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vanity fair(名利场)-第71章

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AIRS (these words were uttered in the elder Osborne's
most sarcastic tones)。  But it wasn't considered the part
of a gentleman; in MY time; for a man to insult his father。
If I'd done any such thing; mine would have kicked me
downstairs; sir。〃
〃I never insulted you; sir。  I said I begged you to
remember your son was a gentleman as well as yourself。
I know very well that you give me plenty of money;〃
said George (fingering a bundle of notes which he had
got in the morning from Mr。 Chopper)。  〃You tell it me
often enough; sir。  There's no fear of my forgetting it。〃
〃I wish you'd remember other things as well; sir;〃 the
sire answered。  〃I wish you'd remember that in this house
so long as you choose to HONOUR it with your COMPANY;
CaptainI'm the master; and that name; and that
thatthat youthat I say〃
〃That what; sir?〃 George asked; with scarcely a sneer;
filling another glass of claret。
〃!〃 burst out his father with a screaming oath
〃that the name of those Sedleys never be mentioned
here; sirnot one of the whole damned lot of 'em; sir。〃
〃It wasn't I; sir; that introduced Miss Sedley's name。  It
was my sisters who spoke ill of her to Miss Swartz; and
by Jove I'll defend her wherever I go。  Nobody shall
speak lightly of that name in my presence。  Our family
has done her quite enough injury already; I think; and
may leave off reviling her now she's down。  I'll shoot any
man but you who says a word against her。〃
〃Go on; sir; go on;〃 the old gentleman said; his eyes
starting out of his head。
〃Go on about what; sir? about the way in which we've
treated that angel of a girl?  Who told me to love her?  It
was your doing。  I might have chosen elsewhere; and
looked higher; perhaps; than your society: but I obeyed
you。  And now that her heart's mine you give me orders
to fling it away; and punish her; kill her perhapsfor
the faults of other people。  It's a shame; by Heavens;〃
said George; working himself up into passion and
enthusiasm as he proceeded; 〃to play at fast and loose with
a young girl's affectionsand with such an angel as that
one so superior to the people amongst whom she lived;
that she might have excited envy; only she was so good
and gentle; that it's a wonder anybody dared to hate her。
If I desert her; sir; do you suppose she forgets me?〃
〃I ain't going to have any of this dam sentimental nonsense
and humbug here; sir;〃 the father cried out。  〃There
shall be no beggar…marriages in my family。  If you choose
to fling away eight thousand a year; which you may have
for the asking; you may do it: but by Jove you take your
pack and walk out of this house; sir。  Will you do as I tell
you; once for all; sir; or will you not?〃
〃Marry that mulatto woman?〃 George said; pulling up
his shirt…collars。  〃I don't like the colour; sir。  Ask the
black that sweeps opposite Fleet Market; sir。  I'm not
going to marry a Hottentot Venus。〃
Mr。 Osborne pulled frantically at the cord by which he
was accustomed to summon the butler when he wanted
wineand almost black in the face; ordered that functionary
to call a coach for Captain Osborne。
〃I've done it;〃 said George; coming into the Slaughters'
an hour afterwards; looking very pale。
〃What; my boy?〃 says Dobbin。
George told what had passed between his father and
〃I'll marry her to…morrow;〃 he said with an oath。  〃I
love her more every day; Dobbin。〃

A Marriage and Part of a Honeymoon
Enemies the most obstinate and courageous can't hold
out against starvation; so the elder Osborne felt himself
pretty easy about his adversary in the encounter we have
just described; and as soon as George's supplies fell
short; confidently expected his unconditional submission。
It was unlucky; to be sure; that the lad should have secured
a stock of provisions on the very day when the first
encounter took place; but this relief was only temporary;
old Osborne thought; and would but delay George's
surrender。  No communication passed between father and
son for some days。  The former was sulky at this silence;
but not disquieted; for; as he said; he knew where he
could put the screw upon George; and only waited the
result of that operation。  He told the sisters the upshot of
the dispute between them; but ordered them to take no
notice of the matter; and welcome George on his return
as if nothing had happened。  His cover was laid as usual
every day; and perhaps the old gentleman rather anxiously
expected him; but he never came。  Some one inquired
at the Slaughters' regarding him; where it was said
that he and his friend Captain Dobbin had left town。
One gusty; raw day at the end of Aprilthe rain whipping
the pavement of that ancient street where the old
Slaughters' Coffee…house was once situatedGeorge Osborne
came into the coffee…room; looking very haggard
and pale; although dressed rather smartly in a blue coat
and brass buttons; and a neat buff waistcoat of the fashion
of those days。  Here was his friend Captain Dobbin;
in blue and brass too; having abandoned the military
frock and French…grey trousers; which were the usual
coverings of his lanky person。
Dobbin had been in the coffee…room for an hour or
more。  He had tried all the papers; but could not read
them。  He had looked at the clock many scores of times;
and at the street; where the rain was pattering down;
and the people as they clinked by in pattens; left long
reflections on the shining stone: he tattooed at the table:
he bit his nails most completely; and nearly to the quick
(he was accustomed to ornament his great big hands in
this way): he balanced the tea…spoon dexterously on the
milk jug: upset it; &c。; &c。; and in fact showed those
signs of disquietude; and practised those desperate
attempts at amusement; which men are accustomed to
employ when very anxious; and expectant; and perturbed
in mind。
Some of his comrades; gentlemen who used the room;
joked him about the splendour of his costume and his
agitation of manner。  One asked him if he was going to be
married?  Dobbin laughed; and said he would send his
acquaintance (Major Wagstaff of the Engineers) a piece of
cake when that event took place。  At length Captain Osborne
made his appearance; very smartly dressed; but
very pale and agitated as we have said。  He wiped his
pale face with a large yellow bandanna pocket…handkerchief
that was prodigiously scented。  He shook hands with
Dobbin; looked at the clock; and told John; the waiter;
to bring him some curacao。  Of this cordial he swallowed
off a couple of glasses with nervous eagerness。
His friend asked with some interest about his health。
〃Couldn't get a wink of sleep till daylight; Dob;〃 said
he。  〃Infernal headache and fever。  Got up at nine; and
went down to the Hummums for a bath。  I say; Dob; I feel
just as I did on the morning I went out with Rocket at
〃So do I;〃 William responded。  〃I was a deuced deal
more nervous than you were that morning。  You made a
famous breakfast; I remember。  Eat something now。〃
〃You're a good old fellow; Will。  I'll drink your health;
old boy; and farewell to〃
〃No; no; two glasses are enough;〃 Dobbin interrupted
him。  〃Here; take away the liqueurs; John。  Have
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