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marie antoinette and her son-第56章

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minister of the interior; with a division of the guards in the inner
court of the palace。 She inspired the timid women with hope。 She
smiled at her children; who; timid and anxious at the confusion
which surrounded them; fled to the queen for refuge; and clung to

Darker and darker grew the reports that came meanwhile to the
palace。 They were the storm…birds; so to speak; that precede the
tempest。 They announced the near approach of the people of Paris; of
the women; who were no longer unarmed; and who had been joined by
thousands of the National Guard; who; in order to give the train of
women a more imposing appearance; had brought two cannon with them;
and who; armed with knives and guns; pikes and axes; and singing
wild war…songs; were marching on as the escort of the women。

The queen heard all without alarm; without fear。 She commanded the
women; who stood around her weeping and wringing their hands; to
withdraw to their own apartments; and protect the dauphin and the
princess; to lock the doors behind them and to admit no oneno one;
excepting herself。 She took leave of the children with a kiss; and
bade them be fearless and untroubled。 She did not look at them as
the women took them away。 She breathed firmly as the doors closed
behind them。

〃Now I have courage to bear every thing;〃 she said to St。 Priest。
〃My children are in safety! Would only that the king were here!〃

At the same instant the door opened and the king entered。 Marie
Antoinette hastened to meet him; threw herself with a cry of joy
into his arms; and rested her head; which had before been erect with
courage; heavily on his shoulder。

〃Oh; sire; my dear sire! thank God that you are here。 Now I fear
nothing more! You will not suffer us to perish in misery! You will
breathe courage into these despairing ones; and tell the
inexperienced what they have to do。 Sire; Paris is marching against
us; but with us there are God and France。 You will defend the honor
of France and your crown against the rebels?〃

The king answered confusedly; and as if in a yielding frame of mind。
〃We must first hear what the people want;〃 he said; 〃we must not
approach them threateningly; we must first discuss matters with

〃Sire;〃 answered the queen; in amazement; 〃to discuss with the
rebels now is to imply that they are in the right; and you will not;
you cannot do that!〃

〃I will consult with my advisers;〃 said the king; pointing at the
ministers; who; summoned by St。 Priest; were then entering the room。

But what a consultation was that! Every one made propositions; and
yet no one knew what to do。 No one would take the responsibility of
the matter upon himself; and yet every one felt that the danger
increased every minute。 But what to do? That was the question which
no one was able to answer; and before which the king was mute。 Not
so the queen; however。

〃Sire!〃 cried she; with glowing cheeks; 〃sire; you have to save the
realm; and to defend it from revolution。 The contest is here; and we
cannot withdraw from it。 Call your guards; put yourself at their
head; and allow me to remain at your side。 We ought not to yield to
revolution; and if we cannot control it; we should suffer it to
enter the palace of the kings of France only over our dead bodies。
Sire; we must either live as kings; or know how to die as kings!〃

But Louis replied to this burst of noble valor in a brave woman's
soul; only with holding back and timidity。 Plans were made and cast
aside。 They went on deliberating till the wild yells of the people
were heard even within the palace。

The queen; pale and yet calm; had withdrawn to the adjoining
apartment。 There she leaned against the door and listened to the
words of the ministers; and to the new reports which were all the
time coming in from the streets。

The crowd had reached Versailles; and was streaming through the
streets of the city in the direction of the palace。 The National
Guard of Versailles had fraternized with the Parisians。 Some
scattered soldiers of the royal guard had been threatened and
insulted; and even dragged from their horses!

The queen heard all; and heard besides the consultation of the king
and his ministersstill coming to no decisive results; doubting and
hesitating; while the fearful crisis was advancing from the street。

Already musket…shots were heard on the great square in front of the
palace; wild cries; and loud; harsh voices。 Marie Antoinette left
her place at the door and hurried to the window; where a view could
be had of the whole square。 She saw the dark dust…cloud which hung
over the road to Paris; she saw the unridden horses; running in
advance of the crowd; their riders; members of the royal guard;
having been killed; she heard the raging discords; which surged up
to the palace like a wave driven by the wind; she saw this black;
dreadful wave sweep along the Paris road; roaring as it went。

What a fearful mass! Howling; shrieking women; with loosened hair;
and with menacing gestures; extended their naked arms toward the
palace defiantly; their eyes naming; their mouths overflowing with
curses。 Wild men's figures; with torn blouses; the sleeves rolled up
over dusty and dirty arms; and bearing pikes; knives; and guns; here
and there members of the National Guard marching with them arm in
arm; pressed on toward the palace。 Sometimes shrieks and yells;
sometimes coarse peals of laughter; or threatening cries; issued
from the confused crowd。 Nearer and nearer surged the dreadful wave
of destruction to the royal palace。 Now it has reached it。 Maddened
fists pounded upon the iron gates before the inner court; and
threatening voices demanded entrance: hundreds and hundreds of women
shrieked with wild gestures:

〃We want to come in! We want to speak with the baker! We will eat
the queen's guts if we cannot get any thing else to eat!〃

And thousands upon thousands of women's voices repeated〃Yes; we
will eat the queen's guts; if we get nothing else to eat!〃

Marie Antoinette withdrew from the window; her bearing was grave and
defiant; a laugh of scorn played over her proudly…drawn…up upper…
lip; her head was erect; her step decisive; dignified。

She went again to the king and his ministers。 〃Sire;〃 said she; 〃the
people are here。 It is now too late to supplicate them; as you
wanted to do。 Nothing remains for you except to defend yourself; and
to save the crown for your son the dauphin; even if it falls from
your own head。〃

〃It remains for us;〃 answered the king; gravely; 〃to bring the
people back to a sense of duty。 They are deceived about us。 They are
excited。 We will try to conciliate them; and to show them our
fatherly interest in them。〃

The queen stared in amazement at the pleasant; smiling face of the
king; then; with a loud cry of pain; which escaped from her breast
like the last gasp of a dying man; she turned around; and went up to
the Prince de Luxemburg; the captain of the guard; who just then
entered the hall。

〃Do you come to tell us that the people have taken the palace?〃
cried the queen; with an angry burst from her very soul。

〃Madame;〃 answered the prince; 〃had that been the ca
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