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fourth laid the clean linen carefully in the box; for that is a
thing that has to be done; and the mother sat by the bed of the
youngest; and announced to all the rest that they were to be quiet;
for little sister was going to say her prayers。

〃I looked in; over the lamp; into the little maiden's bed; where
she lay under the neat white coverlet; her hands folded demurely and
her little face quite grave and serious。 She was praying the Lord's
prayer aloud。 But her mother interrupted her in the middle of her
prayer。 'How is it;' she asked; 'that when you have prayed for daily
bread; you always add something I cannot understand? You must tell
me what that is。' The little one lay silent; and looked at her
mother in embarrassment。 'What is it you say after our daily bread?'
'Dear mother; don't be angry: I only said; and plenty of butter on


Written By Anderson

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