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vanity fair(名利场)-第88章

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Osborne was a great lover of the drama; and had himself
performed high…comedy characters with great distinction
in several garrison theatrical entertainments。  Jos slept on
until long after dark; when he woke up with a start at
the motions of his servant; who was removing and
emptying the decanters on the table; and the hackney…coach
stand was again put into requisition for a carriage to
convey this stout hero to his lodgings and bed。
Mrs。 Sedley; you may be sure; clasped her daughter to
her heart with all maternal eagerness and affection;
running out of the door as the carriage drew up before the
little garden…gate; to welcome the weeping; trembling;
young bride。  Old Mr。 Clapp; who was in his shirt…sleeves;
trimming the garden…plot; shrank back alarmed。  The Irish
servant…lass rushed up from the kitchen and smiled a
〃God bless you。〃  Amelia could hardly walk along the
flags and up the steps into the parlour。
How the floodgates were opened; and mother and
daughter wept; when they were together embracing each
other in this sanctuary; may readily be imagined by every
reader who possesses the least sentimental turn。  When
don't ladies weep?  At what occasion of joy; sorrow; or
other business of life; and; after such an event as a
marriage; mother and daughter were surely at liberty to give
way to a sensibility which is as tender as it is refreshing。
About a question of marriage I have seen women
who hate each other kiss and cry together quite fondly。
How much more do they feel when they love!  Good mothers
are married over again at their daughters' weddings:
and as for subsequent events; who does not know how
ultra…maternal grandmothers are?in fact a woman; until
she is a grandmother; does not often really know what to
be a mother is。  Let us respect Amelia and her mamma
whispering and whimpering and laughing and crying in
the parlour and the twilight。  Old Mr。 Sedley did。  HE had
not divined who was in the carriage when it drove up。  He
had not flown out to meet his daughter; though he kissed
her very warmly when she entered the room (where he
was occupied; as usual; with his papers and tapes and
statements of accounts); and after sitting with the mother
and daughter for a short time; he very wisely left the
little apartment in their possession。
George's valet was looking on in a very supercilious
manner at Mr。 Clapp in his shirt…sleeves; watering his
rose…bushes。  He took off his hat; however; with much
condescension to Mr。 Sedley; who asked news about
his son…in…law; and about Jos's carriage; and whether his
horses had been down to Brighton; and about that
infernal traitor Bonaparty; and the war; until the Irish
maid…servant came with a plate and a bottle of wine;
from which the old gentleman insisted upon helping the
valet。  He gave him a half…guinea too; which the servant
pocketed with a mixture of wonder and contempt。  〃To
the health of your master and mistress; Trotter;〃 Mr。
Sedley said; 〃and here's something to drink your health
when you get home; Trotter。〃
There were but nine days past since Amelia had left
that little cottage and homeand yet how far off the
time seemed since she had bidden it farewell。  What a
gulf lay between her and that past life。  She could look
back to it from her present standing…place; and contemplate;
almost as another being; the young unmarried girl
absorbed in her love; having no eyes but for one special
object; receiving parental affection if not ungratefully;
at least indifferently; and as if it were her dueher
whole heart and thoughts bent on the accomplishment of
one desire。  The review of those days; so lately gone yet
so far away; touched her with shame; and the aspect of
the kind parents filled her with tender remorse。  Was the
prize gainedthe heaven of lifeand the winner still
doubtful and unsatisfied?  As his hero and heroine pass
the matrimonial barrier; the novelist generally drops the
curtain; as if the drama were over then:  the doubts and
struggles of life ended:  as if; once landed in the marriage
country; all were green and pleasant there:  and wife
and husband had nothing to do but to link each other's
arms together; and wander gently downwards towards
old age in happy and perfect fruition。  But our little
Amelia was just on the bank of her new country; and was
already looking anxiously back towards the sad friendly
figures waving farewell to her across the stream; from the
other distant shore。
In honour of the young bride's arrival; her mother
thought it necessary to prepare I don't know what festive
entertainment; and after the first ebullition of talk; took
leave of Mrs。 George Osborne for a while; and dived
down to the lower regions of the house to a sort of
kitchen…parlour (occupied by Mr。 and Mrs。 Clapp; and
in the evening; when her dishes were washed and her
curl…papers removed; by Miss Flannigan; the Irish servant);
there to take measures for the preparing of a magnificent
 ornamented tea。  All people have their ways of
expressing kindness; and it seemed to Mrs。 Sedley that a
muffin and a quantity of orange marmalade spread out
in a little cut…glass saucer would be peculiarly agreeable
refreshments to Amelia in her most interesting situation。
While these delicacies were being transacted below;
Amelia; leaving the drawing…room; walked upstairs and
found herself; she scarce knew how; in the little room
which she had occupied before her marriage; and in that
very chair in which she had passed so many bitter hours。
She sank back in its arms as if it were an old friend;
and fell to thinking over the past week; and the life
beyond it。  Already to be looking sadly and vaguely back:
always to be pining for something which; when obtained;
brought doubt and sadness rather than pleasure; here
was the lot of our poor little creature and harmless lost
wanderer in the great struggling crowds of Vanity Fair。
Here she sate; and recalled to herself fondly that image
of George to which she had knelt before marriage。  Did
she own to herself how different the real man was from
that superb young hero whom she had worshipped?  It
requires many; many yearsand a man must be very bad
indeedbefore a woman's pride and vanity will let her
own to such a confession。  Then Rebecca's twinkling
green eyes and baleful smile lighted upon her; and filled
her with dismay。  And so she sate for awhile indulging
in her usual mood of selfish brooding; in that very
listless melancholy attitude in which the honest maid…servant
had found her; on the day when she brought up the
letter in which George renewed his offer of marriage。
She looked at the little white bed; which had been hers
a few days before; and thought she would like to sleep
in it that night; and wake; as formerly; with her mother
smiling over her in the morning:  Then she thought with
terror of the great funereal damask pavilion in the vast
and dingy state bedroom; which was awaiting her at the
grand hotel in Cavendish Square。  Dear little white bed!
how many a long night had she wept on its pillow!
How she had despaired and hoped to die there; and now
were not all her wishes accomplished; and the lover of
whom she had de
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