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by Hans Christian Andersen
IT is a strange thing; when I feel most fervently and most deeply;
my hands and my tongue seem alike tied; so that I cannot rightly
describe or accurately portray the thoughts that are rising within me;
and yet I am a painter; my eye tells me as much as that; and all my
friends who have seen my sketches and fancies say the same。
I am a poor lad; and live in one of the narrowest of lanes; but
I do not want for light; as my room is high up in the house; with an
extensive prospect over the neighbouring roofs。 During the first few
days I went to live in the town; I felt low…spirited and solitary
enough。 Instead of the forest and the green hills of former days; I
had here only a forest of chimney…pots to look out upon。 And then I
had not a single friend; not one familiar face greeted me。
So one evening I sat at the window; in a desponding mood; and
presently I opened the casement and looked out。 Oh; how my heart
leaped up with joy! Here was a well…known face at last… a round;
friendly countenance; the face of a good friend I had known at home。
In; fact; it was the MOON that looked in upon me。 He was quite
unchanged; the dear old Moon; and had the same face exactly that he
used to show when he peered down upon me through the willow trees on the moor。 I kissed my hand to him over and over again; as he shone far into my little room; and he; for his part; promised me that every evening; when he came abroad; he would look in upon me for a few moments。 This promise he has faithfully kept。 It is a pity that he can only stay such a short time when he comes。 Whenever he appears; he tells me of one thing or another that he has seen on the previous night; or on that same evening。 〃Just paint the scenes I describe to you〃… this is what he said to me… 〃and you will have a very pretty picture…book。〃 I have followed his injunction for many evenings。 I could make up a new 〃Thousand and One Nights;〃 in my own way; out of these pictures; but the number might be too great; after all。 The pictures I have here given have not been chosen at random; but follow in their proper order; just as they were described to me。

Some great gifted painter; or some poet or musician; may make
something more of them if he likes; what I have given here are only
hasty sketches; hurriedly put upon the paper; with some of my own
thoughts; interspersed; for the Moon did not come to me every evening… a cloud sometimes hid his face from me。

〃Last night〃… I am quoting the Moon's own words… 〃last night I was
gliding through the cloudless Indian sky。 My face was mirrored in
the waters of the Ganges; and my beams strove to pierce through the
thick intertwining boughs of the bananas; arching beneath me like
the tortoise's shell。 Forth from the thicket tripped a Hindoo maid;
light as a gazelle; beautiful as Eve。 Airy and etherial as a vision;
and yet sharply defined amid the surrounding shadows; stood this
daughter of Hindostan: I could read on her delicate brow the thought
that had brought her hither。 The thorny creeping plants tore her
sandals; but for all that she came rapidly forward。 The deer that
had come down to the river to quench her thirst; sprang by with a
startled bound; for in her hand the maiden bore a lighted lamp。 I
could see the blood in her delicate finger tips; as she spread them
for a screen before the dancing flame。 She came down to the stream;
and set the lamp upon the water; and let it float away。 The flame
flickered to and fro; and seemed ready to expire; but still the lamp
burned on; and the girl's black sparkling eyes; half veiled behind
their long silken lashes; followed it with a gaze of earnest
intensity。 She knew that if the lamp continued to burn so long as
she could keep it in sight; her betrothed was still alive; but if
the lamp was suddenly extinguished; he was dead。 And the lamp burned bravely on; and she fell on her knees; and prayed。 Near her in the grass lay a speckled snake; but she heeded it not… she thought only of Bramah and of her betrothed。 'He lives!' she shouted joyfully; 'he lives!' And from the mountains the echo came back upon her; 'he

〃Yesterday;〃 said the Moon to me; 〃I looked down upon a small
courtyard surrounded on all sides by houses。 In the courtyard sat a
clucking hen with eleven chickens; and a pretty little girl was
running and jumping around them。 The hen was frightened; and screamed; and spread out her wings over the little brood。 Then the girl's father came out and scolded her; and I glided away and thought no more of the matter。

〃But this evening; only a few minutes ago; I looked down into
the same courtyard。 Everything was quiet。 But presently the little
girl came forth again; crept quietly to the hen…house; pushed back the
bolt; and slipped into the apartment of the hen and chickens。 They
cried out loudly; and came fluttering down from their perches; and ran about in dismay; and the little girl ran after them。 I saw it quite
plainly; for I looked through a hole in the hen…house wall。 I was
angry with the willful child; and felt glad when her father came out
and scolded her more violently than yesterday; holding her roughly
by the arm; she held down her head; and her blue eyes were full of
large tears。 'What are you about here?' he asked。 She wept and said;
'I wanted to kiss the hen and beg her pardon for frightening her
yesterday; but I was afraid to tell you。'

〃And the father kissed the innocent child's forehead; and I kissed
her on the mouth and eyes。〃

〃In the narrow street round the corner yonder… it is so narrow
that my beams can only glide for a minute along the walls of the
house; but in that minute I see enough to learn what the world is made
of… in that narrow street I saw a woman。 Sixteen years ago that
woman was a child; playing in the garden of the old parsonage; in
the country。 The hedges of rose…bush were old; and the flowers were
faded。 They straggled wild over the paths; and the ragged branches
grew up among the boughs of the apple trees; here and there were a few roses still in bloom… not so fair as the queen of flowers generally
appears; but still they had colour and scent too。 The clergyman's
little daughter appeared to me a far lovelier rose; as she sat on
her stool under the straggling hedge; hugging and caressing her doll
with the battered pasteboard cheeks。

〃Ten years afterwards I saw her again。 I beheld her in a
splendid ballroom: she was the beautiful bride of a rich merchant。 I
rejoiced at her happiness; and sought her on calm quiet evenings…
ah; nobody thinks of my clear eye and my silent glance! Alas! my
rose ran wild; like the rose bushes in the garden of the parsonage。

There are tragedies in every…day life; and tonight I saw the last
act of one。

〃She was lying in bed in a house in that narrow street: she was
sick unto death; and the cruel landlord came up; and tore away the
thin coverlet; her only protection against the cold。 'Get up!' said
he; 'your face is enough to frighten one。 Get up and dress yourself;
give me mon
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