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vanity fair(名利场)-第130章

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title of Colonel on his card are the only relics of his
military profession。
It has been mentioned that Rebecca; soon after her
arrival in Paris; took a very smart and leading position in
the society of that capital; and was welcomed at some
of the most distinguished houses of the restored French
nobility。  The English men of fashion in Paris courted her;
too; to the disgust of the ladies their wives; who could
not bear the parvenue。  For some months the salons
of the Faubourg St。  Germain; in which her place was
secured; and the splendours of the new Court; where she
was received with much distinction; delighted and
perhaps a little intoxicated Mrs。 Crawley; who may have
been disposed during this period of elation to slight the
peoplehonest young military men mostlywho formed
her husband's chief society。
But the Colonel yawned sadly among the Duchesses
and great ladies of the Court。  The old women who
played ecarte made such a noise about a five…franc
piece that it was not worth Colonel Crawley's while to
sit down at a card…table。  The wit of their conversation he
could not appreciate; being ignorant of their language。
And what good could his wife get; he urged; by making
curtsies every night to a whole circle of Princesses? He
left Rebecca presently to frequent these parties alone;
resuming his own simple pursuits and amusements
amongst the amiable friends of his own choice。
The truth is; when we say of a gentleman that he
lives elegantly on nothing a year; we use the word
〃nothing〃 to signify something unknown; meaning; simply;
that we don't know how the gentleman in question defrays
the expenses of his establishment。  Now; our friend the
Colonel had a great aptitude for all games of chance:
and exercising himself; as he continually did; with the
cards; the dice…box; or the cue; it is natural to suppose
that he attained a much greater skill in the use of these
articles than men can possess who only occasionally
handle them。  To use a cue at billiards well is like using a
pencil; or a German flute; or a small…swordyou cannot
master any one of these implements at first; and it is only
by repeated study and perseverance; joined to a natural
taste; that a man can excel in the handling of either。
Now Crawley; from being only a brilliant amateur; had
grown to be a consummate master of billiards。  Like a
great General; his genius used to rise with the danger;
and when the luck had been unfavourable to him for a
whole game; and the bets were consequently against him;
he would; with consummate skill and boldness; make
some prodigious hits which would restore the battle; and
come in a victor at the end; to the astonishment of
everybodyof everybody; that is; who was a stranger to his
play。  Those who were accustomed to see it were cautious
how they staked their money against a man of such
sudden resources and brilliant and overpowering skill。
At games of cards he was equally skilful; for though
he would constantly lose money at the commencement
of an evening; playing so carelessly and making such
blunders; that newcomers were often inclined to think
meanly of his talent; yet when roused to action and
awakened to caution by repeated small losses; it was
remarked that Crawley's play became quite different; and
that he was pretty sure of beating his enemy thoroughly
before the night was over。  Indeed; very few men could
say that they ever had the better of him。
His successes were so repeated that no wonder the
envious and the vanquished spoke sometimes with
bitterness regarding them。  And as the French say of the
Duke of Wellington; who never suffered a defeat; that
only an astonishing series of lucky accidents enabled him
to be an invariable winner; yet even they allow that he
cheated at Waterloo; and was enabled to win the last
great trick:  so it was hinted at headquarters in England
that some foul play must have taken place in order to
account for the continuous successes of Colonel Crawley。
Though Frascati's and the Salon were open at that time
in Paris; the mania for play was so widely spread that
the public gambling…rooms did not suffice for the general
ardour; and gambling went on in private houses as
much as if there had been no public means for gratifying
the passion。  At Crawley's charming little reunions of an
evening this fatal amusement commonly was practised
much to good…natured little Mrs。 Crawley's annoyance。
She spoke about her husband's passion for dice with the
deepest grief; she bewailed it to everybody who came to
her house。  She besought the young fellows never; never
to touch a box; and when young Green; of the Rifles;
lost a very considerable sum of money; Rebecca passed a
whole night in tears; as the servant told the unfortunate
young gentleman; and actually went on her knees to her
husband to beseech him to remit the debt; and burn the
acknowledgement。  How could he? He had lost just as
much himself to Blackstone of the Hussars; and Count
Punter of the Hanoverian Cavalry。  Green might have any
decent time; but pay?of course he must pay; to talk
of burning IOU's was child's play。
Other officers; chiefly youngfor the young fellows
gathered round Mrs。 Crawleycame from her parties
with long faces; having dropped more or less money at
her fatal card…tables。  Her house began to have an
unfortunate reputation。  The old hands warned the less
experienced of their danger。  Colonel O'Dowd; of the th
regiment; one of those occupying in Paris; warned
Lieutenant Spooney of that corps。  A loud and violent fracas
took place between the infantry Colonel and his lady;
who were dining at the Cafe de Paris; and Colonel and
Mrs。 Crawley; who were also taking their meal there。
The ladies engaged on both sides。  Mrs。 O'Dowd snapped
her fingers in Mrs。 Crawley's face and called her
husband 〃no betther than a black…leg。〃 Colonel Crawley
challenged Colonel O'Dowd; C。B。  The Commander…in…Chief
hearing of the dispute sent for Colonel Crawley; who was
getting ready the same pistols 〃which he shot Captain
Marker;〃 and had such a conversation with him that no
duel took place。  If Rebecca had not gone on her knees
to General Tufto; Crawley would have been sent back
to England; and he did not play; except with civilians;
for some weeks after。
But; in spite of Rawdon's undoubted skill and constant
successes; it became evident to Rebecca; considering
these things; that their position was but a precarious
one; and that; even although they paid scarcely anybody;
their little capital would end one day by dwindling into
zero。  〃Gambling;〃 she would say; 〃dear; is good to help
your income; but not as an income itself。  Some day
people may be tired of play; and then where are we?〃
Rawdon acquiesced in the justice of her opinion; and in
truth he had remarked that after a few nights of his
little suppers; &c。; gentlemen were tired of play with him;
and; in spite of Rebecca's charms; did not present
themselves very eagerly。
Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was; it was
after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling; and
Rebecca saw that she must push Rawdon's fortune in
their own country。  She must get him a place
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