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vanity fair(名利场)-第13章

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not to…morrow? need not be told here。  To…morrow came;
and; as sure as fate; Mr。 Joseph Sedley made his
appearance before luncheon。  He had never been known
before to confer such an honour on Russell Square。  George
Osborne was somehow there already (sadly 〃putting out〃
Amelia; who was writing to her twelve dearest friends at
Chiswick Mall); and Rebecca was employed upon her
yesterday's work。  As Joe's buggy drove up; and while; after
his usual thundering knock and pompous bustle at the
door; the ex…Collector of Boggley Wollah laboured up
stairs to the drawing…room; knowing glances were
telegraphed between Osborne and Miss Sedley; and the pair;
smiling archly; looked at Rebecca; who actually blushed
as she bent her fair ringlets over her knitting。  How her
heart beat as Joseph appearedJoseph; puffing from the
staircase in shining creaking bootsJoseph; in a new
waistcoat; red with heat and nervousness; and blushing
behind his wadded neckcloth。  It was a nervous moment
for all; and as for Amelia; I think she was more frightened
than even the people most concerned。
Sambo; who flung open the door and announced Mr。
Joseph; followed grinning; in the Collector's rear; and
bearing two handsome nosegays of flowers; which the
monster had actually had the gallantry to purchase in
Covent Garden Market that morningthey were not as
big as the haystacks which ladies carry about with them
now…a…days; in cones of filigree paper; but the young
women were delighted with the gift; as Joseph presented
one to each; with an exceedingly solemn bow。
〃Bravo; Jos!〃 cried Osborne。
〃Thank you; dear Joseph;〃 said Amelia; quite ready to
kiss her brother; if he were so minded。  (And I think for
a kiss from such a dear creature as Amelia; I would
purchase all Mr。 Lee's conservatories out of hand。)
〃O heavenly; heavenly flowers!〃 exclaimed Miss Sharp;
and smelt them delicately; and held them to her bosom;
and cast up her eyes to the ceiling; in an ecstasy of
admiration。  Perhaps she just looked first into the bouquet;
to see whether there was a billet…doux hidden among the
flowers; but there was no letter。
〃Do they talk the language of flowers at Boggley
Wollah; Sedley?〃 asked Osborne; laughing。
〃Pooh; nonsense!〃 replied the sentimental youth。
〃Bought 'em at Nathan's; very glad you like 'em; and eh;
Amelia; my dear; I bought a pine…apple at the same
time; which I gave to Sambo。  Let's have it for tiffin;
very cool and nice this hot weather。〃 Rebecca said she
had never tasted a pine; and longed beyond everything
to taste one。
So the conversation went on。  I don't know on what
pretext Osborne left the room; or why; presently; Amelia
went away; perhaps to superintend the slicing of the
pine…apple; but Jos was left alone with Rebecca; who had
resumed her work; and the green silk and the shining
needles were quivering rapidly under her white slender
〃What a beautiful; BYOO…OOTIFUL song that was you sang
last night; dear Miss Sharp;〃 said the Collector。  〃It made
me cry almost; 'pon my honour it did。〃
〃Because you have a kind heart; Mr。 Joseph; all the
Sedleys have; I think。〃
〃It kept me awake last night; and I was trying to hum
it this morning; in bed; I was; upon my honour。  Gollop;
my doctor; came in at eleven (for I'm a sad invalid; you
know; and see Gollop every day); and; 'gad! there I
was; singing away likea robin。〃
〃O you droll creature! Do let me hear you sing it。〃
〃Me? No; you; Miss Sharp; my dear Miss Sharp; do
sing it。
〃Not now; Mr。 Sedley;〃 said Rebecca; with a sigh。  〃My
spirits are not equal to it; besides; I must finish the
purse。  Will you help me; Mr。 Sedley?〃 And before he had
time to ask how; Mr。 Joseph Sedley; of the East India
Company's service; was actually seated tete…a…tete with
a young lady; looking at her with a most killing expression;
his arms stretched out before her in an imploring attitude;
and his hands bound in a web of green silk; which she
was unwinding。
In this romantic position Osborne and Amelia found
the interesting pair; when they entered to announce that
tiffin was ready。  The skein of silk was just wound round
the card; but Mr。 Jos had never spoken。
〃I am sure he will to…night; dear;〃 Amelia said; as she
pressed Rebecca's hand; and Sedley; too; had communed
with his soul; and said to himself; 〃 'Gad; I'll pop the
question at Vauxhall。〃

Dobbin of Ours
Cuff's fight with Dobbin; and the unexpected issue of
that contest; will long be remembered by every man who
was educated at Dr。 Swishtail's famous school。  The latter
Youth (who used to be called Heigh…ho Dobbin; Gee…ho
Dobbin; and by many other names indicative of puerile
contempt) was the quietest; the clumsiest; and; as it
seemed; the dullest of all Dr。 Swishtail's young gentlemen。
His parent was a grocer in the city: and it was bruited
abroad that he was admitted into Dr。 Swishtail's academy
upon what are called 〃mutual principles〃that is to
say; the expenses of his board and schooling were
defrayed by his father in goods; not money; and he
stood theremost at the bottom of the schoolin his
scraggy corduroys and jacket; through the seams of
which his great big bones were burstingas the
representative of so many pounds of tea; candles;
sugar; mottled…soap; plums (of which a very mild
proportion was supplied for the puddings of the
establishment); and other commodities。  A dreadful
day it was for young Dobbin when one of the
youngsters of the school; having run into the town upon
a poaching excursion for hardbake and polonies; espied
the cart of Dobbin & Rudge; Grocers and Oilmen; Thames
Street; London; at the Doctor's door; discharging a cargo
of the wares in which the firm dealt。
Young Dobbin had no peace after that。  The jokes were
frightful; and merciless against him。  〃Hullo; Dobbin;〃 one
wag would say; 〃here's good news in the paper。  Sugars
is ris'; my boy。〃 Another would set a sum〃If a pound
of mutton…candles cost sevenpence…halfpenny; how much
must Dobbin cost?〃 and a roar would follow from all the
circle of young knaves; usher and all; who rightly
considered that the selling of goods by retail is a shameful
and infamous practice; meriting the contempt and scorn
of all real gentlemen。
〃Your father's only a merchant; Osborne;〃 Dobbin said
in private to the little boy who had brought down the
storm upon him。  At which the latter replied haughtily;
〃My father's a gentleman; and keeps his carriage〃; and
Mr。 William Dobbin retreated to a remote outhouse in
the playground; where he passed a half…holiday in the
bitterest sadness and woe。  Who amongst us is there that
does not recollect similar hours of bitter; bitter childish
grief? Who feels injustice; who shrinks before a slight;
who has a sense of wrong so acute; and so glowing a
gratitude for kindness; as a generous boy? and how many
of those gentle souls do you degrade; estrange; torture;
for the sake of a little loose arithmetic; and miserable
Now; William Dobbin; from an incapacity to acquire
the rudiments of the above language; as they are
propounded in that wonderful book the Eton Latin Grammar;
was compelled to remain among the very last of Doctor
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