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vanity fair(名利场)-第155章

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of the descendant of the Malonys and the Molloys。  Her
Ladyship; our old acquaintance; is as much at home at
Madras as at Brussels in the cantonment as under the
tents。  On the march you saw her at the head of the
regiment seated on a royal elephant; a noble sight。
Mounted on that beast; she has been into action with tigers
in the jungle; she has been received by native princes; who
have welcomed her and Glorvina into the recesses of their
zenanas and offered her shawls and jewels which it went
to her heart to refuse。  The sentries of all arms salute her
wherever she makes her appearance; and she touches her
hat gravely to their salutation。  Lady O'Dowd is one of the
greatest ladies in the Presidency of Madrasher quarrel
with Lady Smith; wife of Sir Minos Smith the puisne judge;
is still remembered by some at Madras; when the Colonel's
lady snapped her fingers in the Judge's lady's face and said
SHE'D never walk behind ever a beggarly civilian。  Even
now; though it is five…and…twenty years ago; people
remember Lady O'Dowd performing a jig at Government
House; where she danced down two Aides…de…Camp; a
Major of Madras cavalry; and two gentlemen of the Civil
Service; and; persuaded by Major Dobbin; C。B。; second in
command of the th; to retire to the supper…room; lassata
nondum satiata recessit。
Peggy O'Dowd is indeed the same as ever; kind in act and
thought; impetuous in temper; eager to command; a tyrant
over her Michael; a dragon amongst all the ladies of the
regiment; a mother to all the young men; whom she tends
in their sickness; defends in all their scrapes; and with
whom Lady Peggy is immensely popular。  But the
Subalterns' and Captains' ladies (the Major is unmarried)
cabal against her a good deal。  They say that Glorvina gives
herself airs and that Peggy herself is ill tolerably
domineering。  She interfered with a little congregation
which Mrs。 Kirk had got up and laughed the young men
away from her sermons; stating that a soldier's wife had no
business to be a parsonthat Mrs。 Kirk would be much
better mending her husband's clothes; and; if the regiment
wanted sermons; that she had the finest in the world; those
of her uncle; the Dean。  She abruptly put a termination to a
flirtation which Lieutenant Stubble of the regiment had
commenced with the Surgeon's wife; threatening to come
down upon Stubble for the money which he had borrowed
from her (for the young fellow was still of an extravagant
turn) unless he broke off at once and went to the Cape on
sick leave。  On the other hand; she housed and sheltered
Mrs。 Posky; who fled from her bungalow one night;
pursued by her infuriate husband; wielding his second
brandy bottle; and actually carried Posky through the
delirium tremens and broke him of the habit of drinking;
which had grown upon that officer; as all evil habits will
grow upon men。  In a word; in adversity she was the best
of comforters; in good fortune the most troublesome of
friends; having a perfectly good opinion of herself always
and an indomitable resolution to have her own way。
Among other points; she had made up her mind that
Glorvina should marry our old friend Dobbin。  Mrs。 O'Dowd
knew the Major's expectations and appreciated his good
qualities and the high character which he enjoyed in his
profession。  Glorvina; a very handsome; fresh…coloured;
black…haired; blue…eyed young lady; who could ride a
horse; or play a sonata with any girl out of the County
Cork; seemed to be the very person destined to insure
Dobbin's happinessmuch more than that poor good little
weak…spur'ted Amelia; about whom he used to take on so。
〃Look at Glorvina enter a room;〃 Mrs。 O'Dowd would say;
〃and compare her with that poor Mrs。 Osborne; who
couldn't say boo to a goose。  She'd be worthy of you; Major
you're a quiet man yourself; and want some one to talk for
ye。  And though she does not come of such good blood as
the Malonys or Molloys; let me tell ye; she's of an ancient
family that any nobleman might be proud to marry into。〃
But before she had come to such a resolution and determined to
subjugate Major Dobbin by her endearments; it must be owned
that Glorvina had practised them a good deal elsewhere。  She had
had a season in Dublin; and who knows how many in Cork;
Killarney; and Mallow? She had flirted with all the marriageable
officers whom the depots of her country afforded; and all the
bachelor squires who seemed eligible。  She had been
engaged to be married a half…score times in Ireland;
besides the clergyman at Bath who used her so ill。  She had
flirted all the way to Madras with the Captain and chief
mate of the Ramchunder East Indiaman; and had a season
at the Presidency with her brother and Mrs。 O'Dowd; who
was staying there; while the Major of the regiment was in
command at the station。  Everybody admired her there;
everybody danced with her; but no one proposed who was
worth the marryingone or two exceedingly young
subalterns sighed after her; and a beardless civilian or two;
but she rejected these as beneath her pretensionsand
other and younger virgins than Glorvina were married
before her。  There are women; and handsome women too;
who have this fortune in life。  They fall in love with the
utmost generosity; they ride and walk with half the
Army…list; though they draw near to forty; and yet the
Misses O'Grady are the Misses O'Grady still:  Glorvina
persisted that but for Lady O'Dowd's unlucky quarrel with
the Judge's lady; she would have made a good match at
Madras; where old Mr。 Chutney; who was at the head of
the civil service (and who afterwards married Miss Dolby;
a young lady only thirteen years of age who had just
arrived from school in Europe); was just at the point of
proposing to her。
Well; although Lady O'Dowd and Glorvina quarrelled a
great number of times every day; and upon almost every
conceivable subjectindeed; if Mick O'Dowd had not
possessed the temper of an angel two such women
constantly about his ears would have driven him out of his
sensesyet they agreed between themselves on this point;
that Glorvina should marry Major Dobbin; and were
determined that the Major should have no rest until the
arrangement was brought about。  Undismayed by forty or
fifty previous defeats; Glorvina laid siege to him。  She sang
Irish melodies at him unceasingly。  She asked him so
frequently and pathetically; Will ye come to the bower?
that it is a wonder how any man of feeling could have
resisted the invitation。  She was never tired of inquiring; if
Sorrow had his young days faded; and was ready to listen
and weep like Desdemona at the stories of his dangers and
his campaigns。  It has been
said that our honest and dear old friend used to perform
on the flute in private; Glorvina insisted upon having duets
with him; and Lady O'Dowd would rise and artlessly quit
the room when the young couple were so engaged。
Glorvina forced the Major to ride with her of mornings。  The
whole cantonment saw them set out and return。  She was
constantly writing notes over to him at his house;
borrowing his books; and scoring with her great
pencil…marks such passages of sentiment or humour as
awakened her sympathy。
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