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so much deeper; that for us ideas and that which our reason justifies; can alone have weight; to
speak more plainly; the Prussian State is a State constituted on principles of intelligence。 But the
needs of the time and the interests of the events in the world already mentioned; have repressed a
real and earnest effort after Philosophy and driven hence any general attention to it。 It has thus
happened that because vigorous natures turned to the practical; insipidity and dullness
appropriated to themselves the pre…eminence in Philosophy and flourished there。 It may indeed be
said that since Philosophy began to take a place in Germany; it has never looked so badly as at
the present time — never have emptiness and shallowness overlaid it so completely; and never
have they spoken and acted with such arrogance; as though all power were in their hands! To
combat the shallowness; to strive with German earnestness and honesty; to draw Philosophy out
of the solitude into which it has wandered — to do such work as this we may hope that we are
called by the higher spirit of our time。 Let us together greet the dawn of a better time in which the
spirit; hitherto a prey to externalities; may return within itself; come to itself again; and win space
and room for a kingdom of its own; where true minds will rise above the interests of the moment;
and obtain the power to receive the true; eternal and divine; the power to consider and to grasp
the highest。
We elders; who in the storms of the age have ripened into men; may think you happy whose youth
falls in the day in which you may devote the same undisturbed to Science and to Truth。 I have
dedicated my life to Science; and it is a true joy to me to find myself again in this place where I
may; in a higher measure and more extensive circle; work with others in the interest of the higher
sciences; and help to direct your way therein。 I hope that I may succeed in deserving and obtaining
your confidence。 But in the first place; I can ask nothing of you but to bring with you; above all; a
trust in science and a trust in yourselves。 The love of truth; faith in the power of mind; is the first
condition in Philosophy。 Man; because he is Mind; should and must deem himself worthy of the
highest; he cannot think too highly of the greatness and the power of his mind; and; with this belief;
nothing will be so difficult and hard that it will not reveal itself to him。 The Being of the universe; at
first hidden and concealed; has no power which can offer resistance to the search for knowledge;
it has to lay itself open before the seeker — to set before his eyes and give for his enjoyment; its
riches and its depths。
Prefatory Note
IN the History of Philosophy the observation is immediately forced upon us that it certainly
presents great interest if its subject is regarded from a favourable point of view; but that it would
still possess interest even if its end were regarded as opposite to what it is。 Indeed; this interest
may seem to increase in the degree in which the ordinary conception of Philosophy; and of the end
which its history serves; is reversed; for from the History of Philosophy a proof of the futility of the
science is mainly derived。
The demand that a history; whatever the subject may be; should state the facts without prejudice
and without any particular object or end to be gained by its means; must be regarded as a fair one。
But with a commonplace demand like this; we do not get far; for the history of a subject is
necessarily intimately connected with the conception which is formed of it。 In accordance with this
what is important in it is determined; and the relation of the events to the end regulated the
selection of facts to be recorded; the mode of comprehending them; and the point of view under
which they are regarded。 It may happen from the ideas formed of what a State really is; that a
reader of the political history of a country may find therein nothing of what he looks for。 Still more
may this be the case in the history of Philosophy; and representations of this history may be
instanced in which everything; excepting what was supposed to be Philosophy; appears to be
In other histories we have a clear conception of their subjects; at least so far as their principal
points are concerned; we know whether they concern a particular land; people or race; or
whether their subject is the science of mathematics; physics; &c。; or an art; such as painting。 The
science of Philosophy has; however; this distinguishing feature; and; if you will; this disadvantage
as compared with other sciences; that we find the most varied points of view as regards its
Notion; and regarding that which it ought to and can accomplish。 If this first assumption; the
conception of the subject of the history; is not established; the history itself is necessarily made
vacillating; and it only obtains consistency when it sets forth a definite conception but then in view
of the various ways of regarding its subject; it easily draws upon itself the reproach of
That drawback relates; however; only to an external consideration of this narrative; there is
another and greater disadvantage allied to it。 If there are different Notions of the science of
Philosophy; it is the true Notion alone that puts us in a position to understand the writings of
philosophers who have worked in the knowledge of it。 For in thought; and particularly in
speculative thought; comprehension means something quite different from understanding the
grammatical sense of the words alone; and also from understanding them in the region of ordinary
conception only。 Hence we may possess a knowledge of the assertions; propositions; or of the
opinions of philosophers; we may have occupied ourselves largely with the grounds of and
deductions from these opinions; and the main point in all that we have done may be wanting…the
comprehension of the propositions。 There is hence no lack of voluminous and even learned
histories of Philosophy in which the knowledge of the matter itself about which so much ado has
been made; is absent。 The authors of such histories may be compared to animals which have
listened to all the tones in some music; but to whose senses the unison; the harmony of their tones;
has not penetrated。
The circumstance mentioned makes it in no science so necessary as in the history of Philosophy to
commence with an Introduction; and in it correctly to define; in the first place; the subject of the
history about to be related。 For it may be said; How should we begin to treat a subject; the name
of which is certainly mentioned often enough; but of whose nature we as yet know nothing? In
treating the history of Philosophy thus; we could have no other guidance than that of seeking out
and taking up whatever has received the name of Philosophy; anywhere or any time。 But in fact;
when the Notion of Philosophy is established; not arbitrarily but in a scientific way; such treatment
becomes the science of Philosophy itself。 For in this science the peculiar characteristic is that its
Notion forms the beginning in appearance merely; and it is only th