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tour through the eastern counties of england-第32章

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eye can see。

I shall cover as much as possible the melancholy part of a story

which touches too sensibly many; if not most; of the great and

flourishing families in England。  Pity and matter of grief is it to

think that families; by estate able to appear in such a glorious

posture as this; should ever be vulnerable by so mean a disaster as

that of stock…jobbing。  But the general infatuation of the day is a

plea for it; so that men are not now blamed on that account。  South

Sea was a general possession; and if my Lord Castlemain was wounded

by that arrow shot in the dark it was a misfortune。  But it is so

much a happiness that it was not a mortal wound; as it was to some

men who once seemed as much out of the reach of it。  And that blow;

be it what it will; is not remembered for joy of the escape; for we

see this noble family; by prudence and management; rise out of all

that cloud; if it may be allowed such a name; and shining in the

same full lustre as before。

This cannot be said of some other families in this county; whose

fine parks and new…built palaces are fallen under forfeitures and

alienations by the misfortunes of the times and by the ruin of

their masters' fortunes in that South Sea deluge。

But I desire to throw a veil over these things as they come in my

way; it is enough that we write upon them; as was written upon King

Harold's tomb at Waltham Abbey; INFELIX; and let all the rest sleep

among things that are the fittest to be forgotten。

From my Lord Castlemain's; house and the rest of the fine dwellings

on that side of the forest; for there are several very good houses

at Wanstead; only that they seem all swallowed up in the lustre of

his lordship's palace; I say; from thence; I went south; towards

the great road over that part of the forest called the Flats; where

we see a very beautiful but retired and rural seat of Mr。

Lethulier's; eldest son of the late Sir John Lethulier; of Lusum;

in Kent; of whose family I shall speak when I come on that side。

By this turn I came necessarily on to Stratford; where I set out。

And thus having finished my first circuit; I conclude my first

letter; and am;

Sir; your most humble and obedient servant。


Whoever travels; as I do; over England; and writes the account of

his observations; will; as I noted before; always leave something;

altering or undertaking by such a growing improving nation as this;

or something to discover in a nation where so much is hid;

sufficient to employ the pens of those that come after him; or to

add by way of appendix to what he has already observed。

This is my case with respect to the particulars which follow: (1)

Since these sheets were in the press; a noble palace of Mr。

Walpole's; at present First Commissioner of the Treasury; Privy…

counsellor; etc。; to King George; is; as it were; risen out of the

ruins of the ancient seat of the family of Walpole; at Houghton;

about eight miles distant from Lynn; and on the north coast of

Norfolk; near the sea。

As the house is not yet finished; and when I passed by it was but

newly designed; it cannot be expected that I should be able to give

a particular description of what it will be。  I can do little more

than mention that it appears already to be exceedingly magnificent;

and suitable to the genius of the great founder。

But a friend of mine; who lives in that county; has sent me the

following lines; which; as he says; are to be placed upon the

building; whether on the frieze of the cornice; or over the

portico; or on what part of the building; of that I am not as yet

certain。  The inscription is as follows; viz。:…

〃H。 M。 F。

〃Fundamen ut essem Domus

In Agro Natali Extruendae;

Robertus ille Walpole

Quem nulla nesciet Posteritas:

Faxit Dues。

〃Postquam Maturus Annis Dominus。

Diu Laetatus fuerit absoluta

Incolumem tueantur Incolames。

Ad Summam omnium Diem

Et nati natorum et qui nascentur ab illis。

Hic me Posuit。〃

A second thing proper to be added here; by way of appendix; relates

to what I have mentioned of the Port of London; being bounded by

the Naze on the Essex shore; and the North Foreland on the Kentish

shore; which some people; guided by the present usage of the Custom

House; may pretend is not so; to answer such objectors。  The true

state of that case stands thus:

〃(1)  The clause taken from the Act of Parliament establishing the

extent of the Port of London; and published in some of the books of

rates; is this:

〃'To prevent all future differences and disputes touching the

extent and limits of the Port of London; the said port is declared

to extend; and be accounted from the promontory or point called the

North Foreland in the Isle of Thanet; and from thence northward in

a right line to the point called the Naze; beyond the Gunfleet upon

the coast of Essex; and so continued westward throughout the river

Thames; and the several channels; streams; and rivers falling into

it; to London Bridge; saving the usual and known rights; liberties;

and privileges of the ports of Sandwich and Ipswich; and either of

them; and the known members thereof; and of the customers;

comptrollers; searchers; and their deputies; of and within the said

ports of Sandwich and Ipswich and the several creeks; harbours; and

havens to them; or either of them; respectively belonging; within

the counties of Kent and Essex。'

〃II。  Notwithstanding what is above written; the Port of London; as

in use since the said order; is understood to reach no farther than

Gravesend in Kent and Tilbury Point in Essex; and the ports of

Rochester; Milton; and Faversham belong to the port of Sandwich。

〃In like manner the ports of Harwich; Colchester; Wivenhoe; Malden;

Leigh; etc。; are said to be members of the port of Ipswich。〃

This observation may suffice for what is needful to be said upon

the same subject when I may come to speak of the port of Sandwich

and its members and their privileges with respect to Rochester;

Milton; Faversham; etc。; in my circuit through the county of Kent。

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