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vanity fair(名利场)-第53章

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If Rawdon Crawley had been then and there present;
instead of being at the club nervously drinking claret; the
pair might have gone down on their knees before the old
spinster; avowed all; and been forgiven in a twinkling。
But that good chance was denied to the young couple;
doubtless in order that this story might be written; in
which numbers of their wonderful adventures are narrated
adventures which could never have occurred to them
if they had been housed and sheltered under the
comfortable uninteresting forgiveness of Miss Crawley。
Under Mrs。 Firkin's orders; in the Park Lane establishment;
was a young woman from Hampshire; whose business it was;
among other duties; to knock at Miss Sharp's door with
that jug of hot water which Firkin would rather have
perished than have presented to the intruder。  This
girl; bred on the family estate; had a brother in Captain
Crawley's troop; and if the truth were known; I daresay
it would come out that she was aware of certain arrangements;
which have a great deal to do with this history。
At any rate she purchased a yellow shawl; a pair of green
boots; and a light blue hat with a red feather with three
guineas which Rebecca gave her; and as little Sharp was
by no means too liberal with her money; no doubt it
was for services rendered that Betty Martin was so bribed。
On the second day after Sir Pitt Crawley's offer to
Miss Sharp; the sun rose as usual; and at the usual hour
Betty Martin; the upstairs maid; knocked at the door of
the governess's bedchamber。
No answer was returned; and she knocked again。  Silence
was still uninterrupted; and Betty; with the hot water;
opened the door and entered the chamber。
The little white dimity bed was as smooth and trim as
on the day previous; when Betty's own hands had helped
to make it。  Two little trunks were corded in one end of
the room; and on the table before the windowon the
pincushion the great fat pincushion lined with pink
inside; and twilled like a lady's nightcaplay a letter。  It
had been reposing there probably all night。
Betty advanced towards it on tiptoe; as if she were
afraid to awake itlooked at it; and round the room;
with an air of great wonder and satisfaction; took up the
letter; and grinned intensely as she turned it round and
over; and finally carried it into Miss Briggs's room
How could Betty tell that the letter was for Miss Briggs;
I should like to know?  All the schooling Betty had had
was at Mrs。 Bute Crawley's Sunday school; and she could
no more read writing than Hebrew。
〃La; Miss Briggs;〃 the girl exclaimed; 〃O; Miss;
something must have happenedthere's nobody in Miss
Sharp's room; the bed ain't been slep in; and she've run
away; and left this letter for you; Miss。〃
〃WHAT!〃 cries Briggs; dropping her comb; the thin wisp
of faded hair falling over her shoulders; 〃an elopement!
Miss Sharp a fugitive!  What; what is this?〃 and she eagerly
broke the neat seal; and; as they say; 〃devoured the
contents〃 of the letter addressed to her。
Dear Miss Briggs 'the refugee wrote'; the kindest
heart in the world; as yours is; will pity and sympathise
with me and excuse me。  With tears; and prayers; and
blessings; I leave the home where the poor orphan has
ever met with kindness and affection。  Claims even
superior to those of my benefactress call me hence。  I go to
my dutyto my HUSBAND。  Yes; I am married。  My
husband COMMANDS me to seek the HUMBLE HOME which
we call ours。  Dearest Miss Briggs; break the news as your
delicate sympathy will know how to do itto my dear;
my beloved friend and benefactress。  Tell her; ere I went;
I shed tears on her dear pillowthat pillow that I have
so often soothed in sicknessthat I long AGAIN to watch
Oh; with what joy shall I return to dear Park Lane!
How I tremble for the answer which is to SEAL MY FATE!
When Sir Pitt deigned to offer me his hand; an honour
of which my beloved Miss Crawley said I was DESERVING
(my blessings go with her for judging the poor orphan
worthy to be HER SISTER!) I told Sir Pitt that I was already
A WIFE。  Even he forgave me。  But my courage failed me;
when I should have told him allthat I could not be
his wife; for I WAS HIS DAUGHTER!  I am wedded to the best
and most generous of menMiss Crawley's Rawdon is
MY Rawdon。  At his COMMAND I open my lips; and
follow him to our humble home; as I would THROUGH THE
WORLD。  O; my excellent and kind friend; intercede with
my Rawdon's beloved aunt for him and the poor girl to
whom all HIS NOBLE RACE have shown such UNPARALLELED
AFFECTION。  Ask Miss Crawley to receive HER CHILDREN。  I
can say no more; but blessings; blessings on all in the
dear house I leave; prays
Your affectionate and GRATEFUL
Rebecca Crawley。
Just as Briggs had finished reading this affecting and
interesting document; which reinstated her in her position
as first confidante of Miss Crawley; Mrs。 Firkin entered
the room。  〃Here's Mrs。 Bute Crawley just arrived by
the mail from Hampshire; and wants some tea; will you
come down and make breakfast; Miss?〃
And to the surprise of Firkin; clasping her dressing…gown
around her; the wisp of hair floating dishevelled
behind her; the little curl…papers still sticking in bunches
round her forehead; Briggs sailed down to Mrs。 Bute with
the letter in her hand containing the wonderful news。
〃Oh; Mrs。 Firkin;〃 gasped Betty; 〃sech a business。  Miss
Sharp have a gone and run away with the Capting; and
they're off to Gretney Green!〃  We would devote a chapter
to describe the emotions of Mrs。 Firkin; did not the
passions of her mistresses occupy our genteeler muse。
When Mrs。 Bute Crawley; numbed with midnight travelling;
and warming herself at the newly crackling parlour
fire; heard from Miss Briggs the intelligence of the
clandestine marriage; she declared it was quite providential
that she should have arrived at such a time to assist poor
dear Miss Crawley in supporting the shockthat Rebecca
was an artful little hussy of whom she had always
had her suspicions; and that as for Rawdon Crawley; she
never could account for his aunt's infatuation regarding
him; and had long considered him a profligate; lost;
and abandoned being。  And this awful conduct; Mrs。 Bute
said; will have at least this good effect; it will open poor
dear Miss Crawley's eyes to the real character of this
wicked man。  Then Mrs。 Bute had a comfortable hot toast
and tea; and as there was a vacant room in the house
now; there was no need for her to remain at the Gloster
Coffee House where the Portsmouth mail had set her
down; and whence she ordered Mr。 Bowls's aide…de…camp
the footman to bring away her trunks。
Miss Crawley; be it known; did not leave her room until
near noontaking chocolate in bed in the morning; while
Becky Sharp read the Morning Post to her; or otherwise
amusing herself or dawdling。  The conspirators below
agreed that they would spare the dear lady's feelings
until she appeared in her drawing…room: meanwhile it was
announced to her that Mrs。 Bute Crawley had come up
from Hampshire by the mail; was staying at the Gloster;
sent her love to Miss Crawley; and asked for br
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