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vanity fair(名利场)-第245章

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companion; indeed; Becky never thought fit to tell her what
was passing under her innocent eyes。
Some of Mrs。 Rawdon Crawley's acquaintances; however;
 acknowledged her readily enough;perhaps more
readily than she would have desired。  Among those were
Major Loder (unattached); and Captain Rook (late of
the Rifles); who might be seen any day on the Dike;
smoking and staring at the women; and who speedily got
an introduction to the hospitable board and select circle
of Mr。 Joseph Sedley。  In fact they would take no denial;
they burst into the house whether Becky was at home
or not; walked into Mrs。 Osborne's drawing…room; which
they perfumed with their coats and mustachios; called
Jos 〃Old buck;〃 and invaded his dinner…table; and
laughed and drank for long hours there。
〃What can they mean?〃 asked Georgy; who did not
like these gentlemen。  〃I heard the Major say to Mrs。
Crawley yesterday; 'No; no; Becky; you shan't keep the
old buck to yourself。  We must have the bones in; or;
dammy; I'll split。' What could the Major mean; Mamma?〃
〃Major!  don't call him Major!〃 Emmy said。  〃I'm sure
I can't tell what he meant。〃 His presence and that of his
friend inspired the little lady with intolerable terror and
aversion。  They paid her tipsy compliments; they leered
at her over the dinner…table。  And the Captain made her
advances that filled her with sickening dismay; nor would
she ever see him unless she had George by her side。
Rebecca; to do her justice; never would let either of
these men remain alone with Amelia; the Major was
disengaged too; and swore he would be the winner of her。
A couple of ruffians were fighting for this innocent creature;
 gambling for her at her own table; and though she
was not aware of the rascals' designs upon her; yet she
felt a horror and uneasiness in their presence and longed
to fly。
She besought; she entreated Jos to go。  Not he。  He was
slow of movement; tied to his Doctor; and perhaps to
some other leading…strings。  At least Becky was not
anxious to go to England。
At last she took a great resolutionmade the great
plunge。  She wrote off a letter to a friend whom she had
on the other side of the water; a letter about which she
did not speak a word to anybody; which she carried
herself to the post under her shawl; nor was any remark
made about it; only that she looked very much flushed
and agitated when Georgy met her; and she kissed him;
and hung over him a great deal that night。  She did not
come out of her room after her return from her walk。
Becky thought it was Major Loder and the Captain who
frightened her。
〃She mustn't stop here;〃 Becky reasoned with herself。
〃She must go away; the silly little fool。  She is still
whimpering after that gaby of a husbanddead (and
served right!) these fifteen years。  She shan't marry either
of these men。  It's too bad of Loder。  No; she shall marry
the bamboo cane; I'll settle it this very night。〃
So Becky took a cup of tea to Amelia in her private
apartment and found that lady in the company of her
miniatures; and in a most melancholy and nervous
condition。  She laid down the cup of tea。
〃Thank you;〃 said Amelia。
〃Listen to me; Amelia;〃 said Becky; marching up and
down the room before the other and surveying her with
a sort of contemptuous kindness。  〃I want to talk to you。
You must go away from here and from the impertinences
of these men。  I won't have you harassed by them:  and
they will insult you if you stay。  I tell you they are rascals:
men fit to send to the hulks。  Never mind how I know
them。  I know everybody。  Jos can't protect you; he is too
weak and wants a protector himself。  You are no more fit
to live in the world than a baby in arms。  You must marry;
or you and your precious boy will go to ruin。  You must
have a husband; you fool; and one of the best gentlemen
I ever saw has offered you a hundred times; and you have
rejected him; you silly; heartless; ungrateful little
〃I triedI tried my best; indeed I did; Rebecca;〃 said
Amelia deprecatingly; 〃but I couldn't forget〃; and she
finished the sentence by looking up at the portrait。
〃Couldn't forget HIM!〃 cried out Becky; 〃that selfish
humbug; that low…bred cockney dandy; that padded
booby; who had neither wit; nor manners; nor heart; and
was no more to be compared to your friend with the
bamboo cane than you are to Queen Elizabeth。  Why;
the man was weary of you; and would have jilted you; but
that Dobbin forced him to keep his word。  He owned it
to me。  He never cared for you。  He used to sneer about
you to me; time after time; and made love to me the
week after he married you。〃
〃It's false!  It's false!  Rebecca;〃 cried out Amelia;
starting up。
〃Look there; you fool;〃 Becky said; still with provoking
good humour; and taking a little paper out of her
belt; she opened it and flung it into Emmy's lap。  〃You
know his handwriting。  He wrote that to mewanted me
to run away with himgave it me under your nose; the
day before he was shotand served him right!〃 Becky
Emmy did not hear her; she was looking at the letter。
It was that which George had put into the bouquet and
given to Becky on the night of the Duchess of Richmond's
ball。  It was as she said:  the foolish young man
had asked her to fly。
Emmy's head sank down; and for almost the last time
in which she shall be called upon to weep in this history;
she commenced that work。  Her head fell to her bosom; and
her hands went up to her eyes; and there for a while; she
gave way to her emotions; as Becky stood on and
regarded her。  Who shall analyse those tears and say
whether they were sweet or bitter? Was she most grieved
because the idol of her life was tumbled down and
shivered at her feet; or indignant that her love had been so
despised; or glad because the barrier was removed which
modesty had placed between her and a new; a real affection?
〃There is nothing to forbid me now;〃 she thought。
〃I may love him with all my heart now。  Oh; I will; I will;
if he will but let me and forgive me。〃 I believe it was this
feeling rushed over all the others which agitated that
gentle little bosom。
Indeed; she did not cry so much as Becky expected
the other soothed and kissed hera rare mark of
sympathy with Mrs。 Becky。  She treated Emmy like a child
and patted her head。  〃And now let us get pen and ink
and write to him to come this minute;〃 she said。
〃II wrote to him this morning;〃 Emmy said; blushing
exceedingly。  Becky screamed with laughter〃Un
biglietto;〃 she sang out with Rosina; 〃eccolo qua!〃the
whole house echoed with her shrill singing。
Two mornings after this little scene; although the day
was rainy and gusty; and Amelia had had an exceedingly
wakeful night; listening to the wind roaring; and pitying
all travellers by land and by water; yet she got up early
and insisted upon taking a walk on the Dike with Georgy;
and there she paced as the rain beat into her face; and
she looked out westward across the dark sea line and
over the swollen billows which came tumbling and frothing
to the shore。  Neither spoke much; except now and
then; when the boy said a few words to his timid
companion; indicative of sympathy and 
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