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vanity fair(名利场)-第24章

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dirty man; in old clothes and shabby old gaiters; who
smokes a horrid pipe; and cooks his own horrid supper
in a saucepan。  He speaks with a country accent; and
swore a great deal at the old charwoman; at the hackney
coachman who drove us to the inn where the coach went
from; and on which I made the journey OUTSIDE FOR THE
I was awakened at daybreak by the charwoman; and
having arrived at the inn; was at first placed inside the
coach。  But; when we got to a place called Leakington;
where the rain began to fall very heavilywill you
believe it?I was forced to come outside; for Sir Pitt is a
proprietor of the coach; and as a passenger came at
Mudbury; who wanted an inside place; I was obliged to
go outside in the rain; where; however; a young
gentleman from Cambridge College sheltered me very
kindly in one of his several great coats。
This gentleman and the guard seemed to know Sir
Pitt very well; and laughed at him a great deal。  They
both agreed in calling him an old screw; which means a
very stingy; avaricious person。  He never gives any money
to anybody; they said (and this meanness I hate); and
the young gentleman made me remark that we drove
very slow for the last two stages on the road; because
Sir Pitt was on the box; and because he is proprietor
of the horses for this part of the journey。  〃But won't I
flog 'em on to Squashmore; when I take the ribbons?〃
said the young Cantab。  〃And sarve 'em right; Master
Jack;〃 said the guard。  When I comprehended the
meaning of this phrase; and that Master Jack intended to
drive the rest of the way; and revenge himself on Sir
Pitt's horses; of course I laughed too。
A carriage and four splendid horses; covered with
armorial bearings; however; awaited us at Mudbury;
four miles from Queen's Crawley; and we made our
entrance to the baronet's park in state。  There is a fine
avenue of a mile long leading to the house; and the woman
at the lodge…gate (over the pillars of which are a serpent
and a dove; the supporters of the Crawley arms); made
us a number of curtsies as she flung open the old iron
carved doors; which are something like those at odious
〃There's an avenue;〃 said Sir Pitt; 〃a mile long。
There's six thousand pound of timber in them there
trees。  Do you call that nothing?〃 He pronounced avenue
EVENUE; and nothingNOTHINK; so droll; and he had
a Mr。 Hodson; his hind from Mudbury; into the carriage
with him; and they talked about distraining; and selling
up; and draining and subsoiling; and a great deal about
tenants and farmingmuch more than I could
understand。  Sam Miles had been caught poaching; and Peter
Bailey had gone to the workhouse at last。  〃Serve him
right;〃 said Sir Pitt; 〃him and his family has been
cheating me on that farm these hundred and fifty years。〃
Some old tenant; I suppose; who could not pay his rent。
Sir Pitt might have said 〃he and his family;〃 to be sure;
but rich baronets do not need to be careful about
grammar; as poor governesses must be。
As we passed; I remarked a beautiful church…spire
rising above some old elms in the park; and before them;
in the midst of a lawn; and some outhouses; an old red
house with tall chimneys covered with ivy; and the
windows shining in the sun。  〃Is that your church; sir?〃
I said。
〃Yes; hang it;〃 (said Sir Pitt; only he used; dear; A MUCH
WICKEDER WORD); 〃how's Buty; Hodson? Buty's my
brother Bute; my dearmy brother the parson。  Buty and
the Beast I call him; ha; ha!〃
Hodson laughed too; and then looking more grave
and nodding his head; said; 〃I'm afraid he's better; Sir
Pitt。  He was out on his pony yesterday; looking at our
〃Looking after his tithes; hang'un (only he used the
same wicked word)。  Will brandy and water never kill
him? He's as tough as old whatdyecallumold
Mr。 Hodson laughed again。  〃The young men is home
from college。  They've whopped John Scroggins till he's
well nigh dead。〃
〃Whop my second keeper!〃 roared out Sir Pitt。
〃He was on the parson's ground; sir;〃 replied Mr。
Hodson; and Sir Pitt in a fury swore that if he ever caught
'em poaching on his ground; he'd transport 'em; by the
lord he would。  However; he said; 〃I've sold the
presentation of the living; Hodson; none of that breed
shall get it; I war'nt〃; and Mr。 Hodson said he was quite right:
and I have no doubt from this that the two brothers are
at varianceas brothers often are; and sisters too。  Don't
you remember the two Miss Scratchleys at Chiswick;
how they used always to fight and quarreland Mary
Box; how she was always thumping Louisa?
Presently; seeing two little boys gathering sticks in the
wood; Mr。 Hodson jumped out of the carriage; at Sir
Pitt's order; and rushed upon them with his whip。  〃Pitch
into 'em; Hodson;〃 roared the baronet; 〃flog their little
souls out; and bring 'em up to the house; the vagabonds;
I'll commit 'em as sure as my name's Pitt。〃 And presently
we heard Mr。 Hodson's whip cracking on the
shoulders of the poor little blubbering wretches; and
Sir Pitt; seeing that the malefactors were in custody;
drove on to the hall。
All the servants were ready to meet us; and
。 。 。
Here; my dear; I was interrupted last night by a
dreadful thumping at my door: and who do you think it
was? Sir Pitt Crawley in his night…cap and dressing…
gown; such a figure! As I shrank away from such a
visitor; he came forward and seized my candle。  〃No
candles after eleven o'clock; Miss Becky;〃 said he。  〃Go to
bed in the dark; you pretty little hussy〃 (that is what
he called me); 〃and unless you wish me to come for the
candle every night; mind and be in bed at eleven。〃 And
with this; he and Mr。 Horrocks the butler went off
laughing。  You may be sure I shall not encourage any more
of their visits。  They let loose two immense bloodhounds
at night; which all last night were yelling and howling
at the moon。  〃I call the dog Gorer;〃 said Sir Pitt; 〃he's
killed a man that dog has; and is master of a bull; and
the mother I used to call Flora; but now I calls her
Aroarer; for she's too old to bite。  Haw; haw!〃
Before the house of Queen's Crawley; which is an
odious old…fashioned red brick mansion; with tall
chimneys and gables of the style of Queen Bess; there is a
terrace flanked by the family dove and serpent; and on
which the great hall…door opens。  And oh; my dear; the
great hall I am sure is as big and as glum as the great
hall in the dear castle of Udolpho。  It has a large
fireplace; in which we might put half Miss Pinkerton's
school; and the grate is big enough to roast an ox at the
very least。  Round the room hang I don't know how
many generations of Crawleys; some with beards and
ruffs; some with huge wigs and toes turned out; some
dressed in long straight stays and gowns that look as
stiff as towers; and some with long ringlets; and oh; my
dear! scarcely any stays at all。  At one end of the hall is
the great staircase all in black oak; as dismal as may be;
and on either side are tall doors with stags' heads。over
them; leading to the billiard…room and the library; and
the great yellow saloon and the morning…rooms。  I
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