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vanity fair(名利场)-第94章

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favour of her own country。  The idea of comparing the
market at Bruges with those of Dublin; although she had
suggested it herself; caused immense scorn and derision
on her part。  〃I'll thank ye tell me what they mean by
that old gazabo on the top of the market…place;〃 said
she; in a burst of ridicule fit to have brought the old
tower down。  The place was full of English soldiery as
they passed。  English bugles woke them in the morning;
at nightfall they went to bed to the note of the British
fife and drum:  all the country and Europe was in arms;
and the greatest event of history pending:  and honest
Peggy O'Dowd; whom it concerned as well as another;
went on prattling about Ballinafad; and the horses in the
stables at Glenmalony; and the clar't drunk there; and
Jos Sedley interposed about curry and rice at Dumdum;
and Amelia thought about her husband; and how best
she should show her love for him; as if these were
the great topics of the world。
Those who like to lay down the History…book; and to
speculate upon what MIGHT have happened in the world;
but for the fatal occurrence of what actually did take
place (a most puzzling; amusing; ingenious; and profitable
kind of meditation); have no doubt often thought to
themselves what a specially bad time Napoleon took to
come back from Elba; and to let loose his eagle from
Gulf San Juan to Notre Dame。  The historians on our
side tell us that the armies of the allied powers were
all providentially on a war…footing; and ready to bear
down at a moment's notice upon the Elban Emperor。
The august jobbers assembled at Vienna; and carving
out the kingdoms of Europe according to their wisdom;
had such causes of quarrel among themselves as might
have set the armies which had overcome Napoleon to
fight against each other; but for the return of the object
of unanimous hatred and fear。  This monarch had an army
in full force because he had jobbed to himself Poland;
and was determined to keep it:  another had robbed half
Saxony; and was bent upon maintaining his acquisition:
Italy was the object of a third's solicitude。  Each was
protesting against the rapacity of the other; and could the
Corsican but have waited in prison until all these parties
were by the ears; he might have returned and reigned
unmolested。  But what would have become of our story
and all our friends; then?  If all the drops in it were dried
up; what would become of the sea?
In the meanwhile the business of life and living; and
the pursuits of pleasure; especially; went on as if no end
were to be expected to them; and no enemy in front。
When our travellers arrived at Brussels; in which their
regiment was quartered; a great piece of good fortune;
as all said; they found themselves in one of the gayest
and most brilliant little capitals in Europe; and where
all the Vanity Fair booths were laid out with the most
tempting liveliness and splendour。  Gambling was here in
profusion; and dancing in plenty:  feasting was there to
fill with delight that great gourmand of a Jos:  there
was a theatre where a miraculous Catalani was delighting
all hearers:  beautiful rides; all enlivened with martial
splendour; a rare old city; with strange costumes and
wonderful architecture; to delight the eyes of little Amelia;
who had never before seen a foreign country; and fill
her with charming surprises: so that now and for a few
weeks' space in a fine handsome lodging; whereof the
expenses were borne by Jos and Osborne; who was flush
of money and full of kind attentions to his wifefor
about a fortnight; I say; during which her honeymoon
ended; Mrs。 Amelia was as pleased and happy as any
little bride out of England。
Every day during this happy time there was novelty
and amusement for all parties。  There was a church to
see; or a picture…gallerythere was a ride; or an opera。
The bands of the regiments were making music at all
hours。  The greatest folks of England walked in the Park
there was a perpetual military festival。  George; taking
out his wife to a new jaunt or junket every night; was
quite pleased with himself as usual; and swore he was
becoming quite a domestic character。  And a jaunt or
a junket with HIM!  Was it not enough to set this little
heart beating with joy?  Her letters home to her mother
were filled with delight and gratitude at this season。  Her
husband bade her buy laces; millinery; jewels; and
gimcracks of all sorts。  Oh; he was the kindest; best; and
most generous of men!
The sight of the very great company of lords and ladies
and fashionable persons who thronged the town; and
appeared in every public place; filled George's truly British
soul with intense delight。  They flung off that happy
frigidity and insolence of demeanour which occasionally
characterises the great at home; and appearing in
numberless public places; condescended to mingle with the
rest of the company whom they met there。  One night
at a party given by the general of the division to which
George's regiment belonged; he had the honour of dancing
with Lady Blanche Thistlewood; Lord Bareacres'
daughter; he bustled for ices and refreshments for the
two noble ladies; he pushed and squeezed for Lady
Bareacres' carriage; he bragged about the Countess when
he got home; in a way which his own father could not
have surpassed。  He called upon the ladies the next day;
he rode by their side in the Park; he asked their party
to a great dinner at a restaurateur's; and was quite
wild with exultation when they agreed to come。  Old
Bareacres; who had not much pride and a large appetite;
would go for a dinner anywhere。
〃I。hope there will be no women besides our own
party;〃 Lady Bareacres said; after reflecting upon the
invitation which had been made; and accepted with too
much precipitancy。
〃Gracious Heaven; Mammayou don't suppose the
man would bring his wife;〃 shrieked Lady Blanche; who
had been languishing in George's arms in the newly
imported waltz for hours the night before。  〃The men are
bearable; but their women〃
〃Wife; just married; dev'lish pretty woman; I hear;〃
the old Earl said。
〃Well; my dear Blanche;〃 said the mother; 〃I suppose;
as Papa wants to go; we must go; but we needn't know
them in England; you know。〃 And so; determined to cut
their new acquaintance in Bond Street; these great folks
went to eat his dinner at Brussels; and condescending to
make him pay for their pleasure; showed their dignity
by making his wife uncomfortable; and carefully excluding
her from the conversation。  This is a species of dignity
in which the high…bred British female reigns supreme。  To
watch the behaviour of a fine lady to other and humbler
women; is a very good sport for a philosophical frequenter
of Vanity Fair。
This festival; on which honest George spent a great
deal of money; was the very dismallest of all the
entertainments which Amelia had in her honeymoon。  She
wrote the most piteous accounts of the feast home to
her mamma:  how the Countess of Bareacres would not
answer when spoken to; how Lady Blanche stared at her
with her eye…glass; and what a rage Captain Dobbin was
in at their behaviour; and how my lord; as they came
away from the fea
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