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vanity fair(名利场)-第43章

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carriage by the aid of various domestics and a young
lady who accompanied the heap of cloaks。  That bundle
contained Miss Crawley; who was conveyed upstairs
forthwith; and put into a bed and chamber warmed properly
as for the reception of an invalid。  Messengers went off
for her physician and medical man。  They came;
consulted; prescribed; vanished。  The young companion of
Miss Crawley; at the conclusion of their interview; came
in to receive their instructions; and administered those
antiphlogistic medicines which the eminent men ordered。
Captain Crawley of the Life Guards rode up from
Knightsbridge Barracks the next day; his black charger
pawed the straw before his invalid aunt's door。  He was
most affectionate in his inquiries regarding that amiable
relative。  There seemed to be much source of apprehension。
He found Miss Crawley's maid (the discontented
female) unusually sulky and despondent; he found Miss
Briggs; her dame de compagnie; in tears alone in the
drawing…room。  She had hastened home; hearing of her
beloved friend's illness。  She wished to fly to her couch;
that couch which she; Briggs; had so often smoothed in
the hour of sickness。  She was denied admission to Miss
Crawley's apartment。  A stranger was administering her
medicinesa stranger from the countryan odious Miss
。 。 。tears choked the utterance of the dame de
compagnie; and she buried her crushed affections and her
poor old red nose in her pocket handkerchief。
Rawdon Crawley sent up his name by the sulky femme
de chambre; and Miss Crawley's new companion; coming
tripping down from the sick…room; put a little hand into
his as he stepped forward eagerly to meet her; gave a
glance of great scorn at the bewildered Briggs; and
beckoning the young Guardsman out of the back drawing…
room; led him downstairs into that now desolate dining…
parlour; where so many a good dinner had been
Here these two talked for ten minutes; discussing; no
doubt; the symptoms of the old invalid above stairs; at
the end of which period the parlour bell was rung briskly;
and answered on that instant by Mr。 Bowls; Miss
Crawley's large confidential butler (who; indeed; happened to
be at the keyhole during the most part of the interview);
and the Captain coming out; curling his mustachios;
mounted the black charger pawing among the straw; to
the admiration of the little blackguard boys collected in
the street。  He looked in at the dining…room window;
managing his horse; which curvetted and capered beautifully
for one instant the young person might be seen at the
window; when her figure vanished; and; doubtless; she
went upstairs again to resume the affecting duties of
Who could this young woman be; I wonder?  That
evening a little dinner for two persons was laid in the dining…
roomwhen Mrs。 Firkin; the lady's maid; pushed into her
mistress's apartment; and bustled about there during
the vacancy occasioned by the departure of the new
nurseand the latter and Miss Briggs sat down to the
neat little meal。
Briggs was so much choked by emotion that she could
hardly take a morsel of meat。  The young person carved a
fowl with the utmost delicacy; and asked so distinctly for
egg…sauce; that poor Briggs; before whom that delicious
condiment was placed; started; made a great clattering
with the ladle; and once more fell back in the most
gushing hysterical state。
〃Had you not better give Miss Briggs a glass of wine?〃
said the person to Mr。 Bowls; the large confidential man。
He did so。  Briggs seized it mechanically; gasped it down
convulsively; moaned a little; and began to play with the
chicken on her plate。
〃I think we shall be able to help each other;〃 said
the person with great suavity: 〃and shall have no need
of Mr。 Bowls's kind services。  Mr。 Bowls; if you please;
we will ring when we want you。〃 He went downstairs;
where; by the way; he vented the most horrid curses
upon the unoffending footman; his subordinate。
〃It is a pity you take on so; Miss Briggs;〃 the young
lady said; with a cool; slightly sarcastic; air。
〃My dearest friend is so ill; and wooon't see
me;〃 gurgled out Briggs in an agony of renewed grief。
〃She's not very ill any more。  Console yourself; dear
Miss Briggs。  She has only overeaten herselfthat is all。
She is greatly better。  She will soon be quite restored again。
She is weak from being cupped and from medical
treatment; but she will rally immediately。  Pray console
yourself; and take a little more wine。〃
〃But why; why won't she see me again?〃 Miss Briggs
bleated out。  〃Oh; Matilda; Matilda; after three…and…
twenty years' tenderness! is this the return to your poor;
poor Arabella?〃
〃Don't cry too much; poor Arabella;〃 the other said
(with ever so little of a grin); 〃she only won't see you;
because she says you don't nurse her as well as I do。
It's no pleasure to me to sit up all night。  I wish you
might do it instead。〃
〃Have I not tended that dear couch for years?〃
Arabella said; 〃and now〃
〃Now she prefers somebody else。  Well; sick people
have these fancies; and must be humoured。  When she's
well I shall go。〃
〃Never; never;〃 Arabella exclaimed; madly inhaling her
〃Never be well or never go; Miss Briggs?〃 the other
said; with the same provoking good…nature。  〃Poohshe
will be well in a fortnight; when I shall go back to my
little pupils at Queen's Crawley; and to their mother;
who is a great deal more sick than our friend。  You need
not be jealous about me; my dear Miss Briggs。  I am a
poor little girl without any friends; or any harm in me。
I don't want to supplant you in Miss Crawley's good
graces。  She will forget me a week after I am gone: and
her affection for you has been the work of years。  Give
me a little wine if you please; my dear Miss Briggs;
and let us be friends。  I'm sure I want friends。〃
The placable and soft…hearted Briggs speechlessly
pushed out her hand at this appeal; but she felt the
desertion most keenly for all that; and bitterly; bitterly
moaned the fickleness of her Matilda。  At the end of half
an hour; the meal over; Miss Rebecca Sharp (for such;
astonishing to state; is the name of her who has been
described ingeniously as 〃the person〃 hitherto); went
upstairs again to her patient's rooms; from which; with
the most engaging politeness; she eliminated poor Firkin。
〃Thank you; Mrs。 Firkin; that will quite do; how nicely
you make it! I will ring when anything is wanted。〃 〃Thank
you〃; and Firkin came downstairs in a tempest of
jealousy; only the more dangerous because she was forced
to confine it in her own bosom。
Could it be the tempest which; as she passed the
landing of the first floor; blew open the drawing…room door?
No; it was stealthily opened by the hand of Briggs。
Briggs had been on the watch。 Briggs too well heard the
creaking Firkin descend the stairs; and the clink of the
spoon and gruel…basin the neglected female carried。
〃Well; Firkin?〃 says she; as the other entered the
apartment。 〃Well; Jane?〃
〃Wuss and wuss; Miss B。;〃 Firkin said; wagging her
〃Is she not better then?〃
〃She ne
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