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vanity fair(名利场)-第123章

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have all sneered at me in the country for being a Tory。
Miss Crawley is liberal enough to suit any fancy。  She
is a Republican in principle; and despises everything like
rank or title。〃
〃Why are you going to marry an Earl's daughter?〃
said James。
〃My dear friend; remember it is not poor Lady Jane's
fault that she is well born;〃 Pitt replied; with a courtly
air。  〃She cannot help being a lady。  Besides; I am a
Tory; you know。〃
〃Oh; as for that;〃 said Jim; 〃there's nothing like old
blood; no; dammy; nothing like it。  I'm none of your
radicals。  I know what it is to be a gentleman; dammy。
See the chaps in a boat…race; look at the fellers in a
fight; aye; look at a dawg killing ratswhich is it wins?
the good…blooded ones。  Get some more port; Bowls; old
boy; whilst I buzz this bottle…here。  What was I asaying?〃
〃I think you were speaking of dogs killing rats;〃 Pitt
remarked mildly; handing his cousin the decanter to
〃Killing rats was I? Well; Pitt; are you a sporting
man? Do you want to see a dawg as CAN kill a rat?
If you do; come down with me to Tom Corduroy's; in
Castle Street Mews; and I'll show you such a bull…terrier
asPooh! gammon;〃 cried James; bursting out laughing
at his own absurdity〃YOU don't care about a dawg
or rat; it's all nonsense。  I'm blest if I think you know
the difference between a dog and a duck。〃
〃No; by the way;〃 Pitt continued with increased blandness;
〃it was about blood you were talking; and the
personal advantages which people derive from patrician
birth。  Here's the fresh bottle。〃
〃Blood's the word;〃 said James; gulping the ruby fluid
down。  〃Nothing like blood; sir; in hosses; dawgs; AND
men。  Why; only last term; just before I was rusticated;
that is; I mean just before I had the measles; ha; hathere
was me and Ringwood of Christchurch; Bob Ringwood;
Lord Cinqbars' son; having our beer at the Bell at
Blenheim; when the Banbury bargeman offered to fight either
of us for a bowl of punch。  I couldn't。  My arm was in a
sling; couldn't even take the drag downa brute of a
mare of mine had fell with me only two days before;
out with the Abingdon; and I thought my arm was broke。
Well; sir; I couldn't finish him; but Bob had his coat
off at oncehe stood up to the Banbury man for three
minutes; and polished him off in four rounds easy。  Gad;
how he did drop; sir; and what was it? Blood; sir; all
〃You don't drink; James;〃 the ex…attache continued。
〃In my time at Oxford; the men passed round the bottle
a little quicker than you young fellows seem to do。〃
〃Come; come;〃 said James; putting his hand to his
nose and winking at his cousin with a pair of vinous
eyes; 〃no jokes; old boy; no trying it on on me。  You
want to trot me out; but it's no go。  In vino veritas; old
boy。  Mars; Bacchus; Apollo virorum; hey? I wish my
aunt would send down some of this to the governor; it's
a precious good tap。〃
〃You had better ask her;〃 Machiavel continued; 〃or
make the best of your time now。  What says the bard?
'Nunc vino pellite curas; Cras ingens iterabimus aequor;' 〃
and the Bacchanalian; quoting the above with a House
of Commons air; tossed off nearly a thimbleful of wine
with an immense flourish of his glass。
At the Rectory; when the bottle of port wine was
opened after dinner; the young ladies had each a glass
from a bottle of currant wine。  Mrs。 Bute took one glass
of port; honest James had a couple commonly; but as
his father grew very sulky if he made further inroads
on the bottle; the good lad generally refrained from
trying for more; and subsided either into the currant wine;
or to some private gin…and…water in the stables; which
he enjoyed in the company of the coachman and his
pipe。  At Oxford; the quantity of wine was unlimited;
but the quality was inferior:  but when quantity and
quality united as at his aunt's house; James showed that
he could appreciate them indeed; and hardly needed any
of his cousin's encouragement in draining off the
second bottle supplied by Mr。 Bowls。
When the time for coffee came; however; and for a
return to the ladies; of whom he stood in awe; the young
gentleman's agreeable frankness left him; and he relapsed
into his usual surly timidity; contenting himself by
saying yes and no; by scowling at Lady Jane; and by
upsetting one cup of coffee during the evening。
If he did not speak he yawned in a pitiable manner;
and his presence threw a damp upon the modest
proceedings of the evening; for Miss Crawley and Lady Jane
at their piquet; and Miss Briggs at her work; felt that
his eyes were wildly fixed on them; and were uneasy
under that maudlin look。
〃He seems a very silent; awkward; bashful lad;〃 said
Miss Crawley to Mr。 Pitt。
〃He is more communicative in men's society than with
ladies;〃 Machiavel dryly replied:  perhaps rather
disappointed that the port wine had not made Jim
speak more。
He had spent the early part of the next morning in
writing home to his mother a most flourishing account
of his reception by Miss Crawley。  But ah! he little knew
what evils the day was bringing for him; and how short his
reign of favour was destined to be。  A circumstance
which Jim had forgottena trivial but fatal circumstance
had taken place at the Cribb's Arms on the night
before he had come to his aunt's house。  It was no other
than thisJim; who was always of a generous disposition;
and when in his cups especially hospitable; had in the
course of the night treated the Tutbury champion and
the Rottingdean man; and their friends; twice or thrice
to the refreshment of gin…and…waterso that no less than
eighteen glasses of that fluid at eightpence per glass were
charged in Mr。 James Crawley's bill。  It was not the
amount of eightpences; but the quantity of gin which
told fatally against poor James's character; when his
aunt's butler; Mr。 Bowls; went down at his mistress's
request to pay the young gentleman's bill。  The landlord;
fearing lest the account should be refused altogether;
swore solemnly that the young gent had consumed
personally every farthing's worth of the liquor:  and Bowls
paid the bill finally; and showed it on his return home
to Mrs。 Firkin; who was shocked at the frightful
prodigality of gin; and took the bill to Miss Briggs as
accountant…general; who thought it her duty to mention
the circumstance to her principal; Miss Crawley。
Had he drunk a dozen bottles of claret; the old
spinster could have pardoned him。  Mr。 Fox and Mr。
Sheridan drank claret。  Gentlemen drank claret。  But eighteen
glasses of gin consumed among boxers in an ignoble
pot…houseit was an odious crime and not to be
pardoned readily。  Everything went against the lad:  he came
home perfumed from the stables; whither he had been
to pay his dog Towzer a visitand whence he was
going to take his friend out for an airing; when he met
Miss Crawley and her wheezy Blenheim spaniel; which
Towzer would have eaten up had not the Blenheim fled
squealing to the protection of Miss Briggs; while the
atrocious master of the bull…dog stood laughing at the
horrible persecution。
This day too the unlucky boy's modesty had likewise
forsaken him。  He was lively and facetious at dinner。
During the
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