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vanity fair(名利场)-第135章

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gratuities; and how Mr。 Pitt had only once made his
appearance in London; when he stopped for a few days
at the house; did business with his lawyers there; and sold
off all Miss Crawley's French novels to a bookseller out
of Bond Street。  Becky had reasons of her own which
caused her to long for the arrival of her new relation。
〃When Lady Jane comes;〃 thought she; 〃she shall be my
sponsor in London society; and as for the women! bah!
the women will ask me when they find the men want to
see me。〃
An article as necessary to a lady in this position as her
brougham or her bouquet is her companion。  I have
always admired the way in which the tender creatures; who
cannot exist without sympathy; hire an exceedingly plain
friend of their own sex from whom they are almost
inseparable。  The sight of that inevitable woman in her
faded gown seated behind her dear friend in the opera…
box; or occupying the back seat of the barouche; is
always a wholesome and moral one to me; as jolly a
reminder as that of the Death's…head which figured in
the repasts of Egyptian bon…vivants; a strange sardonic
memorial of Vanity Fair。  What? even battered; brazen;
beautiful; conscienceless; heartless; Mrs。 Firebrace; whose
father died of her shame:  even lovely; daring Mrs。
Mantrap; who will ride at any fence which any man in
England will take; and who drives her greys in the
park; while her mother keeps a huckster's stall in Bath
stilleven those who are so bold; one might fancy
they could face anything dare not face the world without
a female friend。  They must have somebody to cling to; the
affectionate creatures!  And you will hardly see them in
any public place without a shabby companion in a dyed
silk; sitting somewhere in the shade close behind them。
〃Rawdon;〃 said Becky; very late one night; as a party
of gentlemen were seated round her crackling drawing…
room fire (for the men came to her house to finish the
night; and she had ice and coffee for them; the best in
London):  〃I must have a sheep…dog。〃
〃A what?〃 said Rawdon; looking up from an ecarte
〃A sheep…dog!〃 said young Lord Southdown。  〃My dear
Mrs。 Crawley; what a fancy!  Why not have a Danish
dog? I know of one as big as a camel…leopard; by Jove。
It would almost pull your brougham。  Or a Persian
greyhound; eh? (I propose; if you please); or a little pug
that would go into one of Lord Steyne's snuff…boxes?
There's a man at Bayswater got one with such a nose that
you mightI mark the king and playthat you might
hang your hat on it。〃
〃I mark the trick;〃 Rawdon gravely said。  He attended
to his game commonly and didn't much meddle with
the conversation; except when it was about horses and
〃What CAN you want with a shepherd's dog?〃 the lively
little Southdown continued。
〃I mean a MORAL shepherd's dog;〃 said Becky; laughing
and looking up at Lord Steyne。
〃What the devil's that?〃 said his Lordship。
〃A dog to keep the wolves off me;〃 Rebecca continued。
〃A companion。〃
〃Dear little innocent lamb; you want one;〃 said the
marquis; and his jaw thrust out; and he began to grin
hideously; his little eyes leering towards Rebecca。
The great Lord of Steyne was standing by the fire
sipping coffee。  The fire crackled and blazed pleasantly
There was a score of candles sparkling round the mantel
piece; in all sorts of quaint sconces; of gilt and bronze and
porcelain。  They lighted up Rebecca's figure to admiration;
as she sat on a sofa covered with a pattern of gaudy
flowers。  She was in a pink dress that looked as fresh as
a rose; her dazzling white arms and shoulders were half…
covered with a thin hazy scarf through which they
sparkled; her hair hung in curls round her neck; one of her
little feet peeped out from the fresh crisp folds of the
silk:  the prettiest little foot in the prettiest little sandal
in the finest silk stocking in the world。
The candles lighted up Lord Steyne's shining bald head;
which was fringed with red hair。  He had thick bushy
eyebrows; with little twinkling bloodshot eyes; surrounded
by a thousand wrinkles。  His jaw was underhung; and
when he laughed; two white buck…teeth protruded
themselves and glistened savagely in the midst of the grin。
He had been dining with royal personages; and wore
his garter and ribbon。  A short man was his Lordship;
broad…chested and bow…legged; but proud of the fineness
of his foot and ankle; and always caressing his garter…
〃And so the shepherd is not enough;〃 said he; 〃to
defend his lambkin?〃
〃The shepherd is too fond of playing at cards and going
to his clubs;〃 answered Becky; laughing。
〃 'Gad; what a debauched Corydon!〃 said my lord
〃what a mouth for a pipe!〃
〃I take your three to two;〃 here said Rawdon; at the
〃Hark at Meliboeus;〃 snarled the noble marquis; 〃he's
pastorally occupied too:  he's shearing a Southdown。
What an innocent mutton; hey? Damme; what a snowy
Rebecca's eyes shot out gleams of scornful humour。
〃My lord;〃 she said; 〃you are a knight of the Order。〃
He had the collar round his neck; indeeda gift of the
restored princes of Spain。
Lord Steyne in early life had been notorious for his
daring and his success at play。  He had sat up two days
and two nights with Mr。 Fox at hazard。  He had won
money of the most august personages of the realm:  he
had won his marquisate; it was said; at the gaming…
table; but he did not like an allusion to those bygone
fredaines。  Rebecca saw the scowl gathering over his heavy
She rose up from her sofa and went and took his coffee
cup out of his hand with a little curtsey。  〃Yes;〃 she said;
〃I must get a watchdog。  But he won't bark at YOU。
And; going into the other drawing…room; she sat down to
the piano and began to sing little French songs in such a
charming; thrilling voice that the mollified nobleman
speedily followed her into that chamber; and might be seen
nodding his head and bowing time over her。
Rawdon and his friend meanwhile played ecarte until
they had enough。  The Colonel won; but; say that he won
ever so much and often; nights like these; which occurred
many times in the weekhis wife having all the talk and
all the admiration; and he sitting silent without the circle;
not comprehending a word of the jokes; the allusions; the
mystical language withinmust have been rather
wearisome to the ex…dragoon。
〃How is Mrs。 Crawley's husband?〃 Lord Steyne used
to say to him by way of a good day when they met; and
indeed that was now his avocation in life。  He was
Colonel Crawley no more。  He was Mrs。 Crawley's husband。
About the little Rawdon; if nothing has been said all
this while; it is because he is hidden upstairs in a garret
somewhere; or has crawled below into the kitchen for
companionship。  His mother scarcely ever took notice of
him。  He passed the days with his French bonne as long
as that domestic remained in Mr。 Crawley's family; and
when the Frenchwoman went away; the little fellow;
howling in the loneliness of the night; had compassion taken
on him by a housemaid; who took him out of his solitary
nursery into her bed in the garret hard by and comforted
Rebecca; my Lord Steyne; and one or two more were
in th
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