it。〃

The countenance of the boy beamed with pleasure; with alacrity he
rolled an easy…chair up to the piano; and took his seat in it in the
most dignified manner。

Madame Elizabeth seated herself near him on a tabouret; and Madame
de Tourzel leaned on the back of the dauphin's chair。

〃Now sing; mamma; now sing;〃 asked the dauphin。

Marie Antoinette played a prelude; and as her eyes fell upon the
group they lighted up with joy; and then turned upward to God with a
look of thankfulness。

A few minutes before she had felt alone and sad: she had thought of
absent friends in bitter pain; and now; as if fate would remind her
of the happiness which still remained to her; it sent her the son
and the sister…in…law; both of whom loved her so tenderly; and the
gentle and affectionate Madame de Tourzel; whom Marie Antoinette
knew to be faithful and constant unto death。

The flatterers and courtiers; the court ladies and cavaliers; are no
longer in the music…room; the enraptured praises no longer accompany
the songs of the queen; but; out of the easy…chair; in which the
Duchess de Polignac had sat so often; now looks the beautiful blond
face of her son; and his beaming countenance speaks more eloquently
to her than the flatteries of friends。 On the tabouret; now occupied
by her sister…in…law; Madame Elizabeth; De Dillon has often satthe
handsome Dillon; and his glowing; admiring looks have often;
perhaps; in spite of his own will; said more to the queen than she
allowed herself to understand; as her heart thrilled in sweet pain
and secret raptures under those glances! How pure and innocent is
the face which now looks out from this chairthe face of an angel
who bears God in his heart and on his countenance。

〃Pray for me; pray that God may let me drink of Lethe; that I may
forget all that has ever been! Pray that I may be satisfied with
what remains; and that my heart may how in humility and patience!〃

Thus thought the queen as she began to sing; not one of her great
arias which she had studied with Garat; and which the court used to
applaud; but one of those lovely little songs; full of feeling and
melody; which did not carry one away in admiration; but which filled
the heart with joy and deep emotion。

With suspended breath; and great eyes directed fixedly to Marie
Antoinette; the dauphin listened; but gradually his eyes fell; and
motionless and with grave face the child sat in his arm…chair。

Marie Antoinette saw it; and began to sing one of those cradle…songs
of the 〃Children's Friend;〃 which Berquin had written; and Gretry
had set to music so charmingly。

How still was it in the music…room; how full and touching was the
voice of the queen as she began the last verse:

〃Oh; sleep; my child; now so to sleep。 Thy crying grieves my heart;
Thy mother; child; has cause to weep; But sleep and feel no smart。〃
'Footnote: 〃Dors; mon enfant; clos ta paupiere; Tes cris me
dechirent la coeur; Dors; mon enfant; ta pauvre more A bien assez de
sa douleur。〃'

All was still in the music…room when the last words were sung;
motionless; with downcast eyes; sat the dauphin long after the sad
voice of the queen had ceased。

〃Ah; see;〃 cried Madame Elizabeth; with a smile; 〃I believe now our
Louis has fallen asleep。〃

But the child quickly raised his head and looked at the smiling
young princess with a reproachful glanc
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