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vanity fair(名利场)-第115章

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struggle; and with only a division of the French army。
The Emperor; with the main body; was away at Ligny;
where he had utterly annihilated the Prussians; and was
now free to bring his whole force to bear upon the allies。
The Duke of Wellington was retreating upon the capital;
and a great battle must be fought under its walls
probably; of which the chances were more than doubtful。
The Duke of Wellington had but twenty thousand British
troops on whom he could rely; for the Germans were
raw militia; the Belgians disaffected; and with this handful
his Grace had to resist a hundred and fifty thousand men
that had broken into Belgium under Napoleon。  Under
Napoleon!  What warrior was there; however famous and
skilful; that could fight at odds with him?
Jos thought of all these things; and trembled。  So did
all the rest of Brusselswhere people felt that the fight
of the day before was but the prelude to the greater
combat which was imminent。  One of the armies opposed to
the Emperor was scattered to the winds already。  The
few English that could be brought to resist him would
perish at their posts; and the conqueror would pass over
their bodies into the city。  Woe be to those whom he
found there!  Addresses were prepared; public functionaries
 assembled and debated secretly; apartments were
got ready; and tricoloured banners and triumphal
emblems manufactured; to welcome the arrival of His
Majesty the Emperor and King。
The emigration still continued; and wherever families
could find means of departure; they fled。  When Jos; on
the afternoon of the 17th of June; went to Rebecca's
hotel; he found that the great Bareacres' carriage had at
length rolled away from the porte…cochere。  The Earl
had procured a pair of horses somehow; in spite of Mrs。
Crawley; and was rolling on the road to Ghent。  Louis the
Desired was getting ready his portmanteau in that city;
too。  It seemed as if Misfortune was never tired of
worrying into motion that unwieldy exile。
Jos felt that the delay of yesterday had been only a
respite; and that his dearly bought horses must of a
surety be put into requisition。  His agonies were very
severe all this day。  As long as there was an English army
between Brussels and Napoleon; there was no need of
immediate flight; but he had his horses brought from
their distant stables; to the stables in the court…yard of
the hotel where he lived; so that they might be under his
own eyes; and beyond the risk of violent abduction。
Isidor watched the stable…door constantly; and had the
horses saddled; to be ready for the start。  He longed
intensely for that event。
After the reception of the previous day; Rebecca did
not care to come near her dear Amelia。  She clipped the
bouquet which George had brought her; and gave fresh
water to the flowers; and read over the letter which he
had sent her。  〃Poor wretch;〃 she said; twirling round the
little bit of paper in her fingers; 〃how I could crush her
with this!and it is for a thing like this that she must
break her heart; forsoothfor a man who is stupida
coxcomband who does not care for her。  My poor good
Rawdon is worth ten of this creature。〃 And then she fell
to thinking what she should do ifif anything happened
to poor good Rawdon; and what a great piece of luck it
was that he had left his horses behind。
In the course of this day too; Mrs。 Crawley; who saw
not without anger the Bareacres party drive off;
bethought her of the precaution which the Countess had
taken; and did a little needlework for her own advantage;
she stitched away the major part of her trinkets; bills;
and bank…notes about her person; and so prepared; was
ready for any eventto fly if she thought fit; or to stay
and welcome the conqueror; were he Englishman or
Frenchman。  And I am not sure that she did not dream
that night of becoming a duchess and Madame la
Marechale; while Rawdon wrapped in his cloak; and making
his bivouac under the rain at Mount Saint John; was
thinking; with all the force of his heart; about the little
wife whom he had left behind him。
The next day was a Sunday。  And Mrs。 Major O'Dowd
had the satisfaction of seeing both her patients refreshed
in health and spirits by some rest which they had taken
during the night。  She herself had slept on a great chair in
Amelia's room; ready to wait upon her poor friend or the
ensign; should either need her nursing。  When morning
came; this robust woman went back to the house where
she and her Major had their billet; and here performed
an elaborate and splendid toilette; befitting the day。  And
it is very possible that whilst alone in that chamber; which
her husband had inhabited; and where his cap still lay on
the pillow; and his cane stood in the corner; one prayer at
least was sent up to Heaven for the welfare of the brave
soldier; Michael O'Dowd。
When she returned she brought her prayer…book with
her; and her uncle the Dean's famous book of sermons;
out of which she never failed to read every Sabbath; not
understanding all; haply; not pronouncing many of the
words aright; which were long and abstrusefor the
Dean was a learned man; and loved long Latin words
but with great gravity; vast emphasis; and with tolerable
correctness in the main。  How often has my Mick listened
to these sermons; she thought; and me reading in the
cabin of a calm!  She proposed to resume this exercise on
the present day; with Amelia and the wounded ensign
for a congregation。  The same service was read on that
day in twenty thousand churches at the same hour; and
millions of British men and women; on their knees;
implored protection of the Father of all。
They did not hear the noise which disturbed our little
congregation at Brussels。  Much louder than that which
had interrupted them two days previously; as Mrs。
O'Dowd was reading the service in her best voice; the
cannon of Waterloo began to roar。
When Jos heard that dreadful sound; he made up his
mind that he would bear this perpetual recurrence of
terrors no longer; and would fly at once。  He rushed into the
sick man's room; where our three friends had paused in
their prayers; and further interrupted them by a
passionate appeal to Amelia
〃I can't stand it any more; Emmy;〃 he said; 'I won't
stand it; and you must come with me。  I have bought a
horse for younever mind at what priceand you must
dress and come with me; and ride behind Isidor。〃
〃God forgive me; Mr。 Sedley; but you are no better
than a coward;〃 Mrs。 O'Dowd said; laying down the
〃I say come; Amelia;〃 the civilian went on; 〃never
mind what she says; why are we to stop here and be
butchered by the Frenchmen?〃
〃You forget the th; my boy;〃 said the little Stubble;
the wounded hero; from his bed〃and and you
won't leave me; will you; Mrs。 O'Dowd?〃
〃No; my dear fellow;〃 said she; going up and kissing
the boy。  〃No harm shall come to you while I stand by。
I don't budge till I get the word from Mick。  A pretty
figure I'd be; wouldn't I; stuck behind that chap on a
This image caused the young patient to burst out
laughing in his bed; and even made Amelia smile。  〃I
don't ask her;〃 Jos shouted out〃I don't ask thatthat
Irishwoman; but you
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