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vanity fair(名利场)-第60章

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throughout was MOST IMPRUDENT; not to call it by any
worse name; and that her parents are people who
certainly merit their misfortunes。〃
〃Hadn't you better; now that Miss Sedley is free;
propose for her yourself; William?〃 Miss Ann asked
sarcastically。  〃It would be a most eligible family
connection。  He!  he!〃
〃I marry her!〃 Dobbin said; blushing very much; and
talking quick。  〃If you are so ready; young ladies; to chop
and change; do you suppose that she is?  Laugh and sneer
at that angel。  She can't hear it; and she's miserable and
unfortunate; and deserves to be laughed at。  Go on
joking; Ann。  You're the wit of the family; and the others
like to hear it。〃
〃I must tell you again we're not in a barrack; William;〃
Miss Ann remarked。
〃In a barrack; by JoveI wish anybody in a barrack
would say what you do;〃 cried out this uproused British
lion。  〃I should like to hear a man breathe a word against
her; by Jupiter。  But men don't talk in this way; Ann: it's
only women; who get together and hiss; and shriek; and
cackle。  There; get awaydon't begin to cry。  I only said
you were a couple of geese;〃 Will Dobbin said; perceiving
Miss Ann's pink eyes were beginning to moisten as
usual。  〃Well; you're not geese; you're swansanything
you like; only do; do leave Miss Sedley alone。〃
Anything like William's infatuation about that silly little
flirting; ogling thing was never known; the mamma
and sisters agreed together in thinking: and they trembled
lest; her engagement being off with Osborne; she should
take up immediately her other admirer and Captain。
In which forebodings these worthy young women no
doubt judged according to the best of their experience; or
rather (for as yet they had had no opportunities of
marrying or of jilting) according to their own notions of
right and wrong。
〃It is a mercy; Mamma; that the regiment is ordered
abroad;〃 the girls said。  〃THIS danger; at any rate; is
spared our brother。〃
Such; indeed; was the fact; and so it is that the French
Emperor comes in to perform a part in this domestic
comedy of Vanity Fair which we are now playing; and
which would never have been enacted without the
intervention of this august mute personage。  It was he
that ruined the Bourbons and Mr。 John Sedley。  It was
he whose arrival in his capital called up all France in
arms to defend him there; and all Europe to oust him。
While the French nation and army were swearing fidelity
round the eagles in the Champ de Mars; four mighty
European hosts were getting in motion for the great
chasse a l'aigle; and one of these was a British army; of
which two heroes of ours; Captain Dobbin and Captain
Osborne; formed a portion。
The news of Napoleon's escape and landing was
received by the gallant th with a fiery delight and
enthusiasm; which everybody can understand who knows
that famous corps。  From the colonel to the smallest
drummer in the regiment; all were filled with hope and
ambition and patriotic fury; and thanked the French Emperor
as for a personal kindness in coming to disturb the peace
of Europe。  Now was the time the th had so long
panted for; to show their comrades in arms that they
could fight as well as the Peninsular veterans; and that
all the pluck and valour of the th had not been killed
by the West Indies and the yellow fever。  Stubble and
Spooney looked to get their companies without purchase。
Before the end of the campaign (which she resolved
to share); Mrs。 Major O'Dowd hoped to write
herself Mrs。 Colonel O'Dowd; C。B。  Our two friends
(Dobbin and Osborne) were quite as much excited as the
rest: and each in his wayMr。 Dobbin very quietly; Mr。
Osborne very loudly and energeticallywas bent upon
doing his duty; and gaining his share of honour and
The agitation thrilling through the country and army
in consequence of this news was so great; that private
matters were little heeded: and hence probably George
Osborne; just gazetted to his company; busy with preparations
for the march; which must come inevitably; and
panting for further promotionwas not so much affected
by other incidents which would have interested him at a
more quiet period。  He was not; it must be confessed;
very much cast down by good old Mr。 Sedley's catastrophe。
He tried his new uniform; which became him
very handsomely; on the day when the first meeting of
the creditors of the unfortunate gentleman took place。
His father told him of the wicked; rascally; shameful
conduct of the bankrupt; reminded him of what he had
said about Amelia; and that their connection was broken
off for ever; and gave him that evening a good sum of
money to pay for the new clothes and epaulets in which
he looked so well。  Money was always useful to this free…
handed young fellow; and he took it without many words。
The bills were up in the Sedley house; where he had
passed so many; many happy hours。  He could see
them as he walked from home that night (to the Old
Slaughters'; where he put up when in town) shining white
in the moon。  That comfortable home was shut; then; upon
Amelia and her parents: where had they taken refuge?
The thought of their ruin affected him not a little。  He
was very melancholy that night in the coffee…room at
the Slaughters'; and drank a good deal; as his comrades
remarked there。
Dobbin came in presently; cautioned him about the
drink; which he only took; he said; because he was
deuced low; but when his friend began to put to him
clumsy inquiries; and asked him for news in a significant
manner; Osborne declined entering into conversation with
him; avowing; however; that he was devilish disturbed
and unhappy。
Three days afterwards; Dobbin found Osborne in his
room at the barrackshis head on the table; a number
of papers about; the young Captain evidently in a state
of great despondency。  〃Sheshe's sent me back some
things I gave hersome damned trinkets。  Look here!〃
There was a little packet directed in the well…known hand
to Captain George Osborne; and some things lying about
a ring; a silver knife he had bought; as a boy; for her
at a fair; a gold chain; and a locket with hair in it。  〃It's
all over;〃 said he; with a groan of sickening remorse。
〃Look; Will; you may read it if you like。〃
There was a little letter of a few lines; to which he
pointed; which said:

My papa has ordered me to return to you these
presents; which you made in happier days to me; and I
am to write to you for the last time。  I think; I know you
feel as much as I do the blow which has come upon us。
It is I that absolve you from an engagement which is
impossible in our present misery。  I am sure you had no
share in it; or in the cruel suspicions of Mr。 Osborne;
which are the hardest of all our griefs to bear。  Farewell。
Farewell。  I pray God to strengthen me to bear this and
other calamities; and to bless you always。     A。
I shall often play upon the pianoyour piano。  It was
like you to send it。
Dobbin was very soft…hearted。  The sight of women
and children in pain always used to melt him。  The idea
of Amelia broken…hearted and lonely tore that good…
natured soul with anguish。  And he broke out into an
emotion; which anybody who likes may c
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