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vanity fair(名利场)-第235章

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Dine with me and Fritz at the inn in the park。  We will
have roast pheasants and porter; plum…pudding and
French wine。  We shall die if you don't。〃
〃That we will;〃 said the young nobleman on the bed;
and this colloquy Jos overheard; though he did not
comprehend it; for the reason that he had never studied
the language in which it was carried on。
〃Newmero kattervang dooze; si vous plait;〃 Jos said
in his grandest manner; when he was able to speak。
〃Quater fang tooce!〃 said the student; starting up; and
he bounced into his own room; where he locked the door;
and where Jos heard him laughing with his comrade on
the bed。
The gentleman from Bengal was standing; disconcerted
by this incident; when the door of the 92 opened of
itself and Becky's little head peeped out full of archness
and mischief。  She lighted on Jos。  〃It's you;〃 she said;
coming out。  〃How I have been waiting for you!  Stop!
not yetin one minute you shall come in。〃 In that instant
she put a rouge…pot; a brandy bottle; and a plate of broken
meat into the bed; gave one smooth to her hair; and
finally let in her visitor。
She had; by way of morning robe; a pink domino; a
trifle faded and soiled; and marked here and there with
pomaturn; but her arms shone out from the loose sleeves
of the dress very white and fair; and it was tied round
her little waist so as not ill to set off the trim little figure
of the wearer。  She led Jos by the hand into her garret。
〃Come in;〃 she said。  〃Come and talk to me。  Sit yonder
on the chair〃; and she gave the civilian's hand a little
squeeze and laughingly placed him upon it。  As for
herself; she placed herself on the bednot on the bottle
and plate; you may be sureon which Jos might have
reposed; had he chosen that seat; and so there she sat
and talked with her old admirer。
  〃How little years have changed you;〃 she said with a
look of tender interest。  〃I should have known you
anywhere。  What a comfort it is amongst strangers to see
once more the frank honest face of an old friend!〃
The frank honest face; to tell the truth; at this
moment bore any expression but one of openness and
honesty:  it was; on the contrary; much perturbed and
puzzled in look。  Jos was surveying the queer little apartment
in which he found his old flame。  One of her gowns hung
over the bed; another depending from a hook of the door;
her bonnet obscured half the looking…glass; on which;
too; lay the prettiest little pair of bronze boots; a French
novel was on the table by the bedside; with a candle; not
of wax。  Becky thought of popping that into the bed too;
but she only put in the little paper night…cap with which
she had put the candle out on going to sleep。
〃I should have known you anywhere;〃 she continued;
〃a woman never forgets some things。  And you were the
first man I everI ever saw。〃
〃Was I really?〃 said Jos。  〃God bless my soul; you
you don't say so。〃
〃When I came with your sister from Chiswick; I was
scarcely more than a child;〃 Becky said。  〃How is that;
dear love? Oh; her husband was a sad wicked man; and
of course it was of me that the poor dear was jealous。
As if I cared about him; heigho!  when there was
somebodybut nodon't let us talk of old times〃; and she
passed her handkerchief with the tattered lace across
her eyelids。
〃Is not this a strange place;〃 she continued; 〃for a
woman; who has lived in a very different world too; to be
found in? I have had so many griefs and wrongs; Joseph
Sedley; I have been made to suffer so cruelly that I am
almost made mad sometimes。  I can't stay still in any
place; but wander about always restless and unhappy。
All my friends have been false to meall。  There is no
such thing as an honest man in the world。  I was the truest
wife that ever lived; though I married my husband out of
pique; because somebody elsebut never mind that。  I
was true; and he trampled upon me and deserted me。  I
was the fondest mother。  I had but one child; one darling;
one hope; one joy; which I held to my heart with a mother's
affection; which was my life; my prayer; mymy
blessing; and theythey tore it from metore it from
me〃; and she put her hand to her heart with a passionate
gesture of despair; burying her face for a moment on the
The brandy…bottle inside clinked up against the plate
which held the cold sausage。  Both were moved; no doubt;
by the exhibition of so much grief。  Max and Fritz were at
the door; listening with wonder to Mrs。 Becky's sobs and
cries。  Jos; too; was a good deal frightened and affected at
seeing his old flame in this condition。  And she began;
forthwith; to tell her storya tale so neat; simple; and
artless that it was quite evident from hearing her that if
ever there was a white…robed angel escaped from heaven
to be subject to the infernal machinations and villainy of
fiends here below; that spotless beingthat miserable
unsullied martyr; was present on the bed before Joson
the bed; sitting on the brandy…bottle。
They had a very long; amicable; and confidential talk
there; in the course of which Jos Sedley was somehow
made aware (but in a manner that did not in the least
scare or offend him) that Becky's heart had first learned
to beat at his enchanting presence; that George Osborne
had certainly paid an unjustifiable court to HER; which
might account for Amelia's jealousy and their little
rupture; but that Becky never gave the least encouragement
to the unfortunate officer; and that she had never ceased
to think about Jos from the very first day she had seen
him; though; of course; her duties as a married woman
were paramountduties which she had always preserved;
and would; to her dying day; or until the proverbially bad
climate in which Colonel Crawley was living should
release her from a yoke which his cruelty had rendered
odious to her。
Jos went away; convinced that she was the most virtuous;
as she was one of the most fascinating of women;
and revolving in his mind all sorts of benevolent schemes
for her welfare。  Her persecutions ought to be ended:
she ought to return to the society of which she was an
ornament。  He would see what ought to be done。  She
must quit that place and take a quiet lodging。  Amelia
must come and see her and befriend her。  He would go
and settle about it; and consult with the Major。  She wept
tears of heart…felt gratitude as she parted from him; and
pressed his hand as the gallant stout gentleman stooped
down to kiss hers。
So Becky bowed Jos out of her little garret with as
much grace as if it was a palace of which she did the
honours; and that heavy gentleman having disappeared
down the stairs; Max and Fritz came out of their hole;
pipe in mouth; and she amused herself by mimicking Jos
to them as she munched her cold bread and sausage and
took draughts of her favourite brandy…and…water。
Jos walked over to Dobbin's lodgings with great
solemnity and there imparted to him the affecting history
with which he had just been made acquainted; without;
however; mentioning the play business of the night before。
And the two gentlemen were laying their heads together
and consulting as to the best means of being useful to
Mrs。 Becky; while she was finishing h
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