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looking confused; and confessed that he had been asleep; but awakened by
the sound of a shot。 By this time a number of non…commissioned officers
had arrived; who had been alarmed by the pistol…shot and the cry of
〃Guard!〃 The sentry was put under arrest。 A search was made everywhere;
but no trace of the thief could be found。 On making an examination of
the premises; we found a dirty shirt that the thief had in his hurry
left behind him; this was evidently intended to receive the spoil in
lieu of a bag。 I could not find the trace of a bullet…mark either upon
the planks or upon the Venetian blinds; therefore; I considered that the
thief must have been hit; or if missed; the ball must have passed out as
he pushed the blinds aside when in the act of springing through。

I suspected the sentry; who was an Egyptian belonging to the 〃Forty
Thieves。〃 He was stripped and examined; but there was no wound。 All the
shirts were alike; therefore the shirt in my possession was no clue。 My
wife had been startled; but she quickly recovered herself; the sentry
was flogged; and there the matter ended; we had no London detectives。



December 11。The first division of the fleet; composed of eight
vessels; had started; according to my previous arrangement; on 1st inst。
Every third or fourth day another division followed the advance; until
on the 11th I brought up the rear; and completed the departure with
twenty…six vessels; including the No。 10 steamer and my diahbeeah。 The
wind was fair from the north。

The extensive and neat station of Tewfikeeyah was completely dismantled。
The iron magazines and their contents were now safely stowed in the
various ships; and were already on their voyage towards Gondokoro。 The
horses were shipped and the stables had been pulled down; and the wood
cut up for fuel。 The long rows of white tents had vanished; and little
remained of the station except a few rows of deserted huts。 It seemed
extraordinary that so large a place could be packed up and stowed away
among the fifty…nine vessels of the fleet。

The English shipwrights had constructed three very useful boats; each
exactly the same size; about 16 ft。 x 5 ft。; thus we had a total of
seven small boats to assist in the explorations of the obstructed river。

I left the Shillook country at peace。 Djiaffer Pacha had paid much
attention to the sons of Quat Kare at Khartoum; and the Khedive; in
reply to my representations; had appointed him chief of the country in
place of the pretender Jangy。 The governor of Fashoda had been condemned
to disgrace。 I left a handsome present for the old king Quat Kare; and
we departed excellent friends。 The English party had been reduced by the
departure of Mr。 Wood; Dr。 Gedge; and two servants。

We had been deeply grieved by the sad news of the death of Dr。 Gedge; at
Khartoum; a few days before we broke up the station of Tewfikeeyah。 This
unfortunate gentleman was a great loss to the expedition; as he was not
only my chief medical officer; but combined the scientific attainments
of a botanist and naturalist。

I had made every preparation for cutting through the sudd; and we were
well prepared with many hundred sharp bill…hooks; switching…hooks;
bean…hooks; sabres; &c。 I had also some hundred miners' spades; shovels;
&c。; in case it might be necessary to deepen the shallows。 While the
whole English party were full of spirit and determined to succeed; I
regret to say there was a general feeling of disappointment among the
Egyptian troops (including officers) that the expedition was once again
in full sail towards the south。 Their hearts were either at Khartoum; or
sighing for the flesh…pots of Egypt。 I had lost many men from sickness
during our sojourn at Tewfikeeyah; and the men were disheartened and
depressed。 This feeling was increased by the unfortunate recurrence of
the fast of Ramadan; during which month the Mohammedans will neither
eat; drink; nor smoke from sunrise till sunset。 The Koran exempts them
from the observance of this pernicious fast when on a long journey; but
my people preferred to keep it religiously; as it would be a plausible
excuse for neglecting work。

The Nile was full and unusually high; this was in favour of the voyage;
as success depended upon our crossing the shallows during the flood; it
was; therefore; necessary to push on with all speed so as to reach the
shallows which had been impassable last April; before the river should

It will now be necessary to refer to my original journal; as it would be
difficult to convey an idea of the voyage by a general description。 A
few hours after starting; on 11th December 1870; I find this
entry:〃Thank goodness; we are off; and in good time; as the river is
exceedingly high; although it has already fallen about five inches from
its maximum。 Mr。 Higginbotham has been ill for a long time。
Lieutenant…Colonel Abd…el…Kader; my first aide…de…camp; although an
excellent officer; is almost useless from ill…health; thus the whole
work falls on myself and Julian (Lieutenant Baker) personally; and had I
not driven the officers forward from sunrise to sunset; we should not
have been off for another two months。 These miserable people do not
understand energy; and the Ramadan increases their incapacity。

〃December 12。At 2。30 A。M。; we were hailed when ten minutes within the
Bahr Giraffe; by two noggurs (vessels) in distress。 Stopped the steamer
immediately; and then heard that the No。 15 noggur; their consort; had
sunk in deep water; close to this spot。

〃At day…break I searched the river; and discovered the wreck in eighteen
feet depth of water。 Two good divers worked for about two hours; and
recovered three muskets and several copper cooking pots belonging to the
soldiers。 The story of the reis (captain) is; that she sprang a plank
at about 4 A。M。; six days ago; while under sail with a light wind; and
she filled and sank immediately; the men having barely time to save
themselves。 Unfortunately; she had on board; in addition to one hundred
urdeps of corn (450 bushels); a section of one of Samuda's steel
lifeboats; this was placed upon the corn; before the mast; but having an
air…tight compartment; it must have floated away in the dark without
being noticed。

〃The story of the reis is false; there can be no doubt that the crew and
soldiers were fast asleep; and the vessel was run into by one of her
consorts。 Had the people been awake; the least movement of the helm
would have run the vessel high and dry in this narrow river; as the
banks are flooded; and she was close to the side。 As the collision
occurred; the people; suddenly awakened from sleep; were seized with
panic; and only thought of saving themselves; thus the noggur lies in
three…fathom water; and the invaluable section of a lifeboat is lost。
The worry and disappointment; together with the loss of property;
occasioned by these people; is beyond all description。 Every man detests
the expedition。 The boats are nearly all old and rotten; and with such
wretched material I have to conduct this fleet with 30;000l。 worth of
property。 I dread the probable loss of some vessel laden with
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