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marie antoinette and her son-第39章

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before the table; near the divan; 〃now give me the paper。 But no;
you would better read it to mebut exactly as it stands。 You
promise me that?〃

〃Your majesty has commanded; and I must obey;〃 said Campan; bowing。

〃Read; read;〃 urged Marie Antoinette。 〃Let me know the sentence。〃

Madame de Campan unfolded the paper; and went nearer to the light in
order to see better。 Marie Antoinette leaned forward; folded both
hands in her lap; and looked at Campan with an expression of eager

〃Read; read!〃 she repeated; with trembling lips。 Madame de Campan
bowed and read:

〃First。The writing; the basis of the trial; the note and
signatures; are declared to be forged in imitation of the queen's

〃Second。Count Lamotte is sentenced in contumacion to the galleys
for life。

〃Third。The woman Lamotte to be whipped; marked on both shoulders
with the letter O; and to be confined for life。

〃Fourth。Retaux de Vilette to be banished for life from France。

〃Fifth。Mademoiselle Oliva is discharged。

〃Sixth。The lord cardinal〃

〃Well;〃 cried the queen; passionately; 〃why do you stammer; why do
you tremble? He has been discharged; I know it already; for we are
already at the names of the acquitted。 Read on; Campan。〃

And Madame de Campan read on:

〃The lord cardinal is acquitted from every charge; and is allowed to
publish this acquittal。〃

〃Acquitted!〃 cried the queen; springing from her seat; 〃acquitted!
Oh; Campan; what I feared is true。 The Queen of France has become
the victim of cabals and intrigues。 The Queen of France in her
honor; dignity; and virtue; is injured and wounded by one of her own
subjects; and there is no punishment for him; he is free。 Pity me;
Campan! But no; on the contrary; I pity you; I pity France! If I can
have no impartial judges in a matter which darkens my character;
what can you; what can all others hope for; when you are tried in a
matter which touches your happiness and honor? 'Footnote: The very
words of the queen See 〃Memoires de Madame de Campan;〃 vol。 ii。; o。
23。' I am sad; sad in my inmost soul; and it seems to me as if this
instant were to overshadow my whole life; as if the shades of night
had fallen upon me; andwhat is that? Did you blow out the light;

〃Your majesty sees that I am standing entirely away from the

〃But only see;〃 cried the queen; 〃one of the candles is put out!〃

〃It is true;〃 said Madame de Campan; looking at the light; over
which a bluish cloud was yet hovering。 〃The light is put out; but if
your majesty allows me; I〃

She was silent; and her bearing assumed the appearance of amazement
and horror。

The candle which had been burning in the other arm of the
candlestick went out like the one before。

The queen said not a word。 She gazed with pale lips and wide…opened
eyes at both the lights; the last spark of which had just

〃Will your majesty allow me to light the candles again?〃 asked
Madame de Campan; extending her hand to the candlestick。

But the queen held her hand fast。 〃Let them be;〃 she whispered; 〃I
want to see whether both the other lights〃

Suddenly she was convulsed; and; rising slowly from her arm…chair;
pointed with silent amazement at the second candlestick。

One of the two other lights had gone out。

Only one was now burning; and dark shadows filled the cabinet。 The
one light faintly illumined only the centre; and shone with its
glare upon the pale; horrified face of the queen。

〃Campan;〃 she whispered; raising her arm; and pointing at the single
light which remained burning; 〃if this fourth light goes out like
the other three; it is a bad omen for me; and forebodes the approach
of misfortune。〃

At this instant the light flared up and illumined the room more
distinctly; then its flame began to die away。 One flare more and
this light went out; and a deep darkness reigned in the cabinet。

The queen uttered a loud; piercing cry; and sank in a swoon。



The wedding guests were assembled。 Madame Bugeaud had just put the
veil upon the head of her daughter Margaret; and impressed upon her
forehead the last kiss of motherly love。 It was the hour when a
mother holds her daughter as a child in her arms for the last time;
bids adieu to the pleasant pictures of the past; and sends her child
from her parents' house to go out into the world and seek a new
home。 Painful always is such an hour to a mother's heart; for the
future is uncertain; no one knows any thing about the new
vicissitudes that may arise。

And painful; too; to the wife of Councillor Bugeaud was this parting
from her dearly…loved daughter; but she suppressed her deep emotion;
restrained the tears in her heart; that not one should fall upon the
bridal wreath of her loved daughter。 Tears dropped upon the bridal
wreath are the heralds of coming misfortune; the seal of pain which
destiny stamps upon the brow of the doomed one。

And the tender mother would so gladly have taken away from her loved
Margaret every pain and every misfortune! The times were
threatening; and the horizon of the present was so full of stormy
signs that it was necessary to look into the future with hope。

〃Go; my daughter;〃 said Madame Bugeaud; with a smile; regarding
which only God knew how much it cost the mother's heart〃 go out
into your new world; be happy; and may you never regret the moment
when yon left the threshold of your father's house to enter a new

〃My dear mother;〃 cried Margaret; with beaming eyes; 〃the house to
which I am going is the house of him I love; and my new home is his
heart; which is noble; great; and good; and in which all the
treasures in the earth for me rest。〃

〃God grant; my daughter; that you may after many years be able to
repeat those words!〃

〃I shall repeat them; mother; for in my heart is a joyful trust。 I
can never be unhappy; for Toulan loves me。 But; hark! I hear him
coming; it is his step; and listen! he is calling me!〃

And the young girl; with reddening cheeks; directed her glowing eyes
to the door; which just then opened; where appeared her lover; in a
simple; dark; holiday…suit; with a friendly; grave countenance; his
tender; beaming eyes turned toward his affianced。

He hastened to her; and kissed the little trembling hand which was
extended to him。

〃All the wedding guests are ready; my love。 The carriages are
waiting; and as soon as we enter the church the clergyman will
advance to the altar to perform the ceremony。〃

〃Then let us go; Louis;〃 said Margaret; nodding to him; and arm…in…
arm they went to the door。

But Toulan held back。 〃Not yet; my dear one。 Before we go to the
church; I want to have a few words with you。〃

〃That is to say; my dear sir; that you would like to have me
withdraw;〃 said the mother; with a smile。 〃Do not apologize; my son;
that is only natural; and I dare not be jealous。 My daughter belongs
to you; and I have no longer the right to press into your secrets。
So I will withdraw; and only God may hear what the lover has to say
to his affianced before the wedding。〃

She nodded in friendly fashion to the couple; and left the room。
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