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marie antoinette and her son-第143章

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A weak; faint voice replied; 〃I hear you。〃

〃And shall you be able to bear it; if you stay a little longer in
your hiding…place?〃

〃Oh yes; I shall be able to bear it; but I am anxious; and I should
like to be away from here。〃

The washerwoman closed the cover of the basket; and sprang down from
the wagon。 〃Every thing is in order;〃 she said; 〃and it is high time
that I should be off。 I have a long way to go; and my husband and
child are expecting me。〃

〃Then go; with God's blessing;〃 said the commissioner; shaking hands
with the washerwoman as if she were an old acquaintance。〃 Go; with
God's blessing; and may He protect you from all calamity; and bless
you with happiness and joy!〃

He spoke loudly; as if this was intended for the ear of some person
besides the washerwoman。 And another had heard the words of Toulan;
and a soft and tremulous voice called: 〃Farewell; Fidele; I thank
you; dear Toulan。〃

The wagon was at once in motion; and drove quickly down the street
through the rows of small houses in the suburbs。 The two men stood
and looked after it till the washerwoman's carriage disappeared in a
cloud of dust。

Toulan raised his eyes slowly to heaven; and a pious expression
illumined his good; energetic countenance。

〃Thou lookest down upon me; my queen and mistress;〃 he said; softly
and inaudibly。〃 I feel the glance of thy heavenly eyes; and it rests
like a hallowed blessing upon my thankful heart。 I know; my queen;
that thou art satisfied with me this hour; and it seems to me as if
thy loved voice were whispering above me in the air the word Fidele。
Give me now thy blessing; that I may end my work; and rescue the
daughter and the sister as I have rescued the son。 My life is
devoted to thy service; and I shall save all thy dear ones or die!〃

〃Well; Toulan;〃 said Simon; softly; 〃I have kept my word; and little
Capet is released。 Are you going to keep yours?〃

〃Certainly I shall;〃 said Toulan; whose glance slowly fell from
heaven; and whose face still glowed like one in a trance。 〃Yes;
Simon; I shall keep my word to you as you have yours to me。 Come
into your house; that I may pay you。〃

He withdrew quickly from the gate and entered the house which
thereafter was to be the house of the collector Simon。 All was going
on busily there; for Jeanne Marie had impressed into her service not
only the sub…collector but some of the curious spectators; and she
scolded her husband; who was just coming in with Toulan; for talking
too long with the washerwoman instead of helping her。

〃Do you two take the heavy mattresses and carry them into the next

The two men quickly obeyed; and bore the mattresses into the
chamber。 Then they locked themselves in。

Toulan took several rolls from the great waistcoat which he wore
under his blue blouse; broke them asunder; and let the gold…pieces
fall out upon the mattress。

〃Count them; Simon;〃 he said; 〃to see that there are exactly two
hundred and fifty double gold…pieces; all bearing the exalted
symbols of 'he one; great; and indivisible republic。' May they bring
you joy; and be a reward for the great good fortune which you have
brought to me; and to all who love the king and his house。〃

〃But will no one reveal me?〃 asked Simon; anxiously; while busily
engaged in collecting the gold…pieces; and hiding them between the
mattresses。 〃Say; Toulan; will no one divulge and report me to the

〃Be quiet; Simon; and fear nothing。 To betray you; would be at the
same time to betray the great cause which we serve; and to surrender
the young king to the persecution of his enemies。 But no one knows;
excepting me; that of your own free will you have helped save the
king。 With express reference to your safety; I have made all the
other allies believe that I have deceived you; and that you know
nothing of the concealment of the child。 So be entirely without
concern。 Only Toulan knows your secret; and Toulan is silent as the
grave。 But let us go out now and help your wife bring the things
into the house; and afterward you can let me go without any further
leave…taking。 Farewell; citizen; may you be entirely successful in
your new field of labor。〃

He nodded with a friendly air to Simon; and as Jeanne Marie just
then called the commissioner with a loud voice; Toulan hastily
opened the door and hurried to her。

Simon followed him with a long; dark look。 Then he slowly shook his
head; and his eye kindled。

〃It must be;〃 he said to himself; softly。 〃I should otherwise have
no rest day or night; and it would be worse than in the Temple。 He
said so himself: only Toulan knows my secret。 So if Toulan dies; my
secret dies with Toulan; and is buried with him; and I cart then
enjoy my life; and shall not need to live in anxiety; and in
perpetual fear of being betrayed。 But;〃 he continued; after a brief
pause; 〃what is done; must be done quickly; otherwise I may fall
into the very pit I have digged for Toulan! If the little Capet is
fairly carried to a place of safety; and escapes out of the
republic; Toulan can avenge himself by reporting the whole story and
bringing me to misfortune。 I must; therefore; while I am secure;
take away from the fellow the means of betraying me。 Yes; yes; it
must be so; Toulan must die; that Simon may live。 Look out for your
own self first; and then your neighbors。〃

With a decided step; Simon left the room; and entered the chamber;
where Toulan was busy with Jeanne Marie in arranging the furniture。

〃I am glad to find you here still;〃 said Simon; nodding to him; 〃for
I had entirely forgotten to tell you that I have a present for you;
which will certainly please you; and which I have saved and laid
away expressly for you。〃

〃What is it; Simon? What kind of a present have you for me?〃

〃A very precious one; at least such as you and your like will
consider so; I think。 I have the long; yellow locks which Jeanne
Marie cut yesterday from little Capet's head。〃

〃And will you give them to me?〃 asked Toulan; eagerly。

〃Yes; that will I; and it is for that purpose that I have brought
them along。 They are lying; with all the letters; in my work…box。
But I cannot get at them to…day in all the confusion; for they are
at the very bottom of the box。 But come to…morrow morning; and you
shall receive your costly treasure。 If you like; you can come about
nine o'clock; and if I should happen to have any thing to do; and
not be here; I will give the hair to Jeanne Marie; and she will hand
it to you。〃

〃Be sure that I shall come;〃 said Toulan; earnestly。 〃Give me your
hand; and let me thank you for your delicate act of kindness。 I
certainly did you a wrong; for I did not hold you capable of such a
deed。 I thank you; Simon; I thank you from my heart; and to…morrow
morning; punctually at nine; I shall be here to receive my precious
possession。 Farewell till then; Simon! I have no quiet now; but must
run around and see whether every thing seems as usual in the Temple;
and our secret undiscovered。〃 He hastened away; and disappeared
around the corner。

The whole day Simon was busy with his own thoughts; and engaged in
arranging the furniture; with his 
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