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vanity fair(名利场)-第75章

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back to self…control?  Why was she so violently agitated
at Dobbin's request?  This can never be known。  But when
he came the next day; Maria was not in the drawing…room
with her sister; and Miss Wirt went off for the purpose
of fetching the latter; and the Captain and Miss Osborne
were left together。  They were both so silent that the ticktock
of the Sacrifice of Iphigenia clock on the mantelpiece
became quite rudely audible。
〃What a nice party it was last night;〃 Miss Osborne at
length began; encouragingly; 〃andand how you're
improved in your dancing; Captain Dobbin。  Surely somebody
has taught you;〃 she added; with amiable archness。
〃You should see me dance a reel with Mrs。 Major
O'Dowd of ours; and a jigdid you ever see a jig?  But
I think anybody could dance with you; Miss Osborne;
who dance so well。〃
〃Is the Major's lady young and beautiful; Captain?〃 the
fair questioner continued。  〃Ah; what a terrible thing it
must be to be a soldier's wife!  I wonder they have any
spirits to dance; and in these dreadful times of war; too!
O Captain Dobbin; I tremble sometimes when I think of
our dearest George; and the dangers of the poor soldier。
Are there many married officers of the th; Captain
〃Upon my word; she's playing her hand rather too
openly;〃 Miss Wirt thought; but this observation is merely
 parenthetic; and was not heard through the crevice of
the door at which the governess uttered it。
〃One of our young men is just married;〃 Dobbin said;
now coming to the point。  〃It was a very old attachment;
and the young couple are as poor as church mice。〃
〃O; how delightful! O; how romantic!〃 Miss Osborne
cried; as the Captain said 〃old attachment〃 and 〃poor。〃
Her sympathy encouraged him。
〃The finest young fellow in the regiment;〃 he continued。
〃Not a braver or handsomer officer in the army; and
such a charming wife!  How you would like her!  how
you will like her when you know her; Miss Osborne。〃  The
young lady thought the actual moment had arrived; and
that Dobbin's nervousness which now came on and was
visible in many twitchings of his face; in his manner of
beating the ground with his great feet; in the rapid
buttoning and unbuttoning of his frock…coat; &c。Miss
Osborne; I say; thought that when he had given himself a
little air; he would unbosom himself entirely; and
prepared eagerly to listen。  And the clock; in the altar on
which Iphigenia was situated; beginning; after a preparatory 
convulsion; to toll twelve; the mere tolling seemed
as if it would last until oneso prolonged was the knell
to the anxious spinster。
〃But it's not about marriage that I came to speak
that is that marriagethat isno; I meanmy dear
Miss Osborne; it's about our dear friend George;〃
Dobbin said。
〃About George?〃 she said in a tone so discomfited
that Maria and Miss Wirt laughed at the other side of
the door; and even that abandoned wretch of a Dobbin
felt inclined to smile himself; for he was not altogether
unconscious of the state of affairs:  George having often
bantered him gracefully and said; 〃Hang it; Will; why
don't you take old Jane?  She'll have you if you ask her。
I'll bet you five to two she will。〃
〃Yes; about George; then;〃 he continued。  〃There has
been a difference between him and Mr。 Osborne。  And I
regard him so muchfor you know we have been like
brothersthat I hope and pray the quarrel may be
settled。  We must go abroad; Miss Osborne。  We may be
ordered off at a day's warning。  Who knows what may
happen in the campaign?  Don't be agitated; dear Miss
Osborne; and those two at least should part friends。〃
〃There has been no quarrel; Captain Dobbin; except
a little usual scene with Papa;〃 the lady said。  〃We are
expecting George back daily。  What Papa wanted was only
for his good。  He has but to come back; and I'm sure all
will be well; and dear Rhoda; who went away from here
in sad sad anger; I know will forgive him。  Woman forgives
but too readily; Captain。〃
〃Such an angel as YOU I am sure would;〃 Mr。 Dobbin
said; with atrocious astuteness。  〃And no man can pardon
himself for giving a woman pain。  What would you feel;
if a man were faithless to you?〃
〃I should perishI should throw myself out of window
I should take poisonI should pine and die。  I
know I should;〃 Miss cried; who had nevertheless gone
through one or two affairs of the heart without any idea
of suicide。
〃And there are others;〃 Dobbin continued; 〃as true
and as kind…hearted as yourself。  I'm not speaking about
the West Indian heiress; Miss Osborne; but about a poor
girl whom George once loved; and who was bred from
her childhood to think of nobody but him。  I've seen her
in her poverty uncomplaining; broken…hearted; without a
fault。  It is of Miss Sedley I speak。  Dear Miss Osborne;
can your generous heart quarrel with your brother for
being faithful to her?  Could his own conscience ever
forgive him if he deserted her?  Be her friendshe always
loved youandand I am come here charged by George
to tell you that he holds his engagement to her as the
most sacred duty he has; and to entreat you; at least;
to be on his side。〃
When any strong emotion took possession of Mr。 Dobbin;
and after the first word or two of hesitation; he could
speak with perfect fluency; and it was evident that his
eloquence on this occasion made some impression upon
the lady whom he addressed。
〃Well;〃 said she; 〃this ismost surprisingmost painful
most extraordinarywhat will Papa say?that
George should fling away such a superb establishment as
was offered to him but at any rate he has found a very
brave champion in you; Captain Dobbin。  It is of no use;
however;〃 she continued; after a pause; 〃I feel for poor
Miss Sedley; most certainlymost sincerely; you know。
We never thought the match a good one; though we were
always very kind to her herevery。  But Papa will never
consent; I am sure。  And a well brought up young woman;
you knowwith a well…regulated mind; mustGeorge
must give her up; dear Captain Dobbin; indeed he must。〃
〃Ought a man to give up the woman he loved; just
when misfortune befell her?〃 Dobbin said; holding out
his hand。  〃Dear Miss Osborne; is this the counsel I hear
from you?  My dear young lady! you must befriend her。
He can't give her up。  He must not give her up。  Would a
man; think you; give YOU up if you were poor?〃
This adroit question touched the heart of Miss Jane
Osborne not a little。  〃I don't know whether we poor girls
ought to believe what you men say; Captain;〃 she said。
〃There is that in woman's tenderness which induces her
to believe too easily。  I'm afraid you are cruel; cruel
deceivers;〃and Dobbin certainly thought he felt a
pressure of the hand which Miss Osborne had extended
to him。
He dropped it in some alarm。  〃Deceivers!〃 said he。
〃No; dear Miss Osborne; all men are not; your brother
is not; George has loved Amelia Sedley ever since they
were children; no wealth would make him marry any but
her。  Ought he to forsake her?  Would you counsel him to
do so?〃
What could Miss Jane say to such a question; and with
her own peculiar views?  She could not answer it; so she
parried it by saying; 〃Well; if you are not a deceiver; at
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