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vanity fair(名利场)-第10章

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creature; as she was。
〃To…night is not the night;〃 said Joe。
〃Well; to…morrow。〃
〃To…morrow your Papa and I dine out;〃 said Mrs。
〃You don't suppose that I'm going; Mrs。 Sed?〃 said
her husband; 〃and that a woman of your years and size
is to catch cold; in such an abominable damp place?〃
'The children must have someone with them;〃 cried
Mrs。 Sedley。
〃Let Joe go;〃 said…his father; laughing。  〃He's big
enough。〃 At which speech even Mr。 Sambo at the
sideboard burst out laughing; and poor fat Joe felt
inclined to become a parricide almost。
〃Undo his stays!〃 continued the pitiless old gentleman。
〃Fling some water in his face; Miss Sharp; or carry him
upstairs: the dear creature's fainting。  Poor victim! carry
him up; he's as light as a feather!〃
〃If I stand this; sir; I'm d!〃 roared Joseph。
〃Order Mr。 Jos's elephant; Sambo!〃 cried the father。
〃Send to Exeter 'Change; Sambo〃; but seeing Jos ready
almost to cry with vexation; the old joker stopped his
laughter; and said; holding out his hand to his son; 〃It's
all fair on the Stock Exchange; Josand; Sambo; never
mind the elephant; but give me and Mr。 Jos a glass of
Champagne。  Boney himself hasn't got such in his cellar;
my boy!〃
A goblet of Champagne restored Joseph's equanimity;
and before the bottle was emptied; of which as an invalid
he took two…thirds; he had agreed to take the young
ladies to Vauxhall。
〃The girls must have a gentleman apiece;〃 said the old
gentleman。  〃Jos will be sure to leave Emmy in the crowd;
he will be so taken up with Miss Sharp here。  Send to 96;
and ask George Osborne if he'll come。〃
At this; I don't know in the least for what reason;
Mrs。 Sedley looked at her husband and laughed。  Mr。
Sedley's eyes twinkled in a manner indescribably
roguish; and he looked at Amelia; and Amelia; hanging
down her head; blushed as only young ladies of seventeen
know how to blush; and as Miss Rebecca Sharp never
blushed in her lifeat least not since she was eight
years old; and when she was caught stealing jam out of
a cupboard by her godmother。  〃Amelia had better write
a note;〃 said her father; 〃and let George Osborne see
what a beautiful handwriting we have brought back from
Miss Pinkerton's。  Do you remember when you wrote to
him to come on Twelfth…night; Emmy; and spelt twelfth
without the f?〃
〃That was years ago;〃 said Amelia。
〃It seems like yesterday; don't it; John?〃 said Mrs。
Sedley to her husband; and that night in a conversation
which took place in a front room in the second floor;
in a sort of tent; hung round with chintz of a rich and
fantastic India pattern; and double with calico of a
tender rose…colour; in the interior of which species of
marquee was a featherbed; on which were two pillows;
on which were two round red faces; one in a laced
nightcap; and one in a simple cotton one; ending in a tassel
in A CURTAIN LECTURE; I say; Mrs。 Sedley took her
husband to task for his cruel conduct to poor Joe。
〃It was quite wicked of you; Mr。 Sedley;〃 said she;
〃to torment the poor boy so。〃
〃My dear;〃 said the cotton…tassel in defence of his
conduct; 〃Jos is a great deal vainer than you ever were
in your life; and that's saying a good deal。  Though; some
thirty years ago; in the year seventeen hundred and
eightywhat was it?perhaps you had a right to be
vainI don't say no。  But I've no patience with Jos and
his dandified modesty。  It is out…Josephing Joseph; my dear;
and all the while the boy is only thinking of himself;
and what a fine fellow he is。  I doubt; Ma'am; we shall
have some trouble with him yet。  Here is Emmy's little
friend making love to him as hard as she can; that's
quite clear; and if she does not catch him some other
will。  That man is destined to be a prey to woman; as
I am to go on 'Change every day。  It's a mercy he did
not bring us over a black daughter…in…law; my dear。  But;
mark my words; the first woman who fishes for him;
hooks him。〃
〃She shall go off to…morrow; the little artful creature;〃
said Mrs。 Sedley; with great energy。
〃Why not she as well as another; Mrs。 Sedley? The
girl's a white face at any rate。  I don't care who marries
him。  Let Joe please himself。〃
And presently the voices of the two speakers were
hushed; or were replaced by the gentle but unromantic
music of the nose; and save when the church bells
tolled the hour and the watchman called it; all was
silent at the house of John Sedley; Esquire; of Russell
Square; and the Stock Exchange。
When morning came; the good…natured Mrs。 Sedley no
longer thought of executing her threats with regard to
Miss Sharp; for though nothing is more keen; nor more
common; nor more justifiable; than maternal jealousy;
yet she could not bring herself to suppose that the little;
humble; grateful; gentle governess would dare to look
up to such a magnificent personage as the Collector of
Boggley Wollah。  The petition; too; for an extension of
the young lady's leave of absence had already been
despatched; and it would be difficult to find a pretext for
abruptly dismissing her。
And as if all things conspired in favour of the gentle
Rebecca; the very elements (although she was not
inclined at first to acknowledge their action in her behalf)
interposed to aid her。  For on the evening appointed for
the Vauxhall party; George Osborne having come to
dinner; and the elders of the house having departed;
according to invitation; to dine with Alderman Balls at
Highbury Barn; there came on such a thunder…storm as only
happens on Vauxhall nights; and as obliged the young
people; perforce; to remain at home。  Mr。 Osborne did
not seem in the least disappointed at this occurrence。
He and Joseph Sedley drank a fitting quantity of
port…wine; tete…a…tete; in the dining…room; during the
drinking of which Sedley told a number of his best Indian
stories; for he was extremely talkative in man's society;
and afterwards Miss Amelia Sedley did the honours of
the drawing…room; and these four young persons passed
such a comfortable evening together; that they declared
they were rather glad of the thunder…storm than
otherwise; which had caused them to put off their
visit to Vauxhall。
Osborne was Sedley's godson; and had been one of the
family any time these three…and…twenty years。  At six
weeks old; he had received from John Sedley a present
of a silver cup; at six months old; a coral with gold
whistle and bells; from his youth upwards he was
〃tipped〃 regularly by the old gentleman at Christmas:
and on going back to school; he remembered perfectly
well being thrashed by Joseph Sedley; when the latter
was a big; swaggering hobbadyhoy; and George an
impudent urchin of ten years old。  In a word; George was
as familiar with the family as such daily acts of
kindness and intercourse could make him。
〃Do you remember; Sedley; what a fury you were in;
when I cut off the tassels of your Hessian boots; and
how Misshem!how Amelia rescued me from a
beating; by falling down on her knees and crying out to
her brother Jos; not to beat little George?〃
Jos remembered this remarkable circumstance
perfectly well; but vowed that he had totally
forgotten it。
〃Well; do you remember coming down in a gig to Dr。
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