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phenomenology of mind-第89章

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a pure movement and a universal。 This free; self…complete process retains the significance of
something objective; but now appears as a unit。 In the process of the inorganic the unit is the inner
with no existence。 When the process does have existence qua unit; as one and single; it is an

The unit qua self…existent or negative entity stands in antithesis to the universal; throws off its
control; and remains independent by itself; so that the notion; being only realized in the condition of
absolute dissociation; fails to find in organic existence its genuine expression; in the sense that it is
not there; in the form of a universal; it remains an 〃outer〃; or; what is the same thing; an 〃inner〃 of
organic nature。

The organic process is merely free implicitly (an sich); it is not so explicitly; 〃for itself〃 (für sich)。
The explicit phase of its freedom appears in the idea of purpose; has existence as another inner
nature as a self…directing wisdom that lies outside that mere process。 Reason's function of
observation thus turns its attention to this wisdom; to mind; to the notion actually existing as
universality; or to the purpose existing in the form of purpose; and what constitutes its own
essential nature is now the object before it。

Reason here in the activity of observation is directed first to the pure abstract form of its essential
nature。 But since reason; in its apprehension of the object thus working and moving amidst its own
distinctions takes this object as something that exists; observation becomes aware of laws of
thought; relations of one constant factor to another constant factor。 The content of these laws
being; however; merely moments; they run together into the single one of self…consciousness。

This new object; taken in the same way as existent; is the contingent individual self…consciousness。
The process of observation; therefore; keeps within the 〃conjectured〃 meaning of mind; and within
the contingent relation of conscious to unconscious reality。 Mind alone in itself is the necessity of
this relation。 Observation; therefore; attacks it at closer quarters; and compares its realization
through will and action with its reality when it contemplates and is reflected into itself; a reality
which is itself objective。 This external aspect; although an utterance of the individual which he
himself contains; is at the same time; qua symbol; something indifferent to the content which it is
intended to denote; just as what finds for itself the symbol is indifferent to this symbol。

For this reason; observation finally passes from this variable form of utterance back to the
permanent fixed being; and in principle declares that externality is the outer immediate reality of
mind; not in the sense of an organ; and not like a language or a symbol; but in the sense of a
lifeless thing。 What the very first form of observation of inorganic nature did away with and
superseded; viz。 the idea that the notion should appear in the shape of a thing; this last form of
observation reinstates so as to turn the reality of mind itself into a thing; or expressing it the other
way about; so as to give lifeless being the significance of mind。

Observation has thus reached the point of explicitly expressing what our notion of observation was
at the outset; viz。 that rational certainty means objectivity of reason; that the certainty of reason
seeks itself as an objective reality。

One does not; indeed; suppose that mind; which is represented by a skull; is defined as a thing。
There is not meant to be any materialism; as it is called; in this idea; mind rather must be something
very different from these bones of the skull。 But that mind is; means nothing else than that it is a
thing。 When being as such; or thingness; is predicated of the mind; the true and genuine
expression for this is; therefore; that mind is such an entity as a bone is。 Hence it must be
considered as supremely important that the true expression has been found for the bare statement
regarding mind — that it is。 When the statement is ever made about mind; that it is; has a being; is
a thing; an individual reality; we do not mean it is something we can see; or knock about; or take
in our hands; and so on; but that is what we say; and what the statement really amounts to is
consequently conveyed in the expression that the existence of mind is a bone。

This result has now a twofold significance: one is its true meaning; in so far as the result is a
completion of the outcome of the preceding movement of self…consciousness。 The unhappy
self…consciousness renounced its independence; and wrested its distinctive self…existence out into
the shape of a thing。 By doing so; it left the level of self…consciousness and reverted to the
condition of mere consciousness; i。e。 to that phase of conscious life for which the object is an
existent; a thing。 But what is 〃thing〃 in this case is self…consciousness; 〃thing〃 here is the unity of
ego and being — the Category。 When the object before consciousness is determined thus;
consciousness possesses reason。 Consciousness; as well as self…consciousness; is in itself properly
reason in an implicit form; but only that consciousness can be said to have reason whose object
has the character of being the category。 From this; however; we must still distinguish the
knowledge of what reason is。

The category; which is the immediate unity of being and self (Seyn und Seinen); must traverse both
forms; and the conscious attitude of observation is just where the category is set forth in the form
of being。 In its result; consciousness expresses that; whose unconscious implicit certainty it is; in
the shape of a proposition — the proposition which lies in the very notion of reason。 This
proposition is the infinite judgment that the self is a thing — a judgment that cancels and transcends

Through this result; then; the category gets the added characteristic of being this self…cancelling
opposition。 The 〃pure〃 category; which is present to consciousness in the form of being or
immediacy; is still an unmediated; a merely given object; and the attitude of consciousness is also
direct; has no mediation in it。 That infinite judgment is the moment which is the transition of
immediacy into mediation or negativity。 The given present object is therefore characterized as a
negative object while consciousness in its relation towards it assumes the form of
self…consciousness; or the category; which traversed the form of being in the process of
observation; is now set up in the form of self…existence。 Consciousness no longer seeks to find
itself immediately; but to produce itself by its own activity。 Consciousness itself is the purpose and
end of its own action; as in the process of observation it had to do merely with things。

The other meaning of the result is the one already considered; that of unsystematic (begrifflos)
observation。 This has no other way of understanding and expressing itself than by declaring the
reality of self…consciousness to consist in the skull…bone; just as it appears in the form of a thing of
sense; still retaining its character as an object
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