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vanity fair(名利场)-第84章

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if I had been married to her; he thought。  But George was
the master; and his friend did not think fit to remonstrate。
Putting her arm round her friend's waist; Rebecca at
length carried Amelia off from the dinner…table where so
much business of importance had been discussed; and
left the gentlemen in a highly exhilarated state; drinking
and talking very gaily。
In the course of the evening Rawdon got a little family…
note from his wife; which; although he crumpled it up
and burnt it instantly in the candle; we had the good
luck to read over Rebecca's shoulder。  〃Great news;〃 she
wrote。  〃Mrs。 Bute is gone。  Get the money from Cupid tonight;
as he'll be off to…morrow most likely。  Mind this。
R。〃 So when the little company was about adjourning
to coffee in the women's apartment; Rawdon touched
Osborne on the elbow; and said gracefully; 〃I say; Osborne;
my boy; if quite convenient; I'll trouble you for
that 'ere small trifle。〃 It was not quite convenient; but
nevertheless George gave him a considerable present
instalment in bank…notes from his pocket…book; and a bill
on his agents at a week's date; for the remaining sum。
This matter arranged; George; and Jos; and Dobbin;
held a council of war over their cigars; and agreed that a
general move should be made for London in Jos's open
carriage the next day。  Jos; I think; would have preferred
staying until Rawdon Crawley quitted Brighton; but Dobbin
and George overruled him; and he agreed to carry
the party to town; and ordered four horses; as became his
dignity。  With these they set off in state; after breakfast;
the next day。  Amelia had risen very early in the morning;
and packed her little trunks with the greatest alacrity;
while Osborne lay in bed deploring that she had not a
maid to help her。  She was only too glad; however; to
perform this office for herself。  A dim uneasy sentiment
about Rebecca filled her mind already; and although they
kissed each other most tenderly at parting; yet we know
what jealousy is; and Mrs。 Amelia possessed that among
other virtues of her sex。
Besides these characters who are coming and going
away; we must remember that there were some other old
friends of ours at Brighton; Miss Crawley; namely; and
the suite in attendance upon her。  Now; although Rebecca
and her husband were but at a few stones' throw of the
lodgings which the invalid Miss Crawley occupied; the
old lady's door remained as pitilessly closed to them as it
had been heretofore in London。  As long as she remained
by the side of her sister…in…law; Mrs。 Bute Crawley took
care that her beloved Matilda should not be agitated by a
meeting with her nephew。  When the spinster took her
drive; the faithful Mrs。 Bute sate beside her in the carriage。
When Miss Crawley took the air in a chair; Mrs。
Bute marched on one side of the vehicle; whilst honest
Briggs occupied the other wing。  And if they met Rawdon
and his wife by chancealthough the former constantly
and obsequiously took off his hat; the Miss…Crawley party
passed him by with such a frigid and killing indifference;
that Rawdon began to despair。
〃We might as well be in London as here;〃 Captain
Rawdon often said; with a downcast air。
〃A comfortable inn in Brighton is better than a
spunging…house in Chancery Lane;〃 his wife answered; who was
of a more cheerful temperament。  〃Think of those two
aides…de…camp of Mr。 Moses; the sheriff's…officer; who
watched our lodging for a week。  Our friends here are
very stupid; but Mr。 Jos and Captain Cupid are better
companions than Mr。 Moses's men; Rawdon; my love。〃
〃I wonder the writs haven't followed me down here;〃
Rawdon continued; still desponding。
〃When they do; we'll find means to give them the slip;〃
said dauntless little Becky; and further pointed out to her
husband the great comfort and advantage of meeting
Jos and Osborne; whose acquaintance had brought to
Rawdon Crawley a most timely little supply of ready
〃It will hardly be enough to pay the inn bill;〃 grumbled
the Guardsman。
〃Why need we pay it?〃 said the lady; who had an answer
for everything。
Through Rawdon's valet; who still kept up a trifling
acquaintance with the male inhabitants of Miss Crawley's
servants' hall; and was instructed to treat the coachman
to drink whenever they met; old Miss Crawley's movements
were pretty well known by our young couple; and
Rebecca luckily bethought herself of being unwell; and of
calling in the same apothecary who was in attendance
upon the spinster; so that their information was on the
whole tolerably complete。  Nor was Miss Briggs; although
forced to adopt a hostile attitude; secretly inimical to
Rawdon and his wife。  She was naturally of a kindly and
forgiving disposition。  Now that the cause of jealousy was
removed; her dislike for Rebecca disappeared also; and
she remembered the latter's invariable good words
and good humour。  And; indeed; she and Mrs。
Firkin; the lady's…maid; and the whole of Miss Crawley's
household; groaned under the tyranny of the
triumphant Mrs。 Bute。
As often will be the case; that good but imperious
woman pushed her advantages too far; and her successes
quite unmercifully。  She had in the course of a few weeks
brought the invalid to such a state of helpless docility;
that the poor soul yielded herself entirely to her sister's
orders; and did not even dare to complain of her slavery
to Briggs or Firkin。  Mrs。 Bute measured out the glasses
of wine which Miss Crawley was daily allowed to take;
with irresistible accuracy; greatly to the annoyance of
Firkin and the butler; who found themselves deprived of
control over even the sherry…bottle。  She apportioned the
sweetbreads; jellies; chickens; their quantity and order。
Night and noon and morning she brought the abominable
drinks ordained by the Doctor; and made her patient
swallow them with so affecting an obedience that Firkin
said 〃my poor Missus du take her physic like a lamb。〃 She
prescribed the drive in the carriage or the ride in the
chair; and; in a word; ground down the old lady in her
convalescence in such a way as only belongs to your
proper…managing; motherly moral woman。  If ever the
patient faintly resisted; and pleaded for a little bit more
dinner or a little drop less medicine; the nurse threatened
her with instantaneous death; when Miss Crawley
instantly gave in。  〃She's no spirit left in her;〃 Firkin
remarked to Briggs; 〃she ain't ave called me a fool these
three weeks。〃 Finally; Mrs。 Bute had made up her mind
to dismiss the aforesaid honest lady's…maid; Mr。 Bowls
the large confidential man; and Briggs herself; and to
send for her daughters from the Rectory; previous to
removing the dear invalid bodily to Queen's Crawley; when
an odious accident happened which called her away from
duties so pleasing。  The Reverend Bute Crawley; her
husband; riding home one night; fell with his horse and
broke his collar…bone。  Fever and inflammatory symptoms
set in; and Mrs。 Bute was forced to leave Sussex for
Hampshire。  As soon as ever Bute was restored; she
promised to return to her dearest friend; and departed;
leaving the strongest injunctions with the household
regarding their behaviour t
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