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marie antoinette and her son-第128章

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doctor has sent; and to…morrow he will come himself again to see how
you get on。 So keep up a good heart; Jeanne Marie; and all will come
right again。〃

The next morning; Dr。 Naudin came again to look after the sick
woman。 Simon had just gone up…stairs to announce something to the
two princesses in the name of the Convention; and had ordered the
little Capet to remain in the anteroom; and; if the doctor should
come; to open the door to him。

Nobody else was in the anteroom when Dr。 Naudin entered; and the
door leading into the next room was closed; so that the sick person
who was there could see and hear nothing of what took place。

〃Sir;〃 whispered the boy; softly and quickly; 〃you were yesterday so
good to me; you protected me from blows; and I should like to thank
you for it。〃

The doctor made no reply; but he looked at the boy with such an
expression of sympathy that he felt emboldened to go on。

〃My dear sir;〃 continued the child; softly; and with a blush; 〃I
have nothing with which to show my gratitude to you but these two
pears that were given me for my supper last night。 And just because
I am so poor; you would do me a great pleasure if you would accept
my two pears。〃 'Footnote: The boy's own words。See Beauchesne; vol。
ii。; p。 180。'

He had raised his eyes to the doctor with a gentle; supplicatory
expression; and taking the pears from the pocket of his worn; mended
jacket; he gave them to the physician。

Then happened something which; had Simon entered the room just then;
would probably have filled him with exasperation。 It happened that
the proud and celebrated Dr。 Naudin; the director and first
physician of the Hotel Dieu; sank on his knee before this poor boy
in the patched jacket; who had nothing to give but two pears; and
that he was so overcome; either by inward pain or by reverence; that
while taking the pears he could only whisper; with a faint voice: 〃I
thank your majesty。 I have never received a nobler or more precious
gift than this fruit; which my unfortunate king gives me; and I
swear to you that I will be your devoted and faithful servant。〃

It happened further that Dr。 Naudin pressed to his lips the hand
that reached him the precious gift; and that upon this hand two
tears fell from the eyes of the physician; long accustomed to look
upon human misery and pain; and which had not for years been
suffused with moisture。

Just then; approaching steps being heard in the corridor; the doctor
rose quickly; concealed the pears in his pocket; and entered the
chamber of the sick woman at the same instant when Simon returned
from his visit above…stairs。

Tne boy slipped; with the doctor; into the sick…room; and as no one
paid any attention to him; he stole softly into his room; crouched
down upon his straw bed; with fluttering heart; to think over all he
had experienced or dreamed of that day。

〃And how is it with our sick one to…day?〃 asked Doctor Naudin;
sitting down near the bed; and giving a friendly nod to Simon to do
the same。

〃It goes badly with me;〃 moaned Mistress Simon。 〃My heart seems to
be on fire; and I have no rest day or night。 I believe that it is
all over with me; and that I shall die; and that is the best thing
for me; for then I shall be free again; and not have to endure the
torments that I have had to undergo in this dreadful dungeon。〃

〃What kind of pains are they?〃 asked the doctor。 〃Where do you

〃I will tell you; citizen doctor;〃 cried Simon; impatiently。 〃Her
pains are everywhere; in every corner of this lonely and cursed
building; and if it goes on so long; we shall have to pack and move。
The authorities have done us both a great honor; for they have had
confidence enough in us to give the little Capet into our charge;
but it is our misfortune to be so honored; and we shall both die of
it。 For; not to make a long story of it; we both cannot endure the
air of the prison; the stillness and solitude; and it is a dreadful
thing for us to see nothing else the whole day than the stupid face
of this youngster; always looking at me so dreadfully with his great
blue eyes; that it really affects one。 We are neither of us used to
such an idle; useless life; and it will be the death of us; citizen
doctor。 My wife; Jeanne Marie; whom you see lying there so pale and
still; used to be the liveliest and most nimble woman about; and
could do as much with her strong arms and brown hands as four other
women。 And then she was the bravest and most outrageous republican
that ever was; when it came to battling for the people。 We both
helped to storm the Bastile; both went to Versailles that time; and
afterward took the wolf's brood from the Tuileries and brought them
to the Convention。 Afterward Jeanne Marie was always the first on
the platform near the guillotine; and when Samson and his assistants
mounted the scaffold in the morning; and waited for the cars; the
first thing they did was to look over to the tribune to see if
Mistress Simon was there with her knitting; for it used to seem to
them that the work of hewing off heads went more briskly on if
Jeanne Marie was there and kept the account in her stocking。 Samson
himself told me this; and said to me that Jeanne Marie was the
bravest of all the women; and that she never trembled; and that her
eyes never turned away; however many heads fell into the basket。 And
she was there too when the Austrian〃

〃Hush!〃 cried Jeanne Marie; rising up hastily in bed; and motioning
to her husband to be silent。 〃Do not speak of that; lest the
youngster hear it; and turn his dreadful eyes upon us。 Do not speak
of that fearful day; for it was then that my sickness began; and I
believe that there was poison in the brandy that we drank that
evening。 Yes; yes; there was poison in it; and from that comes the
fire that burns in my heart; and I shall die of it! Oh! I shall burn
to death with it!〃

She put her hands before her face and sank back upon the pillows;
sobbing。 Simon shook his head and heaved a deep sigh。 〃It is not
that;〃 murmured he; 〃it is not from that; doctor! The thing is; that
Jeanne Marie has no work and no exercise; and that she is going to
wreck; because we are compelled to live here as kings and
aristocrats used to live; without labor and occupation; and without
doing any more than to nurse our fancies。 We shall all die of this;
I tell you!〃

〃But if you know this; citizen; why do you not give up your
situation? Why do you not petition the authorities to dismiss you
from this service; and give you something else to do?〃

〃I have done that twice already;〃 answered Simon; bringing his fist
down upon the table near the bed so violently that the bottles of
medicine standing there were jerked high into the air。 〃Twice
already have I tried to be transferred to some other duty; and the
answer has been sent back; that the country orders me to stand at my
post; and that there is no one who could take my place。〃

〃That is very honorable and flattering;〃 remarked the physician。

〃Yes; but very burdensome and disagreeable;〃 answered Simon。 〃We are
prisoners while holding these honorable and flattering posts。 We can
no more leave the T
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