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vanity fair(名利场)-第208章

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neat country towns where landlords came out to
welcome him with smiles and bows; by pretty roadside inns;
where the signs hung on the elms; and horses and
waggoners were drinking under the chequered shadow of the
trees; by old halls and parks; rustic hamlets clustered
round ancient grey churchesand through the charming
friendly English landscape。  Is there any in the world
like it? To a traveller returning home it looks so kind
it seems to shake hands with you as you pass through it。
Well; Major Dobbin passed through all this from
Southampton to London; and without noting much beyond the
milestones along the road。  You see he was so eager to
see his parents at Camberwell。
He grudged the time lost between Piccadilly and his
old haunt at the Slaughters'; whither he drove faithfully。
Long years had passed since he saw it last; since he and
George; as young men; had enjoyed many a feast; and
held many a revel there。  He had now passed into the
stage of old…fellow…hood。  His hair was grizzled; and many
a passion and feeling of his youth had grown grey in that
interval。  There; however; stood the old waiter at the
door; in the same greasy black suit; with the same
double chin and flaccid face; with the same huge bunch of
seals at his fob; rattling his money in his pockets as
before; and receiving the Major as if he had gone away
only a week ago。  〃Put the Major's things in twenty…three;
that's his room;〃 John said; exhibiting not the least
surprise。  〃Roast fowl for your dinner; I suppose。  You ain't
got married? They said you was marriedthe Scotch
surgeon of yours was here。  No; it was Captain Humby of
the thirty…third; as was quartered with the th in Injee。
Like any warm water? ~What do you come in a chay for
ain't the coach good enough?〃 And with this; the faithful
waiter; who knew and remembered every officer who
used the house; and with whom ten years were but as
yesterday; led the way up to Dobbin's old room; where
stood the great moreen bed; and the shabby carpet; a
thought more dingy; and all the old black furniture
covered with faded chintz; just as the Major recollected
them in his youth。
He remembered George pacing up and down the room;
and biting his nails; and swearing that the Governor must
come round; and that if he didn't; he didn't care a straw;
on the day before he was married。  He could fancy him
walking in; banging the door of Dobbin's room; and his
own hard by
〃You ain't got young;〃 John said; calmly surveying his
friend of former days。
Dobbin laughed。  〃Ten years and a fever don't make a
man young; John;〃 he said。  〃It is you that are always
youngno; you are always old。〃
〃What became of Captain Osborne's widow?〃 John
said。  〃Fine young fellow that。  Lord; how he used to
spend his money。  He never came back after that day he
was marched from here。  He owes me three pound at this
minute。  Look here; I have it in my book。  'April 10;
1815; Captain Osborne:  '3pounds。' I wonder whether his
father would pay me;〃 and so saying; John of the Slaughters'
pulled out the very morocco pocket…book in which
he had noted his loan to the Captain; upon a greasy
faded page still extant; with many other scrawled
memoranda regarding the bygone frequenters of the house。
Having inducted his customer into the room; John
retired with perfect calmness; and Major Dobbin; not
without a blush and a grin at his own absurdity; chose out of
his kit the very smartest and most becoming civil
costume he possessed; and laughed at his own tanned face
and grey hair; as he surveyed them in the dreary little
toilet…glass on the dressing…table。
〃I'm glad old John didn't forget me;〃 he thought。
〃She'll know me; too; I hope。〃 And he sallied out of the
inn; bending his steps once more in the direction of
Every minute incident of his last meeting with Amelia
was present to the constant man's mind as he walked
towards her house。  The arch and the Achilles statue were
up since he had last been in Piccadilly; a hundred
changes had occurred which his eye and mind vaguely
noted。  He began to tremble as he walked up the lane
from Brompton; that well…remembered lane leading to
the street where she lived。  Was she going to be married
or not? If he were to meet her with the little boyGood
God; what should he do? He saw a woman coming to him
with a child of five years oldwas that she? He began
to shake at the mere possibility。  When he came up to
the row of houses; at last; where she lived; and to the
gate; he caught hold of it and paused。  He might have
heard the thumping of his own heart。  〃May God Almighty
bless her; whatever has happened;〃 he thought to
himself。  〃Psha!  she may be gone from here;〃 he said
and went in through the gate。
The window of the parlour which she used to occupy
was open; and there were no inmates in the room。  The
Major thought he recognized the piano; though; with the
picture over it; as it used to be in former days; and his
perturbations were renewed。  Mr。 Clapp's brass plate was
still on the door; at the knocker of which Dobbin
performed a summons。
A buxom…looking lass of sixteen; with bright eyes and
purple cheeks; came to answer the knock and looked
hard at the Major as he leant back against the little
He was as pale as a ghost and could hardly falter out
the words〃Does Mrs。 Osborne live here?〃
She looked him hard in the face for a momentand
then turning white toosaid; 〃Lord bless meit's
Major Dobbin。〃 She held out both her hands shaking
〃Don't you remember me?〃 she said。  〃I used to call you
Major Sugarplums。〃 On which; and I believe it was for
the first time that he ever so conducted himself in his
life; the Major took the girl in his arms and kissed her。
She began to laugh and cry hysterically; and calling out
〃Ma; Pa!〃 with all her voice; brought up those worthy
people; who had already been surveying the Major from
the casement of the ornamental kitchen; and were
astonished to find their daughter in the little passage in
the embrace of a great tall man in a blue frock…coat and
white duck trousers。
〃I'm an old friend;〃 he saidnot without blushing
though。  〃Don't you remember me; Mrs。 Clapp; and those
good cakes you used to make for tea? Don't you recollect
me; Clapp? I'm George's godfather; and just come
back from India。〃 A great shaking of hands ensued
Mrs。 Clapp was greatly affected and delighted; she called
upon heaven to interpose a vast many times in that
The landlord and landlady of the house led the worthy
Major into the Sedleys' room (whereof he remembered
every single article of furniture; from the old brass
ornamented piano; once a natty little instrument; Stothard
maker; to the screens and the alabaster miniature tombstone;
in the midst of which ticked Mr。 Sedley's gold
watch); and there; as he sat down in the lodger's vacant
arm…chair; the father; the mother; and the daughter;
with a thousand ejaculatory breaks in the narrative;
informed Major Dobbin of what we know already; but of
particulars in Amelia's history of which he was not aware
namely of Mrs。 Sedley's death; of George's reconcilement
with his grandfather Osborne; of the way in which
the widow took
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