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vanity fair(名利场)-第211章

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how little you knew the prize you had; though。〃 This
sentiment passed rapidly through William's mind as he
was holding Amelia's hand; whilst the handkerchief was
veiling her eyes。
〃Dear friend;〃 she said; pressing the hand which held
hers; 〃how good; how kind you always have been to me!
See!  Papa is stirring。  You will go and see Georgy
tomorrow; won't you?〃
〃Not to…morrow;〃 said poor old Dobbin。  〃I have
business。〃 He did not like to own that he had not as yet
been to his parents' and his dear sister Annea
remissness for which I am sure every well…regulated
person will blame the Major。  And presently he took his
leave; leaving his address behind him for Jos; against the
latter's arrival。  And so the first day was over; and he
had seen her。
When he got back to the Slaughters'; the roast fowl
was of course cold; in which condition he ate it for
supper。  And knowing what early hours his family kept; and
that it would be needless to disturb their slumbers at so
late an hour; it is on record; that Major Dobbin treated
himself to half…price at the Haymarket Theatre that
evening; where let us hope he enjoyed himself。

The Old Piano
The Major's visit left old John Sedley in a great state of
agitation and excitement。  His daughter could not induce
him to settle down to his customary occupations or
amusements that night。  He passed the evening fumbling
amongst his boxes and desks; untying his papers with
trembling hands; and sorting and arranging them against
Jos's arrival。  He had them in the greatest orderhis
tapes and his files; his receipts; and his letters with
lawyers and correspondents; the documents relative to
the wine project (which failed from a most unaccountable
accident; after commencing with the most splendid
prospects); the coal project (which only a want of capital
prevented from becoming the most successful scheme
ever put before the public); the patent saw…mills and
sawdust consolidation project; &c。; &c。  All night; until a
very late hour; he passed in the preparation of these
documents; trembling about from one room to another;
with a quivering candle and shaky hands。  Here's the wine
papers; here's the sawdust; here's the coals; here's my
letters to Calcutta and Madras; and replies from Major
Dobbin; C。B。; and Mr。 Joseph Sedley to the same。  〃He
shall find no irregularity about ME; Emmy;〃 the old
gentleman said。
Emmy smiled。  〃I don't think Jos will care about seeing
those papers; Papa;〃 she said。
〃You don't know anything about business; my dear;〃
answered the sire; shaking his head with an important
air。  And it must be confessed that on this point Emmy
was very ignorant; and that is a pity some people are so
knowing。  All these twopenny documents arranged on a
side table; old Sedley covered them carefully over with
a clean bandanna handkerchief (one out of Major
Dobbin's lot) and enjoined the maid and landlady of the
house; in the most solemn way; not to disturb those
papers; which were arranged for the arrival of Mr。 Joseph
Sedley the next morning; 〃Mr。 Joseph Sedley of the
Honourable East India Company's Bengal Civil Service。〃
Amelia found him up very early the next morning;
more eager; more hectic; and more shaky than ever。  〃I
didn't sleep much; Emmy; my dear;〃 he said。  〃I was
thinking of my poor Bessy。  I wish she was alive; to ride
in Jos's carriage once again。  She kept her own and
became it very well。〃 And his eyes filled with tears; which
trickled down his furrowed old face。  Amelia wiped them
away; and smilingly kissed him; and tied the old man's
neckcloth in a smart bow; and put his brooch into his
best shirt frill; in which; in his Sunday suit of mourning;
he sat from six o'clock in the morning awaiting the
arrival of his son。
However; when the postman made his appearance; the
little party were put out of suspense by the receipt of a
letter from Jos to his sister; who announced that he felt
a little fatigued after his voyage; and should not be able
to move on that day; but that he would leave Southampton
early the next morning and be with his father and
mother at evening。  Amelia; as she read out the letter to
her father; paused over the latter word; her brother; it
was clear; did not know what had happened in the family。
Nor could he; for the fact is that; though the Major
rightly suspected that his travelling companion never
would be got into motion in so short a space as twenty…
four hours; and would find some excuse for delaying; yet
Dobbin had not written to Jos to inform him of the
calamity which had befallen the Sedley family; being
occupied in talking with Amelia until long after post…hour。
There are some splendid tailors' shops in the High
Street of Southampton; in the fine plate…glass windows
of which hang gorgeous waistcoats of all sorts; of silk
and velvet; and gold and crimson; and pictures of the
last new fashions; in which those wonderful gentlemen
with quizzing glasses; and holding on to little boys with
the exceeding large eyes and curly hair; ogle ladies in
riding habits prancing by the Statue of Achilles at Apsley
House。  Jos; although provided with some of the most
splendid vests that Calcutta could furnish; thought he
could not go to town until he was supplied with one or
two of these garments; and selected a crimson satin;
embroidered with gold butterflies; and a black and red
velvet tartan with white stripes and a rolling collar; with
which; and a rich blue satin stock and a gold pin;
consisting of a five…barred gate with a horseman in pink
enamel jumping over it; he thought he might make his
entry into London with some dignity。  For Jos's former
shyness and blundering blushing timidity had given way
to a more candid and courageous self…assertion of his
worth。  〃I don't care about owning it;〃 Waterloo Sedley
would say to his friends; 〃I am a dressy man〃; and
though rather uneasy if the ladies looked at him at the
Government House balls; and though he blushed and
turned away alarmed under their glances; it was chiefly
from a dread lest they should make love to him that he
avoided them; being averse to marriage altogether。  But
there was no such swell in Calcutta as Waterloo Sedley;
I have heard say; and he had the handsomest turn…out;
gave the best bachelor dinners; and had the finest plate
in the whole place。
To make these waistcoats for a man of his size and
dignity took at least a day; part of which he employed in
hiring a servant to wait upon him and his native and in
instructing the agent who cleared his baggage; his boxes;
his books; which he never read; his chests of mangoes;
chutney; and curry…powders; his shawls for presents to
people whom he didn't know as yet; and the rest of his
Persicos apparatus。
At length; he drove leisurely to London on the third
day and in the new waistcoat; the native; with chattering
teeth; shuddering in a shawl on the box by the side of the
new European servant; Jos puffing his pipe at intervals
within and looking so majestic that the little boys cried
Hooray; and many people thought he must be a
Governor…General。  HE; I promise; did not decline the
obsequious invitation of the landlords to alig
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