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On 3rd March; we marched at 6 A。M。; and continued along the plain
towards the rising ground that led to Shooa。 At six miles from the
halting place we took bearings:

Shooa hill; about 35 miles distant; bearing 162 1/2 degrees Akiko hill 
about 16 miles distant; bearing 321 1/2 degrees Gebel Kuku about 9 miles
distant; 299 1/2 degrees

Our course lay towards the S。S。E。; beneath a wall…like range of
precipitous rocky hills upon our left; in no place higher than 200 feet。
The guides were at fault; and no water could be found upon the road。

A herd of tetel (Antelope Bubalis) upon our right tempted me; and;
jumping off my horse; I made a fair stalk and killed a fine beast with
the 〃Dutchman〃 at 210 yards。

Every one was thirsty; as the sun was hot; and the wall…like; rocks upon
our left reflected the heat。 At length we discovered natives squatting
upon the very summits of the perpendicular cliffs; and after some
trouble we succeeded in coaxing them down。 Two of these people
volunteered to lead us to water; and they took us to a steep rocky
ravine; in the bottom of which was a pool of dirty liquid that had been
bathed in by wild buffaloes。 My men quickly began to dig sand…wells with
their hands; until the main body of the troops and cattle arrived。

In about an hour; I heard a great hubbub; with a noise of quarrelling
and shouting; every one was running towards the spot。 It appeared that a
wild buffalo; being ignorant of our arrival; had suddenly visited his
drinking…place; and had thoughtlessly descended the deep and narrow
gorge to drink his evening draught。 The Lobores had espied him; and they
immediately rushed down and overwhelmed him with lances from the cliffs
above。 There was now an extraordinary scene over the carcase; four
hundred men scrambling over a mass of blood and entrails; fighting and
tearing with each other; and cutting off pieces of flesh with their
lance…heads; with which they escaped as dogs may retreat with a stolen

On 4th March we started at 6。25 A。M。 The advent of the buffalo was a sad
misfortune; as it had supplied the natives with sufficient flesh to feed
them on the road home; thus thirty Lobores had absconded during the

Fortunately we had already consumed many loads of flour。 I was now
obliged to divide two days rations among the troops as extra weight。 The
light loads were then doubled。 Brandy boxes of twelve bottles were now
lashed together; so as to form a load of twenty…four。 Several boxes of
gin had been entirely destroyed by the savage carriers; who had allowed
them to fall upon the rocks。

Having crossed the bends of the Un…y…Ame river twice; we halted for the
night in fine open forest on the south bank; beneath a large
tamarind…tree; that yielded an abundant supply of fruit for all hands。

We had only marched ten miles; owing to the delay occasioned by the
desertion of the carriers。

On 5th March I led the way; as the Lobore guide professed ignorance of
the route to Fatiko。 The fact was; that the Lobores had wished on the
previous day to take me to Farragenia; which is two days nearer than
Fatiko。 Had I been ignorant of the country; we should have been

I steered through low open forest; the leaves of which had been scorched
off by the fire that had cleared the country。 Neither a village nor the
print of a human foot could be seen。 This beautiful district that had
formerly abounded in villages had been depopulated by the slave…hunters。

Having taken the Shooa mountain for a steering point; we reached the
spot where in former years I had passed five months in the camp of
Ibrahim。 This also had been destroyed; in addition to all the numerous
villages of the mountain。 We had marched fourteen miles。

I gave orders that on the morrow all the troops were to appear in their
best uniforms; as we were only six miles from Fatiko; the principal
station; where I fully expected to meet Abou Saood himself。



ON 6th March; 1872; we started from the bivouac at the base of the Shooa
mountain at 6。10 A。M。

The troops were in excellent spirits; the air was fresh and cool in this
elevated country; the horses had been well groomed; and the arms and
accoutrements had been burnished on the previous afternoon; in order to
make a good appearance before my old friends the natives of Fatiko and

The bright scarlet uniforms and snow…white linen trousers of 212 men
looked extremely gay upon the fresh green grass; which had lately sprung
up throughout this beautiful park。

There was no enemy in this country。 From a former residence of five
months at Shooa; both my wife and myself were well known to the
inhabitants; and I felt sure that our arrival would be hailed with
gladness。 In my former visit I had been a successful hunter; and had
always given the flesh to the natives; thus; as the road to a negro's
heart is through his stomach; I knew that my absence must have been
felt; and that the recollections of past times would be savoury and

I had with me a herd of 1;078 cows and 194 sheep。 No guard was
necessary; and I intrusted the stock to the care of the three boatmen;
and my Bari interpreter; Morgian。

The line of march was thus arranged:Myself; with my wife and
Lieutenant Baker; on horseback in advance; preceded by the guard of five
of the 〃Forty Thieves。〃 Then came Colonel Abd…el…Kader and the remaining
forty…three; composing the gallant 〃Forty。〃 After which came the
regiment; all necessarily in single file。 Then came the baggage with 400
carriers; followed by the herd of cattle。

All our boys were dressed in their scarlet uniforms; and the girls and
women generally had dressed in their best clothes。 Little Cuckoo as
usual carried my small travelling…bag upon his head; and kept his line
with the other boys; all of whom assumed an air that was intended to be
thoroughly regimental。

In this order the march commenced。 The distance was only six miles。 This
was as lovely a route as could be conceived。

Magnificent trees (acacias); whose thick; dark foliage drooped near the
ground; were grouped in clumps; springing from the crevices between huge
blocks of granite。 Brooks of the purest water rippled over the time…worn
channels cut through granite plateaux; and as we halted to drink at the
tempting stream; the water tasted as cold as though from an European

The entire country on our left was a succession of the most beautiful
rocky undulations and deep verdant glades; at the bottom of which flowed
perennial streams。 The banks of these rivulets were richly clothed with
ornamental timber; the green foliage contrasting strongly with the dark
grey blocks of granite resembling the ruins of ancient towers。

We travelled along a kind of hog's back; which formed the watershed to
the west。 As we ascended; until we reached a large plateau of clean
granite of about two acres; we broke upon a magnificent panorama; which
commanded an extensive view of the whole country。

On the west; we looked down upon the plains through which we had
arrived; and the view stretched far away beyond the Nile; until it met
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