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vanity fair(名利场)-第31章

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when a boy; sent him to Cambridge (in opposition to
his brother at Oxford); and; when the young man was
requested by the authorities of the first…named University
to quit after a residence of two years; she bought him
his commission in the Life Guards Green。
A perfect and celebrated 〃blood;〃 or dandy about town;
was this young officer。  Boxing; rat…hunting; the fives court;
and four…in…hand driving were then the fashion of our
British aristocracy; and he was an adept in all these
noble sciences。  And though he belonged to the
household troops; who; as it was their duty to rally round the
Prince Regent; had not shown their valour in foreign
service yet; Rawdon Crawley had already (apropos of
play; of which he was immoderately fond) fought three
bloody duels; in which he gave ample proofs of his
contempt for death。
〃And for what follows after death;〃 would Mr。
Crawley observe; throwing his gooseberry…coloured eyes
up to the ceiling。  He was always thinking of his brother's
soul; or of the souls of those who differed with him in
opinion: it is a sort of comfort which many of the
serious give themselves。
Silly; romantic Miss Crawley; far from being horrified
at the courage of her favourite; always used to pay his
debts after his duels; and would not listen to a word
that was whispered against his morality。  〃He will sow
his wild oats;〃 she would say; 〃and is worth far more
than that puling hypocrite of a brother of his。〃

Arcadian Simplicity
Besides these honest folks at the Hall (whose simplicity
and sweet rural purity surely show the advantage of a
country life over a town one); we must introduce the
reader to their relatives and neighbours at the Rectory;
Bute Crawley and his wife。
The Reverend Bute Crawley was a tall; stately; jolly;
shovel…hatted man; far more popular in his county than
the Baronet his brother。  At college he pulled stroke…oar
in the Christchurch boat; and had thrashed all the best
bruisers of the 〃town。〃 He carried his taste for boxing
and athletic exercises into private life; there was not a
fight within twenty miles at which he was not present;
nor a race; nor a coursing match; nor a regatta; nor a
ball; nor an election; nor a visitation dinner; nor indeed
a good dinner in the whole county; but he found means
to attend it。  You might see his bay mare and gig…lamps
a score of miles away from his Rectory House; whenever
there was any dinner…party at Fuddleston; or at Roxby;
or at Wapshot Hall; or at the great lords of the county;
with all of whom he was intimate。  He had a fine voice;
sang 〃A southerly wind and a cloudy sky〃; and gave
the 〃whoop〃 in chorus with general applause。  He rode
to hounds in a pepper…and…salt frock; and was one of the
best fishermen in the county。
Mrs。 Crawley; the rector's wife; was a smart little body;
who wrote this worthy divine's sermons。  Being of a
domestic turn; and keeping the house a great deal with her
daughters; she ruled absolutely within the Rectory; wisely
giving her husband full liberty without。  He was welcome
to come and go; and dine abroad as many days as his
fancy dictated; for Mrs。 Crawley was a saving woman and
knew the price of port wine。  Ever since Mrs。 Bute carried
off the young Rector of Queen's Crawley (she was of a
good family; daughter of the late Lieut。…Colonel
Hector McTavish; and she and her mother played for
Bute and won him at Harrowgate); she had been a prudent
and thrifty wife to him。  In spite of her care; however; he
was always in debt。  It took him at least ten years to pay
off his college bills contracted during his father's lifetime。
In the year 179…; when he was just clear of these
incumbrances; he gave the odds of 100 to 1 (in twenties)
against Kangaroo; who won the Derby。  The Rector was
obliged to take up the money at a ruinous interest; and
had been struggling ever since。  His sister helped him with
a hundred now and then; but of course his great hope was
in her deathwhen 〃hang it〃 (as he would say); 〃Matilda
must leave me half her money。〃
So that the Baronet and his brother had every reason
which two brothers possibly can have for being by the
ears。  Sir Pitt had had the better of Bute in innumerable
family transactions。  Young Pitt not only did not hunt; but
set up a meeting house under his uncle's very nose。
Rawdon; it was known; was to come in for the bulk of Miss
Crawley's property。  These money transactionsthese
speculations in life and deaththese silent battles for
reversionary spoilmake brothers very loving towards
each other in Vanity Fair。  I; for my part; have known a
five…pound note to interpose and knock up a half century's
attachment between two brethren; and can't but admire;
as I think what a fine and durable thing Love is among
worldly people。
It cannot be supposed that the arrival of such a
personage as Rebecca at Queen's Crawley; and her gradual
establishment in the good graces of all people there; could
be unremarked by Mrs。 Bute Crawley。  Mrs。 Bute; who
knew how many days the sirloin of beef lasted at the Hall;
how much linen was got ready at the great wash; how
many peaches were on the south wall; how many doses
her ladyship took when she was illfor such points are
matters of intense interest to certain persons in the
countryMrs。 Bute; I say; could not pass over the Hall
governess without making every inquiry respecting her
history and character。  There was always the best understanding
between the servants at the Rectory and the Hall。
There was always a good glass of ale in the kitchen of the
former place for the Hall people; whose ordinary drink
was very smalland; indeed; the Rector's lady knew
exactly how much malt went to every barrel of Hall beer
ties of relationship existed between the Hall and Rectory
domestics; as between their masters; and through these
channels each family was perfectly well acquainted with
the doings of the other。  That; by the way; may be set
down as a general remark。  When you and your brother
are friends; his doings are indifferent to you。  When you
have quarrelled; all his outgoings and incomings you
know; as if you were his spy。
Very soon then after her arrival; Rebecca began to take
a regular place in Mrs。 Crawley's bulletin from the Hall。
It was to this effect: 〃The black porker's killedweighed
x stonesalted the sidespig's pudding and leg of pork
for dinner。  Mr。 Cramp from Mudbury; over with Sir Pitt
about putting John Blackmore in gaolMr。 Pitt at
meeting (with all the names of the people who attended)
my lady as usualthe young ladies with the governess。〃
Then the report would comethe new governess be a
rare managerSir Pitt be very sweet on herMr。
Crawley tooHe be reading tracts to her〃What an
abandoned wretch!〃 said little; eager; active; black…faced Mrs。
Bute Crawley。
Finally; the reports were that the governess had 〃come
round〃 everybody; wrote Sir Pitt's letters; did his business;
managed his accountshad the upper hand of the whole
house; my lady; Mr。 Crawley; the girls and allat which
Mrs。 Crawley declared she was an artful hussy; and had
some dreadful designs in view。  Thus the doings at the
Hall w
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